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Is America Intellectually Bankrupt? Are We Bereft of Capable Leaders?

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posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:03 PM
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Pace acknowledged he was not consulted about replacing the Oberfuhrer, Herr Rumsfeld. Indeed he was not even notified of the most significant change until 10 AM today. The same word was "leaked" by Bush43 operatives to the public around 12:45 PM, barely 15 minutes before the President’s news conference. Do you think the Joint Chiefs could have offered any valuable insights, or input into the choice of a successor to Rumsfeld? Or is it Bush43 and VP Cheney have so little regard for or respect of the top military leaders of our Armed Forces they don't even want to act a sif they want their help? Sweet Jesus, it’s business as usual in Crawford. This man has not only not learned a lesson from Tuesday, he is already plotting to re-gain his imagined pre-eminence.

So who do we find to replace Rumsfeld? Bob Gates, a worn-out but trustworthy old timer from around Capitol Hill. Former head of the CIA, which is not necessarily a good recommend from my point of view, and sitting in the plush Texas Agriculture and Mechanical University job as president, a holding pattern for the rich and famous.

It had earlier become obvious a new face if not a new substance was needed in the War on Iraq as envisioned by the Bush43 and VP Cheney team. So who do they hire? Old, tested and reliable James Baker, who has worked for so many past presidents you’d think he would have died by now. And to join him, to keep the critics quiet, Lee Hamilton, long time Democrat from Republican Indiana, and the reliable co-chair of the Nine Eleven Commission.

No, I don’t know of any impeachable offenses any of those men have committed, but I ask you, out of 300,000,000 people, why do we have to have old, worn out political hacks to run (or is it ruin?) this county? Sweet Jesus. They got us into this mess, how the Holy Heck can they now get us out of Iraq without making fools of all of us, most especially those 3000 men and women who have died for this botched “endeavor?” You tell me.

[edit on 11/8/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:14 PM
Well, under Rumsfeld the Generals were submissive and not allow to voice disappointments without repercussions.

Rumsfeld was a yes man and he didn't like much the power the Generals had.

May be now they will be able to work onces again in the benefit of the military strategy without having to worry about Rumsfeld anger and micromanaging, that obviously just caused the Iraqi conflict to become the mess is right now for no listening to the Generals.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Well,unfortunately,since this country is run under a two party system
, the liklihood of fresh blood getting in there is nill. It will be some "seasoned" politician from one of the two major parties.
Same ol', same ol'.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:49 PM
Old cronies love to be together. Bush is not putting anyone in who does not, or may not share his agenda.
Bush still has many things to do, people to attack, and in general he will continue his agenda till the bitter end, when they either impeach him or drag him out of the White House when his time is up.
I'm sure daddy approves.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:28 PM
Has any president ever, in history, appointed someone to a cabinet position that doesn't share his agenda?

He still needs to be confirmed, and he had a rough time during confirmation hearings for the top CIA position (Iran - Contra "issues") in '87 and he withdrew his name. He was ultimately confirmed for the top spot in '91.


posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Our political leaders,not just the President but all of them, are very much indicative of the American society. Look, we are living in a society where only about 3% of the population reads on a consistent basis. Hell, there was a poll done,I don't remember by who, that states that sixty percent of the population admitted to having never read a book all the way through!! Sixty percent!!

Should we be surprised that our leaders are egotistical dummies, who think they know everything and really don't know a damned thing? :shk: I don't think so.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
there was a poll done,I don't remember by who, that states that sixty percent of the population admitted to having never read a book all the way through!! Sixty percent!!

I actually find this really disturbing. It seems that most of the people I talk to would rather see the giant explosions and hear the loud digital surround sound of the movie theatre while having everything placed in front of them in a nice two hour long package. Don't get me wrong, I love movies too...but seriously!

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by YoBrandonRaps

I actually find this really disturbing. It seems that most of the people I talk to would rather see the giant explosions and hear the loud digital surround sound of the movie theatre while having everything placed in front of them in a nice two hour long package. Don't get me wrong, I love movies too...but seriously!

When television came out, critics said that it would be the ruination of intellect. I'll be damned if they weren't right. They were right then, and they are certainly right in this day and age.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
So who do we find to replace Rumsfeld? Bob Gates, a worn-out but trustworthy old timer from around Capitol Hill. Former head of the CIA, which is not necessarily a good recommend from my point of view, and sitting in the plush Texas Agriculture and Mechanical University job as president, a holding pattern for the rich and famous.
[edit on 11/8/2006 by donwhite]

Wow are we bitter! I thought you would be celebrating today but no.. I doubt there is anything Bush could do to please you anyways. So I have a question for you now: are you happy that Israel no longer controls America's foreign policy?

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

I doubt there is anything Bush could do to please you anyways.

Well,I am no big fan of Bush but i don't hate him either. I would say you are right. It seems to me that no matter what Bush does, people are dissatisfied. I think it's terrible that we as a people do not recognize the limits of what a person can do.

I have to say that yeah,I do have some questions about Bush complicity in 9/11,although I think the conspiracy is way over his head.. However, all in all, considering the screwy mess that the world is in today,I think Bush has done okay. I really do.

[edit on 8-11-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

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