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Voting machines rigged for democrats to win...

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posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 08:56 PM
nice theory damn near true.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
How 'bout the machines were still rigged just like last time, thats why George Bush was so confidant that they would never loose control of the house, but so many people voted against the republicans that even the preprograming in the dibold machines couldn't fudge the results nearly enough to help and the republicans lost anyways.

Oh and some republicans are whinning like babies that the democrates cheated, Ironic huh.

I think thats exactly what happened. This time even with rigging it would have been completely obvious. The American people sent a message and thats GET THE *** OUT! Even Rummy was smart enough to see the message on the wall as clear as day. Don't let the door hit you on the wy out fellas!!! CIAO

My sentiments exactly!!!!

OUT and dont let the door hit you in the #!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by trinityatthebridge
nice theory damn near true.

You bet it is, check out

HBO Special of Hacking Democracy

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
My guess is that the American public had had WAY too much of this gov't that they couldn't rig the machines enough to bring in a third Empire.

No kidding!!!

And all the excusing and sweeping under the carpet of dishonest Republican politicians. And the war in Iraq, and the worsening terror situation, etc, etc.

Rigged? Hardly! Listen to talk shows today! Even Republicans were disgusted and voting Democrat.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by annestacey
In my opinion, the NWO is behind the scenes of this puppet show and they could have many good reasons to swing things in the other direction. In the big picture... everything is for their benefit.

Yes...The Iraq war... The NWO, FED, Trust whatever you want to call them, had the US invade Iraq for the sweet valuable oil. For the NWO it would have been a VERY PROFITABLE war.

The NWO kept the Republicans in power knowing that they largely support this war. The Democrats on the other hand would oppose it.

However, the war for Iraq didn't go as planned, it is a horrible failure for the NWO. An unstoppable insurgency has exploded in Iraq. Oil pipelines are sabotaged, infrastructure is crippled - no oil. It is now an UNPROFITABLE WAR. The NWO wants us out, plan backfired.

Now at the present, the Democrats are pushing for the immediate withdraw of troops from Iraq. There you go, the NWO sees this as the ticket out of the war.

Of course this time they don't have to rig the machines at all, they can just sit back and watch. Obviously the American people are pissed at the Republicans now.

[edit on 8-11-2006 by Shmigoli]

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 09:31 PM
Could it be a way to take the heat off Bush for awhile, at the same time dismissing rumors of fixed elections, just so they can make the kill for a COUP in 2008?

This could be it too. :shk:

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 10:58 PM
This thread title should be posed as a question unless the OP has evidence.

There should still be an investigation. Both sides probably cheated but dissatisfaction with the war was so prevalent that the Republicans couldn't get a heavy enough thumb on the scales...

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:32 PM
I didn't read through all the posts, so someone might have mentioned this, i don't know.

one of the good things that may result of the democratic victory could be investigations and impeachments.

The democratics, now that they have majority in the house and what not, might propose investigations into the intelligence (no pun intended :lol
agencies and operations pre-Iraqi Freedom, and just may find that there was no cause for war and that Bush did in fact mislead the citizens of this country. If so, they just might propose an impeachment of President Bush, bringing and quicker end to Republican rule.
They might pursue investigations into other areas, pre-911 intelligence, etc.

Alot of information may be brought out as a result of this. Who knows?

Just food for thought


posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:41 PM
“We Republicans” does NOT equal the Republican Party/Agenda.

“We Democrats” does NOT equal the Democratic Party/Agenda.

The government is a machine that is manipulated by higher powers. You can call it the NOW, the Illuminate, or the Mickey Mouse Club. Do not be deceived, there is an agenda being carried out which has nothing to do with who is elected. The office holders are just front men. The “real” string pullers are out of reach. The world is in a downward spiral and the democrats are not going to rescue us.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:42 PM
Were there any exit poll irregularities this time? If not, then that explains it.

I advocate election result investigation anyway. Lets investigate all federal elections from 2000 to 2006 and see which of them were legitimate.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by rich23
Both sides probably cheated but dissatisfaction with the war was so prevalent that the Republicans couldn't get a heavy enough thumb on the scales...

That's really ... uh ... rich.

Let me try to reason this out.

But, first, I wonder what the outcome would have been if neither side "cheated"?

Back to your "theory". So, the democrats won just because voters were disatisfied and the democrats cheated? Or was it just because the voters were disatisfied? So, then it took a combination of democrat cheating and voter disatisfaction to overcome Republican cheating?

Wow, that sure is a lot of cheating

Perhaps way too much to even start to believe any of this. Think the Principle of Occam's Razor, here - the simplest solution is the most likely one.

I have a different theory, and it has to do with the fundamental differences in the way the 2 sides think.

To the left, look it's apparently OK for you to be so angry after 2000 and 2004 that you're still making up stuff like voting machine fraud, etc. etc. and blaming it on Bush - six years later. From the right, maybe some us are still angry about this election - 1 day later. Key point coming up here: We're really not angry at the democrats (except maybe for people that still spout mindless BS about Bush creating death camps and voter machine fraud, etc. etc.) for what happened in this election. Most of us are not accusing the democrats of cheating or anything else. No, our anger is reserved for Bush himself - yes it's our turn to be angry with Bush. You see we had it all going our way and the *fill in the word here* has thrown it all away.

See the difference between the left and the right yet? When the democrats lost in 2000 and 2004, you blamed Bush instead of your own idiots Gore and Kerry (some of you are still making excuses for Kerry). We blame Bush for this loss, and the way the war has turned out, and immigration policy, and energy policy ...

