posted on Nov, 5 2006 @ 11:24 AM
acually thats not even 100% true, use of the pentagram with the point up is typically use in invocation, the purpose of which is to align yourself
with the cosmic forces for the noble purpose of helping, healing and protecting. A pentagram pointed down is typically for evocation, and while it is
most often for an un-noble purpose such as gaining wealth, exacting revenge, or for outright unprovoked attacks, it is only satanic if the user is a
Now mind you, the terms Satanic, and satanist are very different, and in truth dont have much to do with each other.. a satanist in modern terms, has
little to do with the biblical satan (point of note, satan means adversary, and is not the name of the biblical devil), but rather seeks to emulate
the attributes of the biblical devil, those being: pride, wrath, and glutony in the 5 senses. they belive that you dont find enlightenment by denying
yourself the things you desire, be it sex, drugs, rich food or strong drink. If confronted by the biblical devil most satanist would probably run in
horror and find a catholic church to hide in.
now i know this is confusing, you ask "how could a satanist not worship satan", and thats a valid question.. and the answer is this, the satanist
doesnt seek the favor of the biblical satan, because the satanist seeks TO BE satan. The satanist seeks to break free from the status quo, they seek
to find their own path in life and not be chained down to the concepts, ideals and lifestyles and dictated by overzealous.
most satanists are completely harmless, and most give up the path of satanism by the time they are 30, and in my experience with satanists, and i have
known a few.. they tend to be abunch of whiney lil emo brats, looking to shock someone because they are ebil lil debil wooshipers (yes i am aware of
the spelling mistakes in this statement).
Those satanists that stick with the faith into adulthood and middle age tend to acually be rather pleasant people who just want to do things their
way, they tend to be mellow folks that just want to have a good time, they are kind to children and the sick and the weak, and only show any tendency
toward bad behavior when they are attacked or insulted, and then it becomes a matter of reclaiming their personally power from their assualter.
Nooow that this has been cleared up.. let us look for a moment at the pentagram that we see in the streets of DC, it should be obvious to anyone
looking at it, that the pentagram is broken and unfinished... and any occultist or esoteric student will tell you that a broken pentagram is useless