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Roswell:"The Tent Footage"

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posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:07 AM
The first film material he collected from the cameraman....”The Tent footage” ( pics further below)

Throughout the years so much has been discussed about the Roswell incident that things got lost in transalation (by design), but the closest anyone has ever gotten to the truth about Roswell and brought it out publicly (imo) is none other than Ray Santilli. but.why?(bare with me folk's we all know the story but im gonna get to the point shortly)

Back in the early part of the late 90's, Mr. Santilli bought the now infamous Alien autopsy footage from a cameraman by who claimed to be the one who filmed the event from 47'. Numerous attempts had been made in order to authenticate, the cameraman, the autopsy, and the film received by the businessman, that they came within hairs of really exposing it... And so im here to ressuscitate all of it.

The ‘behind the scenes” story:

When RS decided to purchase the film from the cameraman, ‘The tent footage ‘ was the first piece of film he received.The 16mm film was in apparent poor condition so he decided to bring the film to a studio in Buckinghamshire UK to salvage what they could. A few weeks went by and RS collected the film and was told that what he received back was all they could retrieve from it. He took the film and showed it to a few people to determine the interest, one of those people was a man by the name of Phil Mantle (more on him later). he then headed back to the US to collect the main autopsy film and while doing so he showed the ‘Tent footage’on videotape to the cameraman.
The cameraman at that point said he did not remember the images he was watching nor the way it was filmed, that concerned RS so he decided to call the studio back to probe and ask some questions.
The answer that came was in the form an impression he got from them that somehow,jokingly, the film had been interfered with.

‘A little deceptive disinformation operation at work with the following?’

Phil Mantle is one of the few who saw all of it. A major backer of Ray Santilli and in the authenticity of the AA video at first, that was up until the point where he got contacted by e-mail from a man who claimed he knew something about the Santilli AA video and went by the name of Keith Goodyer.

Keith Goodyer (at the time a games programmer), claimed that he was on a pop-in social visit to the studio in Buckinghamshire one day, as he was with a colleague a call was patched’s what happened.excerpt from source:

“ when the phone, the conversation had finished, I said to my colleague ' the Ray Santilli'. He said, well, what do you mean 'the Ray Santilli', I said the guy with the Roswell film. With that my colleague actually fell about almost in hysterics, I mean he would have fallen of his chair think, given a chance, and he said didn't you realise we made that. ...He said, no, we made that, didn't you recognise Elliot. And I said well, no, quite frankly I didn't recognise anybody. Erm, and then, he said, er, well, you know, we made that, that was Elliot.......Eventually he took me into the studio, erm, he showed me a video tape of what, I didn't recognise as being the Roswell footage, and he showed me some film, but it was quite clearly I could see the main character in this footage was Elliot, who once was one of the sound engineers there, erm, but it wasn't what I recognised as the Roswell footage. Erm, and then I sort of, I wasn't, at that time, that [particularly impressed, erm, I just thought well maybe he thought he'd made something, but that wasn't the Santilli, certainly wasn't the Santilli footage. ....He gave me a copy of the video cassette...and I went off quite happy.”


[edit on 11-11-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:10 AM
And then one night....

As he sat in his office surfing the internet, he decided to type ‘roswell’ on his search engine and fell on some sites where he instantly recognised certain pics of ‘tent footage’on the net as the ones where he said he recognised the colleague that goes by the name of Eliot. Excerpt from source:
“Well within 10 minutes I was downstairs searching through my video library trying to find this video cassette that I'd been given, and basically matched up frame for frame with the copy that I had which clearly showed Elliot the sound engineer with the pages on the internet and sure enough the tent footage was the same footage that claimed to be made, by er, by my colleagues, and was indisputable that, that was Elliot. I watched the film through and through again without a shadow of a doubt it was definitely Elliot, and it definitely matched up with the pages on the internet reporting to be the tent footage.”

I just want to throw one more thing in before I dish out the candy and that is The cameraman interview.

