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Reptilians: I Have Some Questions.

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posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:14 PM
If another post like this currently exists then I would appreciate being provided with a link, either here or via u2u, and this locking of this thread (I don't want to waste space).

Now, onto my question. I am here to ask about these 'reptilians' I hear so much about. I am all for hearing some general information and your personal view on them, but I alsp have some specific questions that I would also like to have answered.

1) Do they abduct people? I have heard little to no stories that claim to involve reptilian abduction.

2) If you believe they are in fact living entities, from where is it believed they originate?

3) Their intentions for this planet and its inhabitants. I am curious as to the speculation on this.

4) Why do I always hear talk of peoples in power being part of this reptilian species? I almost never hear of greys in the same light.

I am asking this as a way to gain some insight into what you all think about 'reptilians'. I am not convinved of their existence and am looking at this all with a critical, but open, mind. I ask that you all do the same.

So in that light I ask only for answers to these questions and some general information. Flames and personal fights are not wanted or appreciated. And please, keep the information on topic.

Thank you all for your help ahead of time.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:18 PM
There was a time when some other members were also trying to get some answers on this subject as well. They even went so far as to conduct an offcial ATS study, you can read up on your questions to your hearts content here;
Reptilian Research Project

Not a problem, hope you enjoy.

posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
There was a time when some other members were also trying to get some answers on this subject as well. They even went so far as to conduct an offcial ATS study, you can read up on your questions to your hearts content here;
Reptilian Research Project

Not a problem, hope you enjoy.

Thank you for the speedy response. I appreciate the link and I will read until my little heart can't take anymore tomorrow.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:17 AM
If anyone does feel that the link provided does not include certain information and would like to discuss it, then by all means discuss it here.

If you have anything that you would like an active discussion about then just post and I will respond. I am more or less a clean slate on this subject and feel free to chalk in your experience/knowladge.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 09:42 AM
As I believe the universe is a string of realities the idea of Reptilians is interesting. If we take for granted the fact that aliens do exist, it leads me to the postulation that Reptilians are Earth based, evolved jurassic creatures from a reality where the Dinosaurs were not made extinct. Through the use of dreams, Oobe and so fourth we can percieve these creatures, even interact with them

Therefore I dont believe Reptilians actively reside in this reality, however can be contacted.

The notion of Reptilians being 'evil' and 'corrupt' probably stems from human interpretation of the Bible (The Snake at the Garden of Eden) and common media branding.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by kolo_heights
As I believe the universe is a string of realities the idea of Reptilians is interesting. If we take for granted the fact that aliens do exist, it leads me to the postulation that Reptilians are Earth based, evolved jurassic creatures from a reality where the Dinosaurs were not made extinct. Through the use of dreams, Oobe and so fourth we can percieve these creatures, even interact with them

Therefore I dont believe Reptilians actively reside in this reality, however can be contacted.

The notion of Reptilians being 'evil' and 'corrupt' probably stems from human interpretation of the Bible (The Snake at the Garden of Eden) and common media branding.

Very interesting point you have made here kolo. Alternate reality or inter-dimensional beings? It does seem that one of those two, inter-dimensional beings, could be a benevolant or malintentioned species. I will, however, put some thought into your idea of other realities.

Your case for alternate realities seems a bit like the basic concept of string theory in regards to dimmensions. The way in which the dimmensions. or "realities" interact with eachother is where your theory and, from what I understand about string theory, differ. Interesting concept and thanks for the input.

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:10 AM
Reptilians, why is there so much talk of this?? I think people saw "Signs" and went loco! Just because Geico uses a lizard and the military likes snakes as logos (these reasons were in another post), now we believe lizards control us???

Come on people. Even if it is true, you have to come up with a better backing argument that the above mentioned!!!

I am not by any means ranting...but sometimes just going on a Snipe hunt is just what it is!! Just my 2 cents here of course but really..........lizards/Reptilians???

[edit on 6-11-2006 by Mondogiwa]

[edit on 6-11-2006 by Mondogiwa]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:19 AM
I wasnt suggesting that Reptilians definetly exist. I myself am sitting very much on the fence regarding the topic. I find it unsettling that people are able to talk about different species of aliens and their characteristics when it cant be firstly proved that aliens exist.

However it is just as ignorant to dispell this concept. Arguably we will never gain true 100% 'proof' so why hunt for something which cant be attained?

