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A glitch in reality?

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posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 04:10 AM
When we experience aliens, UFO's and other unnatural occurences are we in fact glimpsing into another reality?

For me reality seems to be unstable and fluid like. Every action has a cause which over time can shape and mould the fabric of life.

What we percieve as Ghosts are infact beings from another instance of reality here on Earth.

Aliens do exist however are currently in another reality. Perhaps in that reality the existence of extra-planetary life has been released to the public.

UFO's and other anomalies have been developed within another reality along a different technological path we have undertaken in this one.

Em fields, '___', astral projection and other resources help break this reality.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 08:15 AM
There we go, in my opinion also this is where the truth lies. Parallel realities that sometimes for one reason or another intermingle.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 08:36 AM
Your views seem very plauseble to me i alway thought that ghost where pehaps visual anomalies from anther time, that being imagine time as a vhs tape that is being taped over and over again and sometimes just sometimes just like a vhs tape when fowarding you can get glimpses of what was on the tape before.

As for ufo's i think they maybe more intergalactic or inter-dimentional travelers.

Good post Kolo

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 08:51 AM
The question therefore is how and why these realities 'collide'

It is my personal belief that creationist beings are beyond these strings of reality, conducting them to suit human development & expansion.

Human catharsis helps break free from this reality. Great emotion (both good & bad) can be heard across the various strings and is almost 'logged down' within areas. Humans and other creatures can sense these elements.

People who feel they have been to certain places when physically haven't are in fact communicating with another instance of themselves in another reality. This is applicable to dreams aswell.

Just like a DNA string, our birth and death is one however our life can be broken into a variety of realities, all of which are a consequence of actions.

At the point of death these realities amalgemate leaving us with our complete self, namely the soul.

True knowledge is the recognition and interaction of your every instance

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by reaper2
As for ufo's i think they maybe more intergalactic or inter-dimentional travelers.

They could be a number of things, here are some plausible explanations:

-They are infact inter-dimentional beings with the ability to travel across the variety of realities. They are the gatekeepers of each reality ensuring stability and progression.

-They are aliens from another planet within a different reality string. Within this reality they may have been exposed to the public.

-They are infact within this reality

-Nazi Germany reportedly did much development in flying saucers and spacecraft. Perhaps UFO's are from a different reality in which Nazi Germany took over the world.

-They are a combination of all listed above

Life is continually in development. If you take a number of pieces of string and drop them to the floor you will notice some results. The strings will bend and cross-over but ultimately will start and finish. This is how reality functions.

The brightest of human minds have the ability to manipulate their own reality string.

Glimpses of different realities can be observed/sensed when these strings cross over.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:31 PM
Nice Kolo...

I tried to start a thread like this in Medical Issues & Conspiracies awhile back. Modern physics would tend to offer some support to what youre saying.
This might also explain reports of mythical beats like Nessie and Bigfoot

-Nazi Germany reportedly did much development in flying saucers and spacecraft. Perhaps UFO's are from a different reality in which Nazi Germany took over the world.

Umm not sure about this one though. While the Nazi's worked on other propulsion techniques I think the UFO-Nazi connection is overblown. Evidence suggests flying discs have been around wayyy before Nazi Germany.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by kolo_heights

Originally posted by reaper2
As for ufo's i think they maybe more intergalactic or inter-dimentional travelers.

They could be a number of things, here are some plausible explanations:

-They are infact inter-dimentional beings with the ability to travel across the variety of realities. They are the gatekeepers of each reality ensuring stability and progression.

-They are aliens from another planet within a different reality string. Within this reality they may have been exposed to the public.

-They are infact within this reality

-They are a combination of all listed above

The brightest of human minds have the ability to manipulate their own reality string.

If creators are behind the scenes pulling the strings then is there any scientific theory on how we might manipulate these string (reallity) to further our race along in our reallity. If not mabe someone able should come up with such a theory. ??

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Hi Kolo, i nearly posted on here with exactly the same title a couple of days ago so i had to come see! I see where you are coming from however my angle at a 'glitch in reality' was a physical experience where i was at a set of traffic lights/ pedestrian crossing and as a bus passed me it appeared to jump slightly away from me like a glitch in a game. Not something posible for a bus to do so it was quite weird. I didn't post in the end though because i expected to be ridiculed and told to get my eyes tested

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 03:34 PM
As interesting as this may sound, an alien ship cannot react with something physical from this world unless it was in our reality. People who have seen UFOs and then were abducted by the beings operating the craft are good examples that they are from our reality and not some other dimension that we can view and label as a glitch.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Yes I like this theory other realities, dimensions, etc.

Quantam mechanics suggests this just look at the double slit experiment.

Hopefully science will successfully one day have a soundproof theory as to how and why this is happenning. Probably not in the near future tho

- Naz

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 06:22 PM
i like your theory good post i do beleive in parrallel dimensions and i like reapers theories on ghosts i do also beleive that some ufos might be interdimensional i also beleive that most ufos are the spacecraft of aliens from our universe great post thoughgood way of explaining the paranormal and ufos

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by reaper2

If creators are behind the scenes pulling the strings then is there any scientific theory on how we might manipulate these string (reallity) to further our race along in our reallity. If not mabe someone able should come up with such a theory. ??

