posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:30 PM
Bush can't let Cheney go, he is the ONLY defense he has from getting impeached. If Cheney goes, Bush goes.
Oh, and Nancy Pelosi is third in line now, she is the most Powerful woman in the history of the US, and possibly the world if you consider America the
most powerful country in the world. We're the one with over a billion people right? No, that's CHina. But they don't have any powerful women so
Nancy Pelosi the most powerful woman in the world.
Also, to put Rice in as VP, yeah, then call the army out of Irag to defend the White House. You see, there is this thing called the KKK, and WKK, and
Neo Nazis, and the FRC, and the CCC, and the CC, and probably more racists and sexists groups, all conservative, that would seige the White house to
kill Rice. Why someone like Obama or Powell will never be president. To many conservatives in this country that would rather give all their money to
a gay jewish white man then treat blacks as humans.
I like FF's response. "OMG!!!!! SHe's gonna stop dumping trillions into Vietnam Jr., I mean Gulf War 2, get the troops out so American citizens
stop dieing, pull billions away from Cheney's baby, I mean Halliburton, and might get people in trouble for pedophilia in the House! What can we do
to save the president!!!!!"