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Cars At The WTC Site on 9/11, Why Were Some Burning?

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posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 01:04 PM
Ok seems like a stupid question if you ask me, ya it probably is. But this question has alot of merit.. One that has been bugging me from some time now.

Anyway let me show you what I mean..

This is an image of a parking lot about north east of ground zero. This lot is a good distance from the towers to say the least, and is even more of a distance from WTC 7.

But in these images we see that the cars are burning. such has here.

Now if you have no clue where this lot is up in NYC I will give you a visual.

Bigger looking image here.

So Lady's and Gentlemen... Why did this happen?

I can show you more images of cars and such burning to but then that would just be redundant. so this is all I will provide.

I am asking this question here because I cant even remotely think why this can happen, maybe someone can shoot me an idea that would be plausible for everything else to who thought about this.


[edit on 11/3/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 01:11 PM
Possible scenarios:

1. Plane debris

2. Building debris that was on fire

3. Diversion for the smoke that goes along with demolition at the base of buildings

4. Arson who had a field day at ground zero. To be able to burn what he/she sees fit

That's all I can think of right now.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 01:28 PM
Remember I am just concentrating on one spot, there are more areas around GZ that had cars burning. and in weird spots to..

Here is an example of one of them weird spots.

If it was any of the 1st 2 you answered then those 2 ideas are ruled out from this image.

The 1st idea I can probably rule out also, I have to find an image or diagram where plane debris hit at.

[edit on 11/3/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 01:41 PM
When I got there these vehicles where on fire from near by vehicles that had there engine running. The debris had fallen on the ones that where running and then burst into flames. The cars and vehicles - like The Fire Trucks and Police Vehicles caught on fire and it spread from one to another. We thought of that also, but later we saw what had happened when the clouds moved away.

The picture you are questioning is the Westside Highway or 12 ave. Just north of the site. This was also secondary staging for the rescuers. This was later moved to Pier 40. Due to the implosion cloud.

Any other questions just ask I will see if I have pics or info.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by bufordny
When I got there these vehicles where on fire from near by vehicles that had there engine running. The debris had fallen on the ones that where running and then burst into flames.

Debris from where?

Planes?? Not really.

The buildings? Are you serious?? look how far away that lot is from the towers, who are you kidding?

Show me in those image's any debris from the towers.

That don't stand. And as for cars getting hot, these cars aren't from 1980's and below, they are new cars.

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