posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:17 PM
How can people be expected to ditch their cars when it is easier and, I feel, overall cheaper to travel by car.
It takes me an hour every day to take the bus to uni, if I had a car I'd be there in 15 mins. Why don't we see serious steps made to improve our
public transport. The tube is a nightmare in rush hour, and all other short people will agree it is very uncomfortable being surrounded by tall
people, being squished and not being able to see which station your at if you miss the announcement. Also, public transport normally requires at least
a mile walk to get to or I can fall out of my house, put a key in my car and be sitting all the way to work in the comfort of my own private space
having walked about 50metres. Public transport is rubbish and our governments don't care.
Whos bright idea it was to deprivatise our public transport? Have public transport companies aiming to improve profits rather than service... F for
effort and a dunce hat for such a dumbass idea... go sit in the corner you idiot.
Today on the bus it was packed out, I had to stand for half of my travel, and once I did find a seat I was bashed by everyone getting on the bus
because of the fat person sitting next to me. When he got off I was squished by fat people sitting next to me. I don't understand how someone who
uses public transport can be fat, they should have to pay double, but anyways.
We need a country where it is easier to travel by bus/rail than by car. We need a country where it is cheaper to travel by bus than by car... not
because cars are made too expensive, but because public transport is made cheaper. Theres a thing called economies of scale. I lost my wallet getting
off a coach in central london and then couldn't get anywhere because I had no money... how much fun I had. Public transport would be free if I was in
charge; travel is a neccessity in our world. So are energy, water and food but I'll leave that for now.
I could go on forever but I suppose I'll just put this and see what other people think.