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Woman who accused Bush of rape found dead

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posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 01:37 PM
Hmmm, cover-up? I linked the Pravda article, but it's slowly trickling out to the rest of the Net.

This is the kind of stuff that makes hardcore conspiracy theorists pee themselves.

"Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape - 11/12/2003 16:37

Margie Schoedinger dies as a result of a gunshot wound to the head

Margie Schoedinger, the woman who allegedly filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in December 2002, claiming that she had been raped, has died of a gunshot wound to the head, registered officially as "suicide".

The allegations were serious: the law suit apparently filed against George W. Bush in the County Civil Court in Fort Bend County, Texas, on 2nd December 2002, claimed that George Bush, the former Governor or Texas and current President of the United States of America, had committed "individual sex crimes" against her and her husband.

Margie Schoedinger further stated that after the claim, she had been

harassed, that her bank account had been interfered with, that she had been threatened and beaten. She claimed 1 million USD in actual damages plus 49 million USD in punitive damages and emotional stress caused by the alleged incidents.

Court documents filed on December 4th 2002 mention Bush, giving him 20 days to respond or appear in a court in Fort Bend. These papers were initialed by Fort Bend County Deputy Clerk, Becky Kasper. However, due to the ambiguous nature of the claims, which have never been substantiated, it is unclear whether the President of the USA was served with the suit.

Whatever the case, Margie Schoedinger is dead. At 38 years of age, she died on Monday 22nd September 2003. The Harris Country Examiner's Office states "gunshot wound to the head" and "suicide".



posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 01:43 PM
Disposing of the evidence?

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 01:46 PM

some1's using one of the few unbiased uncensored news links out there.....namely, the one i always post from

pravda = truth....they're really low budget, u can tell by the crappy page designs.
back to the topic(i sowy

gunshot wound...i guess she ranted on for too long, whined her life away.
women can do that

i guess this is one of those things that pretty much need A LOT of media attention....seemingly impossible to verify if she did it herself or not, since the date's so long ago...22 of september??

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Bush junior is just a beginner.

I believe there were fifteen or sixteen mysterious deaths of people that happened to cross Clinton.

God bless America.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Bush junior is just a beginner.

I believe there were fifteen or sixteen mysterious deaths of people that happened to cross Clinton.

God bless America.

"Liberal bias"-argument in 5...4...3...2...1

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:58 PM
Ha ha Paradigm. You accuse me of political bias.

I do not even live in America, and could not care less which corrupt political party rules over there.

The fact that American Presidents openly stoop to murder, blackmail, and intimidation, makes them no better than banana republic despots.

The average US citizen does not give a damn either, as long as they have cable TV and the stock-market keeps going up. So a few honest victims die, tough luck.

But the whole festering mess is about to go into catastrophic economic collapse. And hysterical Americans are going to go absolutely nuts and start shooting each other. So make sure you shoot your next door neighbor before he blows YOU away.

Should be fun to watch from a safe distance.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Ha ha Paradigm. You accuse me of political bias.

I do not even live in America, and could not care less which corrupt political party rules over there.

The fact that American Presidents openly stoop to murder, blackmail, and intimidation, makes them no better than banana republic despots.

The average US citizen does not give a damn either, as long as they have cable TV and the stock-market keeps going up. So a few honest victims die, tough luck.

But the whole festering mess is about to go into catastrophic economic collapse. And hysterical Americans are going to go absolutely nuts and start shooting each other. So make sure you shoot your next door neighbor before he blows YOU away.

Should be fun to watch from a safe distance.

My remark wasn't directed at you, sorry if I gave that impression. It was directed at the people who usually answer by saying that the source has a republican or liberal bias.

EDIT: Yeah, watching the world economy crumble is always a blast

[Edited on 13-11-2003 by Paradigm]

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:10 PM
And my sincere apologies to you Paradigm.

I think the whole thing is terrible, and the worst part about it is that not too many people even care.

But I think the day of reckoning is pretty close, and honest God faring people will have a lot less to worry about than the majority.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
And my sincere apologies to you Paradigm.

I think the whole thing is terrible, and the worst part about it is that not too many people even care.

But I think the day of reckoning is pretty close, and honest God faring people will have a lot less to worry about than the majority.

Apology accepted.