Now I have no source for this ,well actually yes, there was a source but there was no follow-up source to see from where this had originated from so take or leave it it’s up to you.

The backdoor story is that the cameraman did it for the money and so when a couple of japanese journalists contacted a mutual associate they managed an interview with him regarding Roswell and here are the 12 answers to their questions which conveniently were not provided (well, you can imagine what they might have been)


posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:12 AM
“Subject: Cameraman Interview Transcript Below are the alleged cameraman's answers to the questions (in Japanese, which are not provided): -------------------------------------------------------------------
---- Start:
Ready? Okay. I have some notes, and on these notes I have answers to precise questions. My son is here to help me with this interview. You will excuse me, this is the first time I have been in front of a camera and I am a little nervous. And, I will use my glasses, and I have prepared a statement before we go on with the interview. I am the person who shot the film. I will not tell you my name, but I want you to know that I am not happy that I have betrayed my country. Our United States of America is the greatest country in the world, and I am proud to be an American. I do not want that to change.

Question #1
: It wasn't my decision to become a cameraman in the military. They found out that cameras were something I understand and do best. And that's why I was given the job.

Question #2:
Yes, I remember that I got a call from McDonald telling me to report to General McMullen. When I got to McMullen, I was told that a plane went down just outside Soccoro, New Mexico. A flight was being laid down to go down there and I was to be on it. I was told to film the crash site and stay with the team till they left.

Question #3:
There were injured creatures lying around, obviously in pain. The men at the site were scared. There was a great deal of confusion, there certainly was. My authority allowed me to operate independent as long as I didn't interfere with anyone. When I arrived, I set up my tent and once I had lights, I began. How did I feel about it? I was concerned about potential contamination, but I had no choice.

Question #4
: Even if I could remember, I wouldn't give you names! Yes, there were scientists, military brass, and medical experts, even Truman's team went down there...(pause) it was the full works.

Question #5
: We were told nothing and ordered not to discuss what we had seen. We all knew it wasn't a spy plane or any other type of plane we had seen before. No one knew how it crashed or where it came from.

Question #6: The creatures kept crying out and the men were scared, but they were trained and ordered to go in and treated it like a war situation. Their first job was to recover the objects the freaks were holding just in case they were weapons of some kind. I filmed the assault on the freaks to get these objects. It turned out they were not weapons, but control units of some kind. The freaks didn't want to let them go, but they didn't stand a chance, we got them. Once the units were secured, the freaks were removed.

Question #7
: I kept all the film with me, went back to the base to process.

Question #8
: What do you think I am? I can't give names.

Question #9
: The protective suits made my job very difficult. Also the air feeds into the feet on those things and the surgeons were always getting in the way, but I expected that.

Question #10
: Most of the processing took place around August, by the time the military, as we knew it, ceased to be. The Air Force and the Army were about to split and my group was about to be dismantled for a time anyway (laughs out loud). In fact, you could say 1 was in a strange position at the time of not belonging to either one service. And eventually they found a home for us.

Question #11
: I took all the film because I had no one to report to. My orders were not to discuss the situation with anyone unless they brought up the subject first. The first batch had been delivered. the department folded and I had no one to deliver to. I tried to contact McMullen, but I couldn't get through. In the end I couldn't leave it laying around, so I took it home which is where it stayed.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:14 AM
Question #12
: Frankly, I wish I had never sold the film. He came back to me until I sold him the film. I sold the film because I needed money. I'm not proud of it. Santilli took about 25 rolls. That's it. I'm going to bed. No more questions. Turn it off. No more questions.”

This alleged interview is interesting in the sense that he does mention setting up a tent in his answer to Q-4 and also mentions selling the film to RS. Im certainly open to any interpretations you all might have by the way.

So this is the only available evidence of...

The Tent footage

uploading pics. i'll get them up a soon as i can.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:37 AM

the next one is of the supposed Truman surgeon who is the one who conducted the medical examination,Dr Detlev that him on the pic above?

