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Story of a HollyWood Agent: To Iraq and back !!!WARNING!!! video has violent and adult content

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posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 12:00 PM
Pat Dollard now an exile in his own business community, he has gone to Iraq to see first hand the places known as the "Triangle of Death". Which is not even close to the lethality of Ramadi. Ramadi is the last hold out of Terrorists in Iraq, and he along with the Marine Expeditionary Force that allowed him to be embedded with them say; "Once the war ends in Ramadi, the war will end in Iraq.".

I learned about him and his journey to the East, after reading an article in Maxim magazine November edition, titled "Angel of Death". Where Pat only highlights some features of his film and travels while in the East. Along with exclusive photos, and four page report, I was impressed that he decided to go back later this year, instead of staying in HollyWood.

Bandwidth exceeded, none the less please keep an eye on the site for it's return.
He has a website, that details his documentary while touring with the Marines. The site has ActiveX and I had trouble getting it to work, but it does and will, but perhaps after a few attemptes and having it close on you, like it did me.

To Pat and those who made it happen, keep the faith bro, your not alone.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by ADVISOR]

[edit on 26-11-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 12:54 PM
Terrorist holdout? Thats a JOKE! The wole country wants you out and fights you tooth and nail to get rid of you. Your sitting on top of a bomb every day in that place and your about one hair from being blown to kingdom come. Terrorist holdout... pffft bunch of BS by the govt. GO IRAQI RESISTANCE! They have every right to be fighting, the bu#es are only there to rape, murder, and pillage, not help them. Holdouts... Iraq is completely against you, its just that you have one city thats repelled your attacks constantly. The rest of the war is a guirilla war and there is NO SUCH THING AS A HOLDOUT. You have BU#E holdouts but NO iraqi holdouts in truth, they are not going to sit still so you can bomb them.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
The wole country wants you out and fights you tooth and nail to get rid of you. Your sitting on top of a bomb every day in that place and your about one hair from being blown to kingdom come. Terrorist holdout... pffft bunch of BS by the govt.


There is a large population of Iraqi refugees living just north of me. They're not saying what you're saying.

You and George Bush are two of a kind, Vekar. You try to simplify a situation that is extremely complicated.

You speak in absolutes, and that's just not a package that truth comes in.

My humble opinion is that when people like you and Bush actually attempt to analyze the situation instead of just trying to write a good speech about it...that's when progress will occur.

But what do I know...

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 01:48 PM

You go ahead and beleive what you want, it don't change a thing.

Here is an excerpt from the site, and if you and others can be open minded enough to explore the rest of the link above, and watch the videos for yourself instead of posting before knowing what you talk about.

Just remember, the US Armed Forces, put their lives on the line for the freedoms of Americans and Iraqies a like.

The first time I met Pat, I was on the roof of OP Horea, and there was this guy smoking on the stairs. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, and I thought, “Who the hell is this guy?” He is not a marine. So I went to talk to him, and bum a smoke.

From that point on Pat and I were pretty much boys. It didn’t take long for me to realize he was not like some of the other reporters that I had dealt with. He wasn’t even a reporter at all. He was a once rich (before paying his way to Iraq) Hollywood talent agent. I thought, damn why is he here? He had it all. After talking to him, I figured out he was just like me, and my fellow Marines. He was fighting a war with his camera instead of a rifle. The war he was fighting was my war, our war against the media, the biased media who only showed the bad things in Iraq and condemned the President. Well I was there since the beginning and I saw the positive changes in Iraq first hand, and that is what Pat wants to show the country. He wants to show you all how we really feel about being over there and how it really is. None of the fake Hollywood created worthless crap like Over There. That show is not reality; it is as fake as MTV’s Real World.

Denying ignorance, starts from within...your self.

It makes me sad to see people beleiveing what they are told to, instead of thinking for themselves.

