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I have prayed to the reptilians.

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If you are hearing voices telling you what to do, and they are even interfering with your normal life, and now you're praying to imaginary reptiloids from another need to see a psychiatrist. In all honesty, hearing voices is a sign of a mental disorder, and if they are actually interfereing with your normal life, you need to seek help.

You're absolutely is a mental disorder. Unfortunately many times it is facilitated and not just a natural occuring thing. All psychiatry will do is shut down paticular parts of the brain, cause other maladies,(see common and less common side effects of anti-psychotic medications) make the Pharma giants and doctors a little richer, and enroll you into the FAT AMERICA group where the numbers are growing daily.

Sad thing one of 2 responses are taken when dealing with someone who says he/she hears things, suspects someone is watching them, or sees things. They are either funned at with the tinfoil hat jokes or they are suggested psychiatric intervention must take place.

Kinda like when I had a run in with secret service because I became overly expressive in 2003 on a news message board and the strange middle eastern looking folks that came out of the apartment complex next to mine in workers garb after the secret serivce searched my apartment. Not to mention the skin head characters that gave me the "Im gonna kill you" look as they left in a old white van. It all happened at the same time after the search. "true story"

Oh yeah...I forgot...Im mentally ill and I was seeing through my fear filters after the Secret Service visit. It was just the dopamine and seratonin levels that were off. They were just maintenance men servicing a 400sf apt...all 11 of them.

I wondered what the agent meant when he asked me in my bosses office before we went to my apartment:"Do you see things?" he asked.

Some not too popular possibilities regarding the causes of mental illness and are most of the time considered a mental illness in of itself to suggest such a thing.

Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors
Loos, Hendricus
Abstract: Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be embedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity. USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002)

Method and Apparatus for Treating Auditory Hallucinations
Karell, Manuel
Abstract ~ Stimulating one or more vestibulocochlear nerves or cochlea or cochlear regions will treat, prevent and control auditory hallucinations. USP # 6,426,919 (July 30, 2002)

Portable and Hand-Held Device for Making Humanly Audible Sounds...
Gerosa, William
Abstract ~ A portable and hand-held device for making humanly audible sounds responsive to the detecting of ultrasonic sounds. The device includes a hand-held housing and circuitry that is contained in the housing. The circuitry includes a microphone that receives the ultrasonic sound, a first low voltage audio power amplifier that strengthens the signal from the microphone, a second low voltage audio power amplifier that further strengthens the signal from the first low voltage audio power amplifier, a 7-stage ripple carry binary counter that lowers the frequency of the signal from the second low voltage audio power amplifier so as to be humanly audible, a third low voltage audio power amplifier that strengthens the signal from the 7-stage ripple carry binary counter, and a speaker that generates a humanly audible sound from the third low voltage audio power amplifier. USP # 6,292,688 (September 18, 2001)

Method and Apparatus for Analyzing Neurological Response to Emotion-Inducing Stimuli
Patton, Richard
Abstract ~ A method of determining the extent of the emotional response of a test subject to stimului having a time-varying visual content, for example, an advertising presentation. The test subject is positioned to observe the presentation for a given duration, and a path of communication is established between the subject and a brain wave detector/analyzer. The intensity component of each of at least two different brain wave frequencies is measured during the exposure, and each frequency is associated with a particular emotion. While the subject views the presentation, periodic variations in the intensity component of the brain waves of each of the particular frequencies selected is measured. The change rates in the intensity at regular periods during the duration are also measured. The intensity change rates are then used to construct a graph of plural coordinate points, and these coordinate points graphically establish the composite emotional reaction of the subject as the presentation continues. USP # 6,258,022 (July 10,2001)

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
Reptilians aren't gods and they don't worship any gods. They might be of a higher sentience than you humans. But it doesn't mean they 'rule' all dimensions.

You should only seek their knowledge. But I guess if you really wanted to worship them, they wouldn't care, but you're placing your energy in the wrong direction.

The reptilians worship the sun, like all religions on earth origin from (sun worship). The reptilians in the past wanted to be worshipped direclty as gods, you can see this in ancient history of the mayans, egypt etc. The reptilians are beings of the devil, they are evil. They controll both the physical and the astral (afterlife world) exsiting in this universe.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:35 AM
The ones that are saying Reptilians are evil are the true worshippers of evil. They are the ones that serve the demiurge (satan) and embrace chaos. The ones who recognize the reptilians as guides (and they are few) are the ones that have made it past the darkness. As far as David Icke goes, he's Satan's little helper.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If you are hearing voices telling you what to do, and they are even interfering with your normal life, and now you're praying to imaginary reptiloids from another need to see a psychiatrist. In all honesty, hearing voices is a sign of a mental disorder, and if they are actually interfereing with your normal life, you need to seek help.