I know none are conclusive evidence because they seem to have been tampered with.

I think there's a few more somewhere..

[edit on 11-11-2006 by Conluceo]

[edit on 11-11-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Ill try and see what i havent posted so far and i'm sorry if some are double reposts.

here's the link to the story above involving Ray santilli,Keith Goodyer,and Phil Mantle.

What do we all think of this, Real? or Disinformation?

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 02:29 PM
A 6 year old child with a one time use fun camera can take better images than that.

Also, the dude on the table look pretty human to me.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 03:39 PM
The first poster and it's skeptical, no fair especially after the guy has put a LOT of work into this, can we just look at it without any crap instead of taking a quick look and perhaps ask about things you find abnormal? i take my hat off to this post and there is much room for discussion. Period..

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 04:59 PM
The reason i decided to post all this up is because so much was made of the Alien Autopsy video that aired to 30 million viewers in the US alone, that it made it seem to me that this 'Tent footage', which was the first roll of film collected by Ray Santilli, has to have it's importance.

I believe these pics are rare to come by since its been nearly a decade since they were posted by a gentle man named Neil Morris, a Physics professor from the Univ.of Manchester who was conducting a study on them at the time.

Ray santilli himself said the following on the reason for not including this footage in the alleged AA video.

"..This meant that with regard to the 'Tent Footage' I was uncertain as to what was real and what was not, and if the film had been interfered with, I could not use it. THIS IS WHY I COMPLETELY PULLED BACK FROM USING THE FILM. "

So this is either fake or very real.

This could the few-filmclip-pics that were out there that might represent the real way the autopsy first took place, on site.

more different close up pics.

Now I admit it has human form, but so did the Alien from video that aired back then.

I think also important to note was the fact that all the major players involved in the pre and post mortem of the AA video were or had their hands in this one as well.

Maybe the more seasoned Ats members might remeber this story.I didn't find enough information on this story to get to the bottom of it.

[edit on 11-11-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 06:06 PM
I don't know what country you are from , but here in the UK it is well known that it is a complete hoax .

I watched a show with Ray Santilli and a couple of other guys that admitted faking all of the film , even showing how they bought bones from the butchers and cast latex over the top of it to produce nice looking joints and such . Even interviewed the butcher .

They had an interview with the guy that did the tent footage , iirc that was another small company that they were originally using .

Ray Santilli and the other main guy claimed that they really did buy some footage , but it got destroyed when they brought it into the country or something like this , but the guy has just admitted to being a liar , and i don't believe there was ever any footage .

It was a well made fake imo , that unfortunately has done damage to the roswell case .

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 06:22 PM
i really enjoy picture's and video's because it allow's me to use my own common sense as opossed to other's, i applaud the effort but in my opinion there's nothing that suggest's that these picture's are from the roswell incident, as for ray santilli i dont know if him and his buddie's are liar's or not but one thing's for sure the wreckage from the alien autopsy is real and i'm talking about the keybord's and beam's with symbol's on it because that film footage along with film footage of the disc sitting in an airforce hanger has been shown in documentaries here in the state's going back to the early 1990's which was year's before santilli bought the footage

[edit on 11-11-2006 by trewth]

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 06:31 PM
Lots of effort and copious writing does not equal truth. Although we laud the hard work and obvious time the OP put in, all the trouble he took can not and should not increase our 'believability quotient'.

With all due respect, and perhaps apologies in advance, the photos don't lend any additional credibility to the story, your essay doesn't convince or persuade that the autopsy videos are more real, and as much as we'd like to give your aspirations and premises the benefit of the doubt, at this point IMO the autopsy footage is just as fake now as before.

Thanks for posting - and keep up the good work!

