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Principle of Heaven

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posted on Nov, 12 2003 @ 10:43 PM
If one can say that religions in general are the same what are applicable spiritually can be applied to others. The attached is offered as a perspective well known within certain circles.

Sung and Ming dynasty philosophers and practitioners used the term "tien li" to describe a state in which one is like a mirror searching in the hidden recesses of our mind for three things: problems, the truth of life and the universe. There is an external universal tien li and a hidden internal tien li in every person. We use the external tien li to locate the internal tien li in our body, which will lead us to the truth between man and nature (everything outside of man), ourself and life.

Rest of link...

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 05:33 PM
Yes I agree with the basic premise of there being an external and internal force which work together and hold us in a layer between themselves.

This accounts for the way aliens can appear from within people's own psyches as well as in the air above their heads.

The aliens that come from the collective or individual subconscious of man all work together and compliment each other in various ways because they are part of the external and internal forces which work together and hold us between them.

This is probably why Jung thought that the ufo's in the sky were connected to people's subconscious minds. We tend to see ourselves as disconnected from the external alien/ufo phenomena and yet we are connected to it by the forces within us, which work in collaboration with the external forces.

I have been taught by the aliens how they hold us between dimensions from within and without. The universe as we know it is only one layer out of many layers which all overlay each other. There's a continuous stream of activity moving between the layers even though the beings on each layer may not be aware that other layers exist.

Our internal selves could therefore be viewed as a vortex of energy which opens up into a completely new reality when passed through. If that makes any sense?

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 08:50 PM
Hey Aztec do you know what Founders are?

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:00 PM
Is that a trick question?

What type of founders are you thinking of

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:02 PM
Native American Founders

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:07 PM
No I have very little knowledge of those people. I live in Australia and we have our own native people to try and understand.

posted on Nov, 13 2003 @ 09:42 PM
Ok just wondering, see I am Native American and some within the culture do consider, that they were from another world.

posted on Nov, 14 2003 @ 12:13 AM
Yes, now that you mention it I have noticed that the American Indians closely resemble the race of people that are depicted on certain artifacts interacting with particular alien life forms . I am 100% positive that the American Indians are of extraterrestrial origin.

posted on Nov, 15 2003 @ 09:24 AM
Indians are flesh and bones just like whites and blacks and exhibit the same natural functions and emotions. All which combine Gods creatures on earth.

Btw, hello Toltec.


posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:27 PM
On December 7,1977 I died. For 30 minutes I flat lined while EMT's worked to resusitate me.

I was still me, without gender, color or any other label we use on earth to keep each other in our place.

I did not "go" to a place I simply was within and without and one yet seperate yet connected.

Since my return, I attempt to "function" in a world of externals that does not comprehend the world of the "internal" or non linear ..............

I find it difficult to put words around a concept that is beyond the ability of our present language to explain without losing something in the translation.

Heaven is not a place we go and we are not meant to go there, we are meant to manifest it in this realm of existence.

Jesus was a Master mystic as well as a Master psychologist He challenged us to look up and beyond what we see in the natural world, not for the purpose of controling others, but to realize our own true nature.

As we merge into the fabric of our true self we transform or evolve our bodies into a higher construct.

If your opinion is that we fabricate aliens with our minds, then you must also consider that we fabric everything with our minds.

We create what we see and believe individually as well as a collective race awareness. If this is a truth then we must logically assume that we can equally uncreate it and no thing can harm us unless we believe it can. Thus we give power to others to lord it over us and in so doing we must accept full responsibility.

Jesus said, "I and the Father ( sometimes interpreted as Source) are One"

If I am one with my source then I am complete self responsibility.

My inner and outer, the two shall be one, must agree.

I may have gone off topic, I do that sometimes when I write as I begin to see connections and just go off on a tangent.

I am struggling with the words that can convey my message I hope I have done it justice.

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