I don't believe in the whole apocalypse/rapture thing, but I do think that this system can't last forever. The world's economic structure will collapse sooner or later.

I'm just hoping it wouldn't happen during my lifetime.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 11:21 PM
Well it sure cannot go on for much longer the way it is.

I believe economic collapse is imminent for the USA, the dollar is sinking, and now the EU is going to impose punishing tariff restrictions on USA as payback for US tariffs.

All the manufacturing has just about moved off shore, and between union wage demands, and government bureaucratic regulation, who can blame them.

All these jobs in the service industry do not create wealth for the country, only exports will do that. Bush has to last one more year to election, it will not last that long in my opinion.

The stock-market is going to go down hard, and so is the property market. I hope you have some gold and silver investments !

Yeah, I am a Christian, but not of the fanatical fundamentalist type. It helps a lot though.

About 95% of the people I know are into Freemasonry. It is running totally out of control here in Australia. We don't have all the murders, but the corruption here is beyond belief at every level.

There is only one good thing about masonry, they have totally driven out the mafia. No mafioso here for the last thirty years. All the drugs, porn, and white collar crime are run by Freemasons here.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
And my sincere apologies to you Paradigm.

I think the whole thing is terrible, and the worst part about it is that not too many people even care.

But I think the day of reckoning is pretty close, and honest God faring people will have a lot less to worry about than the majority.

What about us honest non-God fearing people? I think the day of reckoning is pretty close too...but I'm not expecting God to swoop in and fix it. Also, try not to be so crass about "All you American's only care about cable and the stock market". You are so out of touch with reality. The people that care about cable...don't pay any attention to the stock market and vice versa. There's a class system here like everywhere else...and the guys on the bottom are the one's that get crushed.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Warpspeed and Paradigm, there are many honest, hard-working and God-fearing Americans all across this great land. Unfortunately the mainstream media does a spectacular job of keeping our views and concerns hidden from the world. The monopoly press, is controlled by the elites from their shadow places. Party affiliation matters not.

I also believe the American economy is in great peril. I sold all my stocks awhile back b/c the market was making me really nervous. BUY GOLD!!! All it would take for our economy to collapse would be for OPEC to trade their trading currency to the Euro. This is one of the main reasons for the invasion of Iraq. To put our boot on the necks of member-states in the region. Remember, Iraq - who had already switched to the Euro in 2000 - sits atop the world's second largest oil reserve after Saudi Arabia. When OPEC goes euro, it will be catastrophic for the United States' economy. No more money to support interest payments on the national debt. WHOOSH - straight down the finacial toilet. We will become a second-third world nation overnight. It's gonna be scary. Especially when the goons come trying to confiscate all of the legally registered firearms.

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Yes you are perfectly correct in everything you say.

And I still believe facing what is to come will be a lot easier for those with religious faith.

A small but growing number of people are starting to realise what is happening, and can see through all the lies. The masses will panic when they suddenly realise they are broke and the government is not going to support or protect them.

The fact that Margie Schoedinger filed rape charges and has now been murdered should be front page headline news right across the USA. But it is just covered up, and nobody even cares.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Yes you are perfectly correct in everything you say.

And I still believe facing what is to come will be a lot easier for those with religious faith.

A small but growing number of people are starting to realise what is happening, and can see through all the lies. The masses will panic when they suddenly realise they are broke and the government is not going to support or protect them.

The fact that Margie Schoedinger filed rape charges and has now been murdered should be front page headline news right across the USA. But it is just covered up, and nobody even cares.

Tell me about it! (About Schoedinger.) Pretty crazy, huh? People refuse to believe their leaders are capable of such evil. That's why they continuously get away with it. It's sick.

And yes, I also agree that faith will help. It gives one hope for a better time and a better place. It also helps in that it gives one a sense that there's a reason why things happen the way they do. (The Apostle Paul said, "All things work to the good for those who love the Lord.")

Man, are people gonna be freaked out and goin' crazy. Back this winter during our big ice storm, people were out of power for a week to three weeks. I heard this one girl bitching because she couldn't curl her hair. I just shook my head and thought, sister, ya oughtta try spending some time in a war zone. It would blow her pretty little mind.

I love America for all that's good and beautiful in it. But, let me tell ya, when the shyte hits the fan, it's gonna be a complete nightmare. And it's gonna hit everyone - at least everyone who doesn't have their money in off-shore bank accounts and in Switzerland.