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 06:57 PM
just for the record i do believe the autopy footage is real, they'd have to prove to me that it's fake, like where's the room they filmed it in? where's the dummy at? make another one exactly the same, let's interview the actor's, i think santilli was told by the u.s. gov't to change his story and just like everyone else in the u.k. he did just that, if you read the mj12 document's they eluded to another body being found which suggest's to me the alien autopsy film isn't that of the roswell alien's but one of their drone's, just my own theory on it

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:55 PM
Total fakes, and here's why. If a cameraman had taken his own shots they would have been released/leaked years ago -- by him, daughter on his deathbed, son on his deathbed (you get my drift) not on a message board in 2006, or even in 1996 if the pics are a decade old as you claim, by people trying to think they have "The Proof" of Roswell.

Second, Jesus, hire a cameraman that can actually take clear pictures.

Third -- sold the film because you need money. Everyone needs money. If you or a contact had actual film, beyond dispute, you'd never have to work for the rest of your life. If you were stupid or careless -- it would never get released -- if you were clever -- you'd make millions, have 10 copies tucked away.


posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by trewth
just for the record i do believe the autopy footage is real, they'd have to prove to me that it's fake, like where's the room they filmed it in? where's the dummy at? make another one exactly the same, let's interview the actor's, i think santilli was told by the u.s. gov't to change his story and just like everyone else in the u.k. he did just that, if you read the mj12 document's they eluded to another body being found which suggest's to me the alien autopsy film isn't that of the roswell alien's but one of their drone's, just my own theory on it

My god , i can't believe you are really that gullible . The roswell footage was suspicious from the start , but some people just wanted so desperately to believe that this was real that they made a massive leap of faith .

Ray Santilli and friends faked this for money end of story , they haven't been made to change their story by nefarious sections of the shadow government because it was never bloody real in the first place .

1. Ray Santilli was never able to produce a piece of original film for testing that had an alien body or artifact on it (even though he kept promising , and stalling for time) .
2. Colour film as readily available in '47 and would have been used for such a monumental occasion such as this .
3. The film would never have been shot using a handheld camera , this would have been done with a tripod and maybe using multiple cameras too.
4. Many coroners have looked at the film and stated that all the techniques used by the phoney coroners in the film are completely wrong , e.g. not supporting scissors with index finger , seemingly cutting all over place hacking organs out with no care taken for such a ground-breaking event.
5. Ray Santilli stalled for giving a name of the camera man , giving many different excuses for this . When eventually he did give a name it was complete fiction .

Please don't take offence at this friend , but Ray Santilli and similar scum dream of people like you .

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 09:37 AM
i'm afraid every point you just made doesn't change my mind on this issue sorry, i use my own common sense not other's, every point you made doesn't explain away the fact that this footage was available before ray santilli bought it

1. what would a piece of the original film do? you either believe it is what it is or you don't
2. when your told get on a plane and go to roswell to film a crash site you go there with the camera you have and in this case it was a black and white one
3. in 1947 they did thing's different then they do now it's not fair to apply today's standard's to those used 60 year's ago
4. not all coroner's do thing's the same exact way, i mean come on back then they picked up the scissor's and cut the organ out and put it in the bowl, they weren't trying to look pretty doing it
5. the camera man want's to be anonomous and santilli has upheld that

and i'm not offended by someone like you

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Nice piece of work, it must have taken some time to research and compile Conluceo. Hat's off to your effort.

I'm not sure it I taped or had seen it sometime years ago. But I can recall the interview or another interview with the supposed Camera Man. Seems to me, he walked off the set when the questions would not steer away from asking things which, if he answered, might give a clue to some as to his identity.

Santilli's claimed all along the "Tent Footage" is NOT endorsed by him in anyway and he did not release it. Last I read the Tent Footage was bogus.

If whatever it is on the table is flesh, I can't see anyway of it possibly being a human. I have AA and a lot of interviews on this EBE dissection and pathologists mentions a disease but go on to say the head and eye size was not part of the condition.