When people sense things out of this physical world science has no other answer then that they have a mental disorder, science don't know anything. Reptilians are not imaginary. Some of the people that believing in aliens are closeminded in the perspective of how they think aliens should look like.

Some people just believes that life is a pointless organic cycle with no reasion or purpose, for some this might be true. Some humans are just pure artificial intelligence with no soul, those don't believe in an afterlife, completely deny it, which is true to them. Everyone who question if you have a spirit already have one because your higher self communicates with you.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
The ones that are saying Reptilians are evil are the true worshippers of evil. They are the ones that serve the demiurge (satan) and embrace chaos. The ones who recognize the reptilians as guides (and they are few) are the ones that have made it past the darkness. As far as David Icke goes, he's Satan's little helper.

That's outragious! Reptilians to be used as guides? Guides to what? The New World Order? Those who say the Annunuki are evil are saying so due to the history bestowed upon them! To me, you seem to of fallen upon the reptilian scheme to show they are just as you propose them to be. They want YOU to believe they are a species that are here for us in most good ways. As for David Icke being Satan's little helper - he's a messenger of evil that harbors all plots of darkness indeed, but to show some very dark truths to those asking for it - yes, the deny ignorance factor. He has his research, he doesn't like what he found.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
The ones that are saying Reptilians are evil are the true worshippers of evil. They are the ones that serve the demiurge (satan) and embrace chaos. The ones who recognize the reptilians as guides (and they are few) are the ones that have made it past the darkness. As far as David Icke goes, he's Satan's little helper.

I'm not a worshipper of evil
. That's a blind statement. Everyone i have heard seeing reptilians feel threatened and extremely frightened. The reptilians are huge and extremely strong physicaly, one reptilian are equal to 5 mens strength combined atleast. There might be individual reptilian aliens that can be good, but the annunaki is not.

Can you please give me a source to what told that the reptilians are guides.
I suggest you read about the Annunaki (The Reptilians) in this little article before calling a worshipper of satan :S

The Anunnaki are male chauvinists with devious sexual fetishes. They are murderous and dishonest, and harbour deep resentment for the female gender, and especially for the Divine Mother. The Anunnaki attempted to eliminate all worship and acknowledgement of the Divine Mother, but the roots of this practice were so deeply imbedded in the psyche of the earthlings that the Anunnaki have been forced to tolerate acknowledgement of the Divine Mother by the inhabitants of the Earth.

The Anunnaki run a war economy, and real peace is never considered by them. They waste resources to keep people enslaved. They usurp all surpluses for their own gratification.

The Anunnaki are behind the New World Order, which has been planned for a long time. The industrial revolution was planned by Anunnaki, not to improve the lives of the masses, but to trap them with desires and dissatisfaction so that people can easily forget about spiritual existence. Besides it altered lifestyles and confused people, and moreover, it afforded items of material comfort for the ruling elite. Also, it was necessary for this stage of the Anunnaki plan to have a major scientific revolution so there would be aircraft, bombs, mass media control etc.

The NWO plan has been imposed upon many other planets in the past, and it is the basic conquest plan of the Anunnaki for every planet they conquer. The Anunnaki Remnants have had great difficulty in getting the NWO accomplished quickly because the Attas have been disrupting the Anunnaki plans and the Anunnaki Remnants lack the assistance from the Anunnaki Elite.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by InSaneTK]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 10:55 AM
The reptilians are not telling me to do anything. Why would they have to? I am here for a mere time on earth. Actions speak greater than words. The NWO is controlled by the human elite that bring destruction upon their own specie for world domination.
Your history is severely flawed. The Annunaki are not reptilians.
There is more to David Icke's propaganda. You should question his own agenda. But I doubt you will because you have already been assimilated.

The Reptilians shall once again show themselves in the year of 2012. The year of the Dragon. Where humans shall be judged and redirected in the order of time.
The Mayans btw Loved Us.

Edit: And I don't understand where you get the idea that Reptilians hate the "divine mother" Or want to impregnate human females. Do you realize how aesthetically disgusting you humans are? About as pleasing as a molerat. Now I don't mean to be rude, but Reptilians do not want to catch any of your diseases.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by laiguana]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:03 AM

The NWO is controlled by the human elite that bring destruction upon their own specied for world domination.

