Speaking of the Nazis, what the Germans were doing to Jews in the concentration camps wasn't widely known, either, except by the kooks of those
"But THOUSANDS or MILLIONS (hell, why not billions?) of people would have to know every last detail, don't you know!
(Need-to-know basis? What's that?) They never would have allowed it! The government works only in my best interests! It looks out for me! They're
honest! What point is there is killing so many people in such a brutal way? It makes no sense!"
English and German are pretty similar languages, you know? And cognitive dissonance is probably universal. So is stupidity, apathy, cowardice. Being
unable to entertain this notion, is cowardice. Where did those Nazi propagandists go after WWII? Does anybody know? Remember the old crap along the
lines of, "If we don't take them, the Commies will!"? So where did the Nazi propagandists go, then? I'm sure some of you have come across this
information before. Kind of sick, isn't it? The CIA would never employ such monsters, don't you know? People would
do something about it,
just like the Germans
did something about the Nazis and about those camps! Just like the NSA would never spy on its own citizens, just as the
media is supposed to report the truth and not polarizing, brainwashing garbage, and just like REX84-like 'detainment camps' should never concern us
Americans. Just like history
never repeats itself because we're always so clever that we
always catch it ahead of time and ward it
Carl Sagan:
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no
longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. it is simply too painful to acknowledge — even to ourselves — that
we’ve been so credulous.
I think the next five are going to get pretty crazy. Don't get too comfortable in those armchairs!
If anything, prepare for an economic collapse. In other words, no more running to Wal-Mart for food, because Wal-Mart won't be getting much shipped
in when gas is $50+ a gallon and their suppliers are in the same trouble as the rest of us in the first place, not to mention everyone rushing to buy
everything up as quick as they can. How much of what we buy is locally produced? Especially if you live in a city, good luck. What happens after this
is anyone's guess, but "pretty crazy" sounds as though it would be fitting enough. Nothing would even
have to happen beyond that sort of
event to qualify as "pretty crazy".