I believe there to be some truth in the matter. I doubt that they are actively involved in our government and control us but I dont see why creatures of a reptoid nature cant exist in some form across the universe.

Nothing is impossible just improbable

[edit on 6-11-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 11:19 AM

No apology neede, you own the right to your feelings my man.
I agree with you and thanks for the reply, touchee on your remarks!

I have posted a thread on this topic of reptilians in the same are and have not received any responses yet....however, I do expect some heated responses soon!
Similar to you, I am sitting on the proverbial fence for many of the same topics, and your saying that just because they cannot be proved does not mean they do not exist is perfectly stated, kudos on that point.

I just get a bit concerned when people go off on the wild tangent and claim so many things that I would like to hear some educated reasons, as you have made, as to their is just fine if they would just say that! I am a God loving man and faith cannot be something proven, it's part of the definition, right!?

Kolo, I appreciate the comments, talk with you soon I hope, Mondogiwa

[edit on 6-11-2006 by Mondogiwa]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 12:16 PM
Apologies if I sounded aggressive but I was merely stating my thought process here on ATS.

Anyway back to the subject matter and I agree with you also. The topic of Reptillians seems more far-fetched and fictional. People seem to be coming to their own conclusions and going off on wild tangents regarding their existence rather then basing their knowledge on what information appears to be out there.

While I can accept the conclusions that these beings exist in some form, the whole idea of them being evil rulers controlling planet Earth seems to make a better Hollywood film script then it does fact.

However there is no smoke without a fire. I feel I have met a being which can not be classified under Grey or Reptilian. With the complexity of life anything is possible.

We all have faith in our lives. Be it faith in yourself to support your family or the faith in an almightly, benevelent Deity faith and belief helps progress life and stabilise the soul. Faith becomes dangerous when used blindly to oppress another persons stance and belief system.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 12:30 PM

OK OK, seriously? I have to hear this about this being that you have encountered!!!
I have respect for your writing and where you sit on this stuff, and so far, so good!

There, as you say, are some real far fetched ideas out there, but your quote, "Where there's smoke, there's a fire", or similar is for real, I agree.

Please, I won't judge or anything, BUT I would in detail really like to hear about your encounter..feel free tu u2u me if you feel more private about that!

Looking forward to it, I will return later and anxiously await it!

Til then, Peace, Mondogiwa:

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 01:22 PM
I couldn't do the whole experience justice within a post. For the most comprehensive description of what I've experienced visit my post named 'Shadow Aliens' within my profile. This was the initial experience I had but has been followed up by subsequent experiences which I have yet to detail

Without going too far off on a tangent and hijacking this original topic a lot of what I have experienced is starting to unveil itself and make sense. The most prominent of late is a vivid dream whereby I interacted with a blue skinned, humanoid being located underwater. The interaction was telepathic and left me confused for days. I believe this is the original entity I experienced as a child but this time it partially revealed itself to me rather then remained in darkness. I feel it is slowly revealing itself to me. Unfortunately I still have an inate fear of it's presence.

To put things into perspective read up on my original post. I consider myself a regular member of society (if you can call a University student one!) and would never concieve the idea of trying to decieve members on this board. I stay true to my experiences and they stay true to me.

This is as much as a learning curve for me as it is for everyone else. Once I have more time on my hands I will post a detailed report on these experiences. Hopefully one day I'll be able to validate my claims with the preverberal 'Proof'.

Oh and I believe the entities name to be Jes-sa-roo (spelt phonetically).

Contact me Mondogiwa for any questions

Back to discussion.....

[edit on 6-11-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:48 PM

Thanks, I will check out the other post when I get a few minutes on my hands as well.....I appreciate the info.
By the way, what school are you at if I can ask, too personal, just let me know!

The vivid dream thing is wild, as more info presents itself, you will keep the community posted, yes?? Sounds similar to the abyss type of thing.


posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 10:23 PM
I remember a dream where there was this massive black ship with sharp edges that landed beside our house and for some reason all I remember was an intense feeling of fear or danger. The next thing I remember is being on a ramp and walking up to this reptilian standing near the door on the ramp. And for some reason all I remember from then on is being in my house with 2 of these beings who were trying to teach me telekinesis and I remember eventually moving # with my mind but it seemed to drain me and make me feel tired almost as if I lifted it with my hands but I didn't.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by DarkCyrus]


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