It is apparently so! However, the Annunuki are known to take form as merely humans, because they are greatly aroused by mankinds appearences for there own deranged sexual arousal exploitations. The human elite as you percieve is of a great many that are Annunuki beneath the false flesh. The NWO is a scheme set forth by the pending wars between the Reptilian and Vulturites, in the end up they are going to be in a war to the death to take the throne as planetary slave rulers.

Your history is severely flawed. The Annunaki are not reptilians.

Well that's all there doing, what else do you expect if you truly believe our history of them are severely flawed? They have been hiding for a millennia and it's the typical way of unvieling mysterys. As for the Annunaki, it is a species of two: Reptilians and Vulturites so it's safe to say they arent only of reptlians.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by 7Ayreon]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:17 AM
No, I'm beginning to think you are part of the evil scheme. You are one of David Icke's drones. It's impossible to reach anyone who has been assimilated by David Icke, therefore, I will leave you to your own fate in hell.

The Reptilians are and always will be the bearers of knowledge.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
The reptilians are not telling me to do anything. Why would they have to? I am here for a mere time on earth. Actions speak greater than words. The NWO is controlled by the human elite that bring destruction upon their own specie for world domination.
Your history is severely flawed. The Annunaki are not reptilians.
There is more to David Icke's propaganda. You should question his own agenda. But I doubt you will because you have already been assimilated.

The Reptilians shall once again show themselves in the year of 2012. The year of the Dragon. Where humans shall be judged and redirected in the order of time.
The Mayans btw Loved Us.

Edit: And I don't understand where you get the idea that Reptilians hate the "divine mother" Or want to impregnate human females. Do you realize how aesthetically disgusting you humans are? About as pleasing as a molerat. Now I don't mean to be rude, but Reptilians do not want to catch any of your diseases.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by laiguana]

New World Order is created by the reptilians, they do the same thing on every planet they conquer. Reptilians can shapeshift into humans, i dunno if this is for all reptilians or some sort of hybrid between humans and them. The people that brings hell upon earth are shapeshifting reptilians, the ruling elite is the Annunaki, and possibly greys (which the reptilians are not really allies with, they are gonna screw them over soon).

Also you said 2012 humans are gonna be redirected in time? I believe this as a tiny bit of truth in it seens in 2008-2009 (2012 is disinfo apparently) the Annunaki will use there Atu-waa device to restart time as they always to when the grand cycle is complete, but this time the Atu-waa is broken seens the beings of the Light that has been trapped inside the Atu-waa to empower it has been rescued. The universe will slowly crumble appart and Virtual Reality (Darkness/Satanss false realm/universe) will be no more, and everyone who have not given there will over to Darkness will be rescued, no matter the intelligence, consiousness of the human, animal, mineral the the spirit is trapped in. The spirit of earth and the 4 elements (fire, earth, water and air) have been rescued, Earth is now just an empty shell, and it is on it's wait to distruction as it can no longer mentain it's climate, not thanks to global warming but the suns (inside earth and outside in our solar system) that are spinning rapidly faster. Ok now im almost offtopic here but.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
No, I'm beginning to think you are part of the evil scheme. You are one of David Icke's drones. It's impossible to reach anyone who has been assimilated by David Icke, therefore, I will leave you to your own fate in hell.

The Reptilians are and always will be the bearers of knowledge.

Excuse me?! I am not one of David Icke's drones, I am stating what someone has formerly researched! If you have words of wisdom, please share it with us! Until you back up your claims that all what we have learned is false and severely flawed, I will stick by what is presented.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
No, I'm beginning to think you are part of the evil scheme. You are one of David Icke's drones. It's impossible to reach anyone who has been assimilated by David Icke, therefore, I will leave you to your own fate in hell.

The Reptilians are and always will be the bearers of knowledge.

I have watched David Icke, but i didn't know he even exsisted when i first came over this knowlegde, i am independed on searching the truth. David Icke is right about quite a few things.

You also seem to think we humans are war hungry scumbags. Many accept that as human nature, but that is a lie. Every war in the world has been staged and made by the Annunaki, to fill our hearts with hate for another. What we believe is human nature is just a result of us being under controll, everything happening in the world is going against every peoples will, but we don't seem to be able to stop it! We are under controll of beings not human, seens what's happening is just inhuman basicly.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by InSaneTK]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 12:10 PM

you prayed to reptilians?????

excuse me but, that is definitely pointless because reptilians are cold blooded left brained scum IMO... and they are emotionless.. so they have no sympathy for any help that you may need from them.

