posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 08:20 AM
There was a great documentary on the History Channel Last Night called "Black Box UFO's." It was a study of the interaction between airlines and
UFO's. I did not know until last night that the Civilian space program (Called NASA) uses an encripted military frequency for some of their
communications. There was a siteing of a UFO from the shuttle where one of the crew said "We have a bogey!" The video showed the crew continue
talking on the "Encripted Military Channel" about the encounter.
There was another in the Apollo series where the crew member was asked a question by control and said "The alien craft is still setting there." This
was not released by NASA, but was recorded by a ham operator that was recording the flight.
Of course, NASA will neither confirm or deny either of those.
Also, there was a siteing by an aircraft that was confirmed by NORAD by their radar, and the recording of the airtraffic controller showed that, but
when the final report came out, NORAD denied the radar contact.
Anyway, it was a great show. Has anyone else seen it?