posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 10:47 AM
First off, I have some done some research for quite some time, and unfortunately, the translation of AEKDB posted here is incorrect. However, I
believe that the rituals or secret information should only be divulged and taught to the fraternity's respected members. Yes, you must pay dues for
the organization, but don't we as members of society pay bills as well? For example, if you live in a house, or are renting property, you have to
pay for the priveledge of it's usage. Therefor, I do not believe that it is morally acceptable to try and learn the secrets and understand the
order, when we have not devoted time as members or payed. It goes back to pride and ownership really. If I was in a secret order, I too would be
upset if someone were trying to divulge the secrets of the organization and it's understanding, it is priveledged information, and I believe we
should treat it as such. I can understand why the members would be upset. If someone were telling people every little secret about you but has never
really been a part of your life, would you not be disgruntled? Or if someone barged into your home, trashed it, without any consideration or
consolidation, would you not be slightly upset to say the least? It just comes down to plain and simple respect, and I can respect the organization.
Afterall, they do many great things for the community, as well as military heroes.