posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 08:21 PM
I know this is an introduction & im supposed to introduce myself but id like to get into it by asking "WHERE'S THE UNITY" i ask that because i get
a strong sense from EVERYONE around me that i should just keep my gob shut ask no questions & be happy to live in the cage i feel i/we are kept in by
the goverments social engineering,
if your poor/work for minimum wage etc, no-one wants to hear what you have to say let alone answer any questions you may have or give you the help &
guidance you may need/ask for, basicly your not rich enough to speak to them!
i as a long term employed tax paying citizen of the u.k would like to know why a portion of my weekly tax payments are used to fund the building of
MOSQUES & segregated schools for islamic kids & other useless to my own people intallations & there is nothing i can do or say about it without being
branded a racist & possibly arrested for breach of the peace.
I see the goverment GIVE housing to illegal immigrants whilst they decide what to do with them & in the meantime (anything up to & beyond 10yrs) the
community they are put into is destroyed, dilluted beyond recognition & eventually the people that did live there just leave due to this
"infiltration" of foraigners/possible terrorists thus the community ends up being run by the foraigners & that in itself leads to even more being
placed there or even being smuggled into by the foraigners that are there, what is the goverment doing, its not its country its our counrty we the
"little" people, the indiginous.
my great grandfather didnt fight in the 2nd world war to defend this country & its freedoms only for it to be used as a breeding ground for terrorists
& parts sold off to anyone arabic with an oil well to his name, thats not just somthing im saying- its what my grandfather has said to me & his war
buddies have said the same things too, they are gone now god rest their souls.
I know i speak for many people from every part of this country but as i seem to be speaking alone whenever i bring it up i feel nothing will EVER be
done about it, im not talking about organizing a mob to round up the countrys illigal immigrants & ship them back to wherever they came (but one day
that may be required)
i mean im paying a tax for these yo's to live here in council houses & live on benifits whilst the goverment takes its time deciding on what to do
with them, id like to have a say WITHOUT being branded a racist,
its quite simple "if your illegal your out" the fact a good many of them got here illigaly in the first place is a crime in its self & if convicted
of anything at all serious before or after they got here they should be out, because if i & many millions like me can live here all our lives without
even being pulled up by a police officer then they are not on.
they can burn our flag & our american brothers flag in our own turf without being penalized, WHY? if it was vice versa you know we would get done &
tony would probably give the ok for another gold topped mosque here to keep the peace,
i dont just get the feeling we are all being sold out, i know we are being sold out conspiricey or not, & aslong as people keep saying to themselve's
aslong as im not
getting any bother i dont really care- its just going to worsen,
if/when the time comes when the extremeists take to the streets again bombing or even shooting us whiteys down in the streets YOU WILL CARE THEN & you
will wonder why did i not get with it sooner.
this was probably not the best of introductions & i will probably be branded with some sort of politicaly correct term, but as least im saying it, im
not racist but i am predjudice, i love my country & my peoples i only want to protect them & stand up for the ones who cant. UNITED WE STAND DIVEDED
[edit on 31-10-2006 by eddie666m1980w]