Why not pray to yourself. do some meditation, becuase you're looking the wrong direction for anwers.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:12 PM
Realanswers I will echo the advice of the majority here and say that you do not want to be praying to reptilians. It is obvious to me that you are in a state of confusion and in your desire for companionship that discarnate beings have used you and are trying to influence you. These beings will tell you what they think you want to hear. You prayed to reptilians, so they responded to you as reptilians. What you need to do is man up and tell whatever it is that is influencing you that you can think for yourself and you do not need them interfering with your free will.

I know this is going to be hard to do, but try also not to waste too much energy worrying about companionship. You need to stand tall, put your shoulders back and be your own man. Stop looking to find yourself in other things and other people. As your confidence in yourself develops, others will see that, and they will be attracted to it. When the time is right, companionship will come into your life. You do not need to seek it. People will sense the desperation in you and will avoid you or worse yet they will use you if you are constantly wanting companionship. I am not judging you, but I am speaking directly from my own experience.

This last part may seem silly, but because of your injured self esteem you are going to need some help in evicting the discarnate entities from your life. As of this moment, I will be actively praying for you to have a happy and fulfilling life. I will also be praying that you have protection from forces earthly and otherwise who do not have your best interests in mind. It is important to me that you post to this thread and tell me that I have your permission to pray for you. I believe also that the others who have been posting to this thread to make fun of you should do something positive and pray for you as well. May God bless and protect you.

Vaya con Dios,

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:23 PM
You guys are all spewing such bs! You have never seen reptillians, and you have no proof, even for yourself, that they even exist! So please stop contributing to this thread about how the reptillians are evil and are trying to control the person who started this thread. He could read the same site that you got your information out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God I mine as well be in the Middle Ages talking to people who think demons are in cats!

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:27 PM
The Light/God/Divine Father/Divine Mother (whatever you want it to be named) loves all it's creation, it would never put it's creation to test, challange it or anything, the god in religions demands to be worshipped, this is not needed because you are one of the light by just willing to be so. The Light loves it's children, like parents love there children, no matter how they are or what they have done. A god that demand worship and threatens it's creation is an evil god.
There are only two kinds of beings in this universe. Divine and demonic. Never give your will over to Darkness, and may the Light be with you!

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
You guys are all spewing such bs! You have never seen reptillians, and you have no proof, even for yourself, that they even exist! So please stop contributing to this thread about how the reptillians are evil and are trying to control the person who started this thread. He could read the same site that you got your information out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God I mine as well be in the Middle Ages talking to people who think demons are in cats!

Calm down, some people will reject any evidence even if it's represented to them, so if you say there is no proof of them you haven't even looked. Liek master Yoda said; You must unlearn, what you have learned
. Which is true, people need to become more openminded and questioning to things instead of denying what other people have told you to believe.

[edit on 16-11-2006 by InSaneTK]

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 09:49 PM
The FACT is none of us has complete knowing.
If one of us experiences some of the "entities" as they claim to have done, this will be real to them.
Then there is the aspect of because it happened and appeared real in one way, well it could have been a shape shifter in a shifted shape, so you still don't know real. Today's fact is tomorrow's new fact based on new informatin..

We base our knowing on our personal experiences and what resonates with our belief system.
It has no value other than our experience of it.
Therefore none are wrong or right. Experience IS. It isn't true or false, it simply is. In this life journey my own belief is we will never know TRUTH.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 05:40 AM
This would have to be one of the most insane threads I have read here. I am not just talking about the OP but the way it got side tracked to "V: The return of the Evil Lizards"

To the poster that wrote John Lear said the grays own our soul, that is incorrect he has stated that the grays are only the workers and work or higher undisclosed beings. Gee when you actually write it down, there are some pretty out there theories that I have been giving some credit to.........

But to the thread........You really need to talk to someone, and Ellanour will never want you whilst to overtly chase her, women have this inbuilt "hard to get thing". Don't be so keen she may then start the chase......... Good luck and for heavensake do not take a lot of this adivce on this thread on board, whether it turns out to be true or not, at this moment in your life you need something more tangible.


posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 07:15 AM
Right I am fairly new to these fourms and love to hear some of the stuff people have to say, now i try to keep an open mind here but let me get this straight
some people really believe that snakes and lizards from outer space are planning a massive hostile take-over of the planet?
If this is even remotely true then where is the evidence? were some scales found in Mr GW bathroom?
on a more serious note what the heck sparked this theory?
as for the OP, he thinks is "IS" a space lizard.......
i aint making fun of anyone but in my opinion thats mental
my advice to you is to seek mental help just as a precaution
i am most likey gonna get flamed for this but thats just my opinion and even as crazy as your opinions and views sound to me ill still respect them and never try to prevent you from expressing them
thats all

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