I'm a junior in high school and I'm working on my junior theme. My teacher was kind enough to let me do it on "where the government keeps alien
technologies." The bad part is I need an interview and I was wondering if one of you fine people would be willing to give me one via email. If you
would like to help out a student who will be screwed without your help, and yes it would be all your fault if that happened, send me off an email with
"Interview" in the subject line. My email is [email protected].
no one has replied to this young persons' request for an interview.... hmmmm could it be...
That we're all affraid that this is really a trick and that it's the MIB's, CIA, NWO, NIS, NSA, ATF, MJ-12, Omega, NRA...
whoever, just trying to get information on each one of us that would reply to this request
Would the input of a person who is a member of a known "Conspiracy Theorist" web-based forum honestly count as a good interviewer? I know my
high-school would have never accepted that as a source...especially not an email...we always had to have proof... Interesting...
You could begin at your local government office, because as a citizen you have a right to interview your public officials about information related to
government activities.If that doesn't work or you're not satisfied, look at different government websites, still if that does not satisfy,
don't stop searching for the truth! As for me, I don't know where the government keeps alien technologies; in the U.S.A, I would think it would be
at the Area 51 base. But, I am not the one with information concerning these secret technologies.
Well it's not that I'm looking for a source, I just have to have the interview. Don't ask me why, my teacher is kind of weird. Basically it all
boils down to I want the grade and I love coming the these boards (although I never post) and decided this would be a nice place to start.