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 04:09 PM
A lot of people these days just do not realise how dependant they are on technology and the easy life. If the whole system breaks down because of war, depression, natural disaster, or civil unrest, life might suddenly be quite different in America.

No gasoline available
Banks shut, no atm or credit card facilities
Alcohol and recreational drugs not available
No internet
No heating or air-conditioning
Supermarkets run out of food stocks
No electrical power
No running water or sewerage (electric pumps fail)

Life has changed dramatically over the last hundred years, all the above stuff is pretty important for most people in the USA these days.

In third world countries starvation and disease are normal everyday events. The reduction in living standards in the USA is only going to make America more like some other countries.

But as you say, a lot of people will simply freak out. Others will go on a killing spree to plunder what they need. The looting and arson will go on without end. "I have seen the enemy, and he is us".

I really feel that God is going to punish us by taking away our toys, and rubbing our noses in it.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Cyrus

some1's using one of the few unbiased uncensored news links out there.....namely, the one i always post from

pravda = truth....they're really low budget, u can tell by the crappy page designs.
back to the topic(i sowy

gunshot wound...i guess she ranted on for too long, whined her life away.
women can do that

i guess this is one of those things that pretty much need A LOT of media attention....seemingly impossible to verify if she did it herself or not, since the date's so long ago...22 of september??

I hope you were being sarcastic as pravda is, in my opinion, as much of a true journalistic source as FOX news. I have seen articles on their site more far fetched than Weekly World News cover stories. If there was any truth to this article, alternative journalists in America would have picked up on it. I know that the mainstream media in America is so far in the republican pocket they could not find their way out with a GPS and a floodlight.

Why would Bush have this woman killed? She only wanted money, and his overseers have enough to make sure that she would never have to work again. George W. Bush is not the kind of person to rape a single individual. He is more focused on raping on the national level.

posted on Nov, 16 2003 @ 05:52 PM
that's all i can say... that's crazy, dude....
and god, whenever someone gets killed and it might be blamed on someone in the government, it's always suicide! there certainly are people above the law. i have to research this....

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Ha ha Paradigm. You accuse me of political bias.

I do not even live in America, and could not care less which corrupt political party rules over there.

The fact that American Presidents openly stoop to murder, blackmail, and intimidation, makes them no better than banana republic despots.

The average US citizen does not give a damn either, as long as they have cable TV and the stock-market keeps going up. So a few honest victims die, tough luck.

But the whole festering mess is about to go into catastrophic economic collapse. And hysterical Americans are going to go absolutely nuts and start shooting each other. So make sure you shoot your next door neighbor before he blows YOU away.

Should be fun to watch from a safe distance.

NOW THIS...i like

how can one possibly watch another country destroying itself without offering aid and support??

russia being an exception...UN would step in quicker than ever, it would make their day to do so after bush'es ignoring their VITO


posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 09:28 AM

All it would take for our economy to collapse would be for OPEC to trade their trading currency to the Euro. This is one of the main reasons for the invasion of Iraq. To put our boot on the necks of member-states in the region. Remember, Iraq - who had already switched to the Euro in 2000 - sits atop the world's second largest oil reserve after Saudi Arabia. When OPEC goes euro, it will be catastrophic for the United States' economy. No more money to support interest payments on the national debt. WHOOSH - straight down the finacial toilet. We will become a second-third world nation overnight. It's gonna be scary. Especially when the goons come trying to confiscate all of the legally registered firearms.


Of course, I would have had her rubbed out too.... 50 million in damages? BS... And threatening the President, the most powerful man in the world (even if he is an idiot)....??? Yeah, I'd nominate her for the Darwin Award (post-humously of course, like many of the other recipients.....)....

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 09:39 AM
Much as I loathe Bush (I do), the story was false.

Here's a snippet with her claims from the Orlando Weekly:

Note the part about "dating Bush as a minor."

Now... Shrubbie and I are almost the same age -- in fact, he's a few years older than I. It seems to have slipped the complaintant's mind that not only didn't they live in the same area, but that this was during the days of segregation.

The complaintant is Black, folks. The whole town would have known about it, and Molly Ivins (who went to school with Shrubbie and is now a political satirist) would not have been shy about mentioning any interracial relationships.

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