We as humans have the ability to shape our own reality strings. The only pre-determined factors are the beginning and end of the string (birth & death). Enlightenment and progression of humanity is overseen by our creators as they have complete control, however through the use of dreams, Oobe and so fourth we are able to unchain ourselves from this reality string and gain insightful knowledge into other realities.

Some of the cleverest minds on this planet have been at the edge of sanity. Furthermore many contraversial and revolutionary figures have spoken of interacting with strange beings or hearing voices in their head.

Every day these glitches occur, sometimes we see them, sometimes we dont.

De-javu is the subconcious recognising similiar acts within different reality strings.

We are all connected to every occurence of us across every reality string. This connection is the soul which comes to fruition and amalgemates with every reality at the point of death.

The universe is a very unstable place. There are multiple realities some of which seem parallel to ours.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by kolo_heights]
Trimmed triple nested quote

[edit on 7/11/06 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Impreza
As interesting as this may sound, an alien ship cannot react with something physical from this world unless it was in our reality. People who have seen UFOs and then were abducted by the beings operating the craft are good examples that they are from our reality and not some other dimension that we can view and label as a glitch.

First and foremost what is to say that there cant be UFO's and Et's within this reality aswell as others? If we agree on the premise that UFO's are infact ET origin and not man-made, abductions can be occuring through beings within this dimension, however the human pysche has the ability to 'peek' into other dimensions whereby other aliens species reside.

[edit on 6-11-2006 by kolo_heights]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 07:21 AM
If your interested in this theory you really should have a look at this documentary on parallel universes. I've recently been biten by the quantum bug, seems like science and spirituality are going to meet. Also try googling CERN the worlds largest particle accelerator and have a look at what thier up too, absolutely incredible. Although none of this involves aliens when you hear what the physicists latest theories on the nature of reality, it may help to understand the big picture, the multiverse and help break some of the barriers and conditioning we have and you'll see it's not a big leap to accept aliens as reality.
parallel universes

If this grabs you, also check out "What the bleep do we know" it may be a life altering experience.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Em fields, '___', astral projection and other resources help break this reality.
I am glad to see '___' included. I have studied '___' and other entheogens for several years now, and believe myself that a link does exist. Another "safe" entheogen, though not occuring in our brains naturally, would be Salvinorum A. Extracts are readily available, though somewhat expensive, and most people don't like it. But I see great potential in "tapping" alternate realities. Remember, with entheogenic plants and chemicals, some things should be disregarded as a "trip". Though, I find that reseachers believe '___' to be a dream molecule interesting. Many ancient cultures had great amounts of knowledge learned through the entheogenic plants of their regions, and I believe we should keep an open mind to what possible "teachings" we could learn.

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 01:39 PM
so if i wake up and one of my socks is missing from the dryer, and my toothbrush is magically gone (toothpaste still there) didd i wake up in another reality

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:12 PM
Given the natural processes that have shaped Earth, our solar system and our universe since their creation, it seems to me almost more likely that there are many universes rather than one.

Whatever event or force that caused our Universe to come into existence could well have occurred many times, as most natural processes tend to do. M-theory would seem to support this hypothesis, providing as it does for an environment in which entire universes could be created on a regular basis (or whatever passes for such in a timeless causal framework).

I am fascinated by the fact that our reality seems to operate based on the effects of a few simple rules that interact to create more and more complex processes over time... without endless iteration within these rules, energy, matter, life, and sentience would never have evolved. Therefore, it seems to me that this same iteration would apply to the creative force behind the Universe, rather than it having acted only once.

[edit on 26-2-2007 by The Parallelogram]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:16 PM
While I certainly believe in other dimensional realities, I think we run into a problem when we start equating ghosts and UFOs with these realities. How are we to ever prove it? If it is not occurring in our own reality then there is no way we will ever be able to prove it. To me, these theories just give skeptics more fuel. Naturally they are going to say, "Well, you are just trying to circumvent having to prove these things by saying they are from other 'dimensions' and such."

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Since we cannot yet define reality since it is both subjective and relative we must start first at a definition. Reality to each individual is different. Some people view reality differently. A perfect example of such is a person on PCP (AngelDust). They will view reality through an altered state, this becomes their reality. My reality and your reality are all different. No matter what you say to a devout catholic, God Exists! If you can proove God does not exist, their reality will come crashing down. Thus giving a new look upon this subject, what is reality and how can we define it by human standards?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 02:31 PM
I don't pretend to understand quantum theory, despite having read dozens of articles which made a partially successful attempt to help non-scientists like me understand.

What intrigued me most was the possibility of multiple dimensions/universes. Even from a layman perspective, it did make sense.

To suggest that UFO's and various other "paranormal" phenomenon are visible due to an overlap is plausible and very interesting.

Would this also serve to explain past lives, OOB and near death experiences etc?


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