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Weapons Cache

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posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 10:59 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right forum...

Back in the Clinton era, I remember reading about gun owners burying caches of weapons in the event of some civil unrest, gun-control law, or whatever.

I was wondering if anyone has actually done this, and how they went about securing/concealing/preserving their weapons?

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Caching weapons was, indeed, a popular concept during the Reagan era as well. Survivalism, post nuclear war survival, was a topic of interest for me in this period. At that time there were many many books about the proper way to store and preserve weapons and even ammunition.

It's been a long time since I had even thought about storing / caching weapons so I did a google search. I was surprised to find so few informative articles on the topic. I probably could have found more but, perhaps I just didn't do a thorough enough job. Nevertheless, I did find a few articles. One of the best was this article on caching weapons. It's a pretty cheesy ultra-conservative site but the information is certainly valid and it might be of some use to you.

Another place to go for information on weapons caching -- as well as other similar topics -- would be Paladin Press. This publishing house has collected some of the most interesting and useful books on the topic of personal defense, military equipment, arms, tactics and related topics. I especially like the work of Ragnar Benson (an alias). Do a search for Ragnar Benson on the Paladin Press site and you will find some of the most useful books ever published on the topic of survival and personal defense. He even has one on weapons caching.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Think there was some kid on posting on ATS a while back,who had actually dug up someones stash-loads of ammo,and some other stuff.
He had photos i too.
Everyone told him he was a nutter for posting it here,and for digging around peoples stashes,which are sometimes booby trapped apparently.

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