posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Denied
That, I'm afraid, will happen only when we have found a way to make Peace more Profitable than War.
Why can't we do it just for the advantage of humanity?
Why are we as barbaric as we were century's ago?
We honour the dead for their sacrifice, but send our living to war?
Trust me, Man--if I knew the answers to your 3 questions (and also about everyboy else's --the same 3), I'd sure as heck tell you. All I know is
that, at my age and in my experience, War has always had to do with Money or gain of some kind for the Few, and a lot of blood, disability, and death
for the many.
Yet, it always comes back to this; "What profiteth a Man that he gain the whole world, and looseth his own Soul?"
I think what puzzles me the most is that everybody I know, and myself as well, asks these same questions and ponders them. Not only that, we have all
asked them for years; it's nothing new. But, we ask because the questions
want answers. We ALL know War is wrong, but, I don't think we have
ever really looked everywhere we can to find a way not to fight them. It puzzles me further when I see a Nation --any Nation--speaking of how much
they have gained, or, are "winning", while burying their Dead. It would appear that the "winner" of any War is just he who lost the least.
At any rate, just because we have not yet found --(or admitted to finding)-- or implimented answers to these questions, does not mean that we should
cease to look. The outcome is too important--at least to me.