Democrats seem to have this major fault in that they can never publicly blame themselves or one of their own. It's always the other guy's fault, often with some fantastic theory to "explain" it all. On the right, we point the finger right where it belongs. I think that's a big difference indeed.

[edit on 11/8/2006 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 11:59 PM
There is no such thing as 1 party vs another. Its all just the government. No matter who wins or what happens its all under control. Oh no the democrats won? Well i wonder why? Thats interesting. Not too long ago Bush was saying that if the democrats won then the war would be over. Well isnt that nice. Now the war can finally be over, and its not because of the Bush administration effing up, its because the people chose it, its because the democrats won. Yay, now we can take our minds of this Bush war and remind ourselves how we have such a great system that can cleanse our mistakes with a simple election.

Oh what? Who decided to quit? Rumsfeld? but why? oh you mean it was his fault the war is happening? and not bush?

Oh ok, poor old Rumsfeld, give him a few mil and let himllive by the oceanside just so he wont be mad because of us. He really cares about the soldiers in Iraq you know. Let his mind be at ease. after all it was his fault and not Bush. Lets all forget about that poor old fool that caused this fiasco and once again remember the great ol american system that can turn bad situations into good with a simple election.

And yes the voting machines were rigged, and they will be rigged regardless of who wins. It was a republican choice to go to war, so it must be a democratic choice to retreat. One party covers another, thats how its always been. We all need to open our eyes.

Why do you think that nobody cares about the elections? nobody but americans care. The whole world knows that regardless who wins, whats gonna happen is gonna happen.

[edit on 11/9/2006 by H34T533K3R]

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:05 AM
I have a theory. Both parties are sore loosers but only Democrats are sore winners. Here is what I think happened. The polling places did the best job they knew how and irregularities were few and far between. The few irregularities that were found were done by fanatical activists who acted on their own. Most Republicans and Democrats are decent people. Most people who run for office are decent people. Those who throw accusations around seldom vote and never run for office because they are afraid someone might look into their backgrounds and find out they are not decent people. Someone will get rich writing a book about 2006 election fraud and never provide any proof. The Democrats will screw up and then the Republicans will win only to screw up and let the Democrats win. Another Democrat will put his cigar in the wrong place and another Republican will cheat on his wife. Teenagers will spend millions of hours on porn sites and the Aliens will continue to refuse to have their picture taken.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:09 AM
Well im just reading thru various major news sites, and not one single one has Iraq news stories in the main page. its all about the elections. just a big distraction. lets switch the ball to the other hand and go on with the game.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
How 'bout the machines were still rigged just like last time, thats why George Bush was so confidant that they would never loose control of the house, but so many people voted against the republicans that even the preprograming in the dibold machines couldn't fudge the results nearly enough to help and the republicans lost anyways.

Oh and some republicans are whinning like babies that the democrates cheated, Ironic huh.

not really.... The Democrats won, good for them, the people did vote for them, unless something real comes forth that says there was a massive election fraud, which I don't think happened.

Not all Republicans will readily accept this, but what I have seen all these years, they accept it more readily than a lot of Democrats and "others" such as some people in these forums who still cry and whine that they are certain the elections were rigged in 2004 because the people they voted didn't win....

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 12:34 AM
George Allen in Virginia is wanting a recount, going against the advice of other top Republicans. He thinks that somehow that some of the votes from the machines and the paper ballots were not counted. An audit by the State of Virginia is underway and so far no votes that were not counted for either Webb or Allen have turned up.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 01:14 AM
Oh people are really something.

Your going to sit on this board and tell me that you didnt know that the 'election fraud" conspiracy theory was a democratic tactic to secure a victory? not that it really mattered because americans were pretty pissed off.

all the "9/11 perpertrated by the US gov." and "election fraud" conspiracy theories was an extreme left wing tactic. I dont think it made any difference however. As I said, americans were pretty upset with the way things were going with the republican monopoly.

Wise up people. The election results showed a LANDSLIDE victory for the Dems. That blows the "election machine rigging" theory completely out of the water. I am not saying the 2000 election didnt get goofed up, just that I dont think voting machines are "rigged".

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 03:00 AM
They aren't rigged, just hugely error prone. I don't even know why Voting Machines are necessary. Hand Ballots work for Canada with almost none of the Scandal that we've all collectively seen in the past 6 years.
It probably costs more to do it this way as well.

I wonder why the Republicans are advising Allen to concede? Do they know something that Allen doesn't? Are they afraid that the Audit will turn out attempted vote manipulation by the Republicans? Or have they started campaigning for '08 already?

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 03:40 AM
In the "Land of the Free and the home of the brave" surely before and after every election, regardless of who wins there should always be a thorough investigation into the voting process to make sure it is running smoothly and as free and fair as it can be - shouldn't there?

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 06:03 AM
Victory for Diebold

Rather interesting article. It should get some of you all worked up.

Historically speaking whatever party holds the whitehouse in a 6th year will loose the House and/or Senate.

This democratic win was NOT a Tsunami of change. It was something that was historically expected. Also - if it were a big call for change, then there would have been more turnovers. But the house and senate just barely squeeked over to the dems.

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
The election results showed a LANDSLIDE victory for the Dems.

Nope. It was just a squeek by. If it were a 'LANDSLIDE' then many many more seats would have turned over. And as I said before, this usually happens in the 6th year of a whitehouse hold.

That blows the "election machine rigging" theory completely out of the water.

YEP. That is true. This shows that Diebold didn't rig the election. So from now on all you yahoos screaming 'diebold rigged it' ... I'm just going to
at you and point to this.

[edit on 11/9/2006 by FlyersFan]

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