Waiting for years for someone to come forward with hard evidence it is a fake. Still waiting. Real or not real, is what I really want to know.


posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Dallas

Nice piece of work, it must have taken some time to research and compile Conluceo. Hat's off to your effort.

I'm not sure it I taped or had seen it sometime years ago. But I can recall the interview or another interview with the supposed Camera Man. Seems to me, he walked off the set when the questions would not steer away from asking things which, if he answered, might give a clue to some as to his identity.

Santilli's claimed all along the "Tent Footage" is NOT endorsed by him in anyway and he did not release it. Last I read the Tent Footage was bogus.

If whatever it is on the table is flesh, I can't see anyway of it possibly being a human. I have AA and a lot of interviews on this EBE dissection and pathologists mentions a disease but go on to say the head and eye size was not part of the condition.

Waiting for years for someone to come forward with hard evidence it is a fake. Still waiting. Real or not real, is what I really want to know.


Thanks dallas, I agree that there is really not much to go on in relation to the tent footage, i just thought it curious that it was the first piece of film he got and that he felt it was interfered with so he didn't use it.
When i took a look at those pics from the footage i asked myself why most of the upper 50% of the pics seem to show something and whatever is lying on the table is not been that the interference he speaks about?

Imo i think the AA video is a cleverly falsified video due to the amount of work that went into making it. Personnnaly i believe the real AA video was substituted by a more human looking alien cadavre as to not give the population nightmares.
A bigger head, bigger eyes, 6 toes 6 fingers, but still human looking.
At the same time educate the public into believing that they might be out there.

If i'm not mistaken around the same time, Art Bell received alleged real Roswell debris that he got anonymously. Either there was a massive disclosure movement back then or a massive disinformation campaign thrown together by the powers that be. Psy-ops work really well,even here on ATS that goes on.

[edit on 12-11-2006 by Conluceo]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by trewth

1. what would a piece of the original film do? you either believe it is what it is or you don't
2. when your told get on a plane and go to roswell to film a crash site you go there with the camera you have and in this case it was a black and white one
3. in 1947 they did thing's different then they do now it's not fair to apply today's standard's to those used 60 year's ago
4. not all coroner's do thing's the same exact way, i mean come on back then they picked up the scissor's and cut the organ out and put it in the bowl, they weren't trying to look pretty doing it
5. the camera man want's to be anonomous and santilli has upheld that

1. A piece of the original film which Ray Santilli originally claimed to have could be tested by kodak to verify it's age , if it turned out to have been shot in '47 i would absolutely believe it 100% , because i don't believe effects like that were quite possible in that time and even if they were it would be highly unlikely that they would represent an alien that looked like a "grey" then as this has been the standard alien look since the '80's or thereabouts. Why do you think that Ray Santilli never handed over a piece of footage for kodak for testing with a body or artifact on it ? Surely this would seal the deal ? The piece he did eventually hand over was from the start of the film of a doorway that looked totally different from the rest of the footage .
2. No one is "told to get on the plane and go to Roswell" . Every airforce base has their own cameramen onsite at their own disposal .
3. When i mention the tripod , i'm talking about '47 standards , ever seen the old atomic testing footage ?
4. Not all coroners do things exactly the same , your right on that . But steadying the scissors with your index finger to ensure accuracy is standard practice amongst these guys . To leave it unguided means you have no control over it , these are the sorts of things that fakers would have done . It's not a question of looking pretty , this is supposedly a monumental occasion , they have there hands on an alien body . I've no doubt more care would be taken and more extensive notes would have been taken .
5. Of course they would say that he wants to remain anonymous , what else would they say . Why would he want to reamin anonymous ? Scared of the government ? I think the government would know exactly who the camerman was if he existed .

Ray Santilli and his partner have admitted that they faked it , the guy who made the props came forward and showed how he did it . They've even made a comedy film about them faking it .

Why on earth would anyone still believe that this is still real ? Move on , forget it . I've no doubt myself that there was a crash at Roswell , but rubbish like this just does more to harm the case.

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