PODcast: Springer Sprung Episode 002 ~ Was GOD An "ET"?
Several Times A Month, Springer and Dave Rabbit Are Going To RECORD Conversations and Discussions That They Have Anyway About All Kinds Of Subjects.
They Have Developed A STRONG FRIENDSHIP Over The Past Months And OFF THE WALL THOUGHTS Are Commonplace. So, Fasten Your Seat Belts And Get Ready For A
Bumpy Ride.... Springer Is SPRUNG!
In THIS Episode We Discuss Alien Abductions, Barbarella And If "GOD" Was An "ET".
length: 40:19
file: btstpod_1974.mp3
size: 14179k
feed: btst
status: live (at time of posting)
Yeah.... we are still screwing with the perfect settings for Springer on SKYPE. I have some more tweaking to do for episode 003 next week. This is
really getting to be lots of fun.... I am finding out things and articles that I really never took the time to go through before because of this new
SPRINGER SPRUNG show. I'm really glad we came up with it as it has forced me (and everyone knows how I HATE to READ ) to actually READ.
Thanks for dropping by and posting at Che Springer!
Enjoyed the show, and can't wait to hear future ones.
A new conspiracy theory...
Someone pointed out to me that that the words SKYPE and SATAN each have 5 letters
in them and screw with people... coincidence? Hmmm?
(Twilight Zone Music plays in background)
Seriously,,, can't wait for the next show... you two sound like you have a lot of fun doing them...