Be your own person, choose your own way, what ever it is you decide, make sure it is your decison.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:05 PM
Maybe they wont tell you the truth because you...
1: Torture them
2: murder them
3: beat them up
4: rape their children
5: shoot them for no reason
6: threaten them
7: bomb them whenever they dont follow you unquestioningly
8: torture children
9: murder children
10: on and on and on

I for one WONT believe a "veteran" for all the things I have read and seen, its called being a mindless slave. As for you "advisor" I was refering to a statement you made, not your whole little shpiel there. The statement was about "terrorists" and "holdouts" not the whole thing, reread what I said before you jump to conclusions.
I do not make speeches on here because it falls on deaf ears, and you up there talking about Iraq "esse" need to realize I generalize or else its a very, very, very long speech. To me thats just not worth my time with people like you. I generalize so people can understand what I say, and not one "armed forces" person is fighting for my freedoms. They are fighting to strip them from me, I have lost more freedoms to the people they fight for than I have to a "terrorist" blowing himself up.
As for still talking when it falls on deaf ears: I give one opinion or warning then I am done unless someone else has something intelligent to say or I am so bored I come back and keep goin.

There is so much to say, but I know you wont listen, oh and I dont give two hoots about your "expert" opinions, I use my own two eyes.
Oh thats the saying:
"who do you believe? Me or your lying eyes?"
I trust my eyes FAR more than anyone on here, or in the real world, thats how I get things done.
End of story.

Edit: added two sentences.

[edit on 31-10-2006 by Vekar]

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
I do not make speeches on here because it falls on deaf ears...

I don't think I've ever read a post by you that couldn't be easily categorized as a speech, monologue, rant, or tirade. And they don't fall on deaf ears. All of your ramblings are responded to...of course the responses, well, they may encounter some deaf ears.

..and you up there talking about Iraq "esse" need to realize I generalize or else its a very, very, very long speech. To me thats just not worth my time with people like you.

Please tell me what you mean by "people like me."
Just so you don't get out of hand. Here is exactly what you know about me:

1) I claim to have spoken to some Iraqi refugees.
2) I claim that they don't share your opinion.

Now you can call me a liar, or you can offer an explanation. You didn't do either. You just attacked a good Bush-style politician. Or would that be a bad politician? No matter, I'm sure you stopped reading a long time ago.

On the off chance that you've mustered the effort to read this far, I'll let you reread something you wrote that makes a better argument about your character than I ever could:

I trust my eyes FAR more than anyone on here, or in the real world, thats how I get things done.

Try dipping your big toe into "the real world" every now and again. It's amazing the things you might see.

Or you can keep emulating your man George Bush and just attack everyone who disagrees with you before you actually consider what they said.

Your call. I'm no "expert."

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 04:29 AM

Maybe they wont tell you the truth because you...
1: Torture them
2: murder them
3: beat them up
4: rape their children
5: shoot them for no reason
6: threaten them
7: bomb them whenever they dont follow you unquestioningly
8: torture children
9: murder children
10: on and on and on

Only like 1 in a thousand troops do something remotely like that. Calm down and don't abide to stereotypes.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:22 AM
Allthough he's very hard in his statements. I must say I'm with Vekar.

Go Vekar !!!

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:36 AM
I have mix feeling here from Advisors post and members opinions. My hsband and ex marine works in our local military base, we get Marines coming back from Iraq.

Many don't even want to talk about what is going in Iraq because they are traumatized, others talks and the first thing they say is What a mess others say the entire country is a war zone and is no place to be safe.

You can not trust even the Iraqis that are been trained in the military or the police.

Perhaps is some places in which terrorist have strongholds I believe it bu they are no the only problm in Iraq, insurgency is all over and the sectarian violence is going rampant.

