Robert Terwilliger, Cecil Terwilliger, Principle Skinner, Groundskeeper Willie, Jar Jar Binks.
This is with Wiki.
In the episode where Bart cheats on his IQ test by changing his sheet with the sheet of Martin Prince, we learn what he got on his test. In other
words, we learn Barts (Well actually Martin's) IQ. What is it??
In a scene that was later removed, who purchased Snake's car (Little Bandit) and wound up losing his arm due to Snake setting up piano wire spanned
over the road between two trees?
In the Treehouse of Horror where Willy is Freddy Kreuger, in Martin's dream, what Dungeons & Dragons attributes did he give himself?
(hint, there are two of them)
This was a hard one, I know the episode but couldn't think of it, but after plenty of looking for it I found something that says: Mrs Krabapple is
doing a rendition of Fever, then Bart says "I didn't think it was possible but this both sucks and blows"
Just for the record, Skinners real name is "Arman Tamzarian"
What colour crayon does homer have stuck in his brain???
(Just to clarify i'm looking for the one thats in there to begin with, not the one Moe puts in, but if you know both that would be fine...)