posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:35 PM
After reading about people saying Israel is bad for using cluster bombs in Lebanon many times. More out of ideology then caring for the Lebanese
civilians that were harmed.
Now the whole story....
I thought a report from Humans Right Watch that hezbollah has been confirmed in using cluster munitions into Israel would get the same amount of
condemnation from many of the same people?
Human Rights Watch This is a link to the story.
hezbollah without the knowledge/skill used unguided forms to get the weapons to the target. Thus increasing the chances of civilian casualties.
The numbers of cluster munitions shot by hezbollah is way lower then the Israeli numbers, only because Iran did not supply enough Chinese made cluster
munitions to hezbollah. hezbollah showed the willingness to use these weapons, and should be ashamed just as much as Israel.
Israel at least admitted they used the cluster munitions, and hezbollah still denies they have used them. Someone manned up and told the truth, and
someone continues to lie about the use of cluster munitions. Israel should have given the sites and areas used for the cluster munitions in Lebanon.
hezbollah can not give this information as there muntions were shot using no close accuracy, and are an unknown.
The UN denounced Israel for using cluster bombs, and I wonder if they will denounce hezbollah for the same.
The clean up in Israel will be easier as less cluster bombs were used, and in Lebanon this will be a problem for the near future.
It is sad civilians died and are still dying from these cluster bombs.