Iraq is a big tragic place and our soldiers are just caught in the middle of it.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:37 AM
I wish more Iraqi's would express openly that they wanted us to leave...Hell put it to a vote over there...That way we could cut ties and let Syria and Iran run them over at will... Silly that they think we are the opressors. Tell me did you have more freedoms when Saddam was raping and pillaging your country? Tell the Kurds that we are worse

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Vekar
Terrorist holdout? Thats a JOKE! The wole country wants you out and fights you tooth and nail to get rid of you. Your sitting on top of a bomb every day in that place and your about one hair from being blown to kingdom come. Terrorist holdout... pffft bunch of BS by the govt. GO IRAQI RESISTANCE! They have every right to be fighting, the bu#es are only there to rape, murder, and pillage, not help them. Holdouts... Iraq is completely against you, its just that you have one city thats repelled your attacks constantly. The rest of the war is a guirilla war and there is NO SUCH THING AS A HOLDOUT. You have BU#E holdouts but NO iraqi holdouts in truth, they are not going to sit still so you can bomb them.

You know what, if you don't have anything intelligent to say, and the ability to back up your mouth, I'd rather you keep it shut and say nothing.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:49 AM
Now, now people do not be judgemental of Veker post, he has a point and a real issue to be talking about.

He is talking about the facts of everyday warfare in Iraq.

So nobody here can denied that our soldiers are targeted every single day of their stay in that country with a variaty of weapons no only arms but improvised items.

So he is right in that issue.

The fights are constantly, all you have to see is how many soldiers are killed in a week and how many are wounded.

Keeping the statistic of wounded in the back burner is nothing but a strategic way to make it look and have the Iraqi casualties of our soldiers to be compare to Vietnam is low.

What people forget is that the reason we do not get higher casualties in Iraq is . . . because availability of treatment and technology keeps them alive.

We are coming a long way from 45 years ago.

Still the wounded number of soldiers that survive is actually very high coming from Iraq.

The number of death of civilians caught in the insurgency and terrorist and sectarian violence will tell you exactly how bloody Iraq has become.

So do not bash Velar for bringing a valid point.

Most violence is in Baghdad where US has his stronghold, now if US troop can not even keep their stronghold safe you can imagine how bad is in the rest of the nation.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 10:47 AM
As a filmmaker, I can tell you that this guy Pat

a) had a good reputation in Hollywood

b) is generating positive buzz regarding his doc- people are excited by it.

Some people questioned his motives when he went, but others hold him up
as an idealist- as a rare individual in that liberal community
who is walking the talk- so to speak... others just talk a good game-
Pat put his money- and his life- on the line...

I hope, eventually, his film will restore him to some lofty place in the industry,
or provide him with a second career- as a doc filmmaker...

We need more films like this- unbiased accounts of THE TRUTH!!!

Just telling you what I have heard regarding this man and project.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by PisTonZOR

Maybe they wont tell you the truth because you...
1: Torture them
2: murder them
3: beat them up
4: rape their children
5: shoot them for ......

Only like 1 in a thousand troops do something remotely like that...

I,d really like to see your source on that because a heckofa lot more than 1 in 1000 BOASTED to me about their methods PERSONALLY whilst off duty in Dubai..

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Oh how I wish, I wish I wish I wish...

that we ALL could know the truth.

The following is my belief:

The United States has made a difference in Iraq.

The majority of Iraqi people want help and the U.S. there.

Not all U.S. soldiers are bad people, rapist, etc.

The "resistance" as some call them, are a minority who eventually will be eliminated.

The U.S. will continue to lose soldiers, however will get the job done.

Iraq will become a better nation with a functioning government.

President Bush isn't out for his own personal gain, he's doing the best that he can.

To hate a people and nation is wrong and unGodly, we should pray for all nations and thier people.

I hate the constant bickering about Iraq and the terrible things that the U.S. is doing there. I wish we could all agree to disagree.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 04:03 PM
Vekar will keel over from a heart attack with all of that hate within.

And can you stop the lies you spout.

None of my family members or I murdered, raped, shot, tortured, beat up, threaten them, on and on, bomb whenever anyone while in Iraq. So I take offense in calling me or any member of my family a murderer or a rapist.

Annoying yes. I am guilty of that.

If you want the truth go there yourself. Or follow what is given to you. Believe what you want.

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