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possible chupacabra sighting

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posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 07:17 PM
I have an aunt who lives in texas really close to mexico and she lives on a farm and she and my uncle raises goats and llamas and chickens and what not....she told me and my family that one night she heard one of her goats making a terrible noise like as if it was being attacked or killed so she went outside with a flashlight and she went to where the goats are and according to her, from a distance she saw a big, fuzzy, blue eyed creature that stood on its hind legs and was attacking one of her goats. the next morning she told my uncle and he thought she was crazy so he went outside and he saw a dead goat lying there with a puddle of blood next to it....could this be a possible chupacabra? has anyone else heard stories about a creature like this?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 07:27 PM
they dont kill goats they just suck their blood artard

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 07:32 PM
well, they said that the goat was dead.
maybe this one was extra-violent.
or maybe it was a guy who just wanted to kill a goat and he was wearing a fuzzy jacket. they're old people ya know.....dont have the best eyesight.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:43 AM
When you suck out all of somethings blood, what does it do? Adurkadurk it dies, nice use of artard though

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 03:46 PM
actually, there haven't been nearly as many documented cases of actual ensanguination as the mythology would have one believe. It is very difficult to prove a body is drained of blood without close examination, and very few qualified witnesses have actually documented anything that proves blood-sucking. The legend is Spanish in origin, and appears closely associated with the myth of birds [generally species of nightjar and whiporwill] sucking milk or blood from goats. What actually exists is a story about a monstor, and the fact that livestock is occasionally subject to predation by natural carnivores. Most physical evidence so far produced for the chupacabra is better explained by wild dogs or other canids.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 01:46 AM
i dont like the wild dog theory if a wild dog were to attack a goat i think it would leave more evidence than two puncture holes in the neck. there have been possibilitys that the creature is made up from ww2 periodin order to scare the enemy and perhaps pranksters are keeping the myth alive. Or it was an escaped creations of the cia.
There us also a theroy which explains all criptid sightings called the apartment block theroy where all the creatuers including us live in an building but on different floors and only bump into each other at ceartain points such as in corrdiors e.t.c. so bascily a paralell universe which i think is a bit farfetched but whos knows maybe we do...

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 11:26 PM
as i was saying, cite documentation for "two holes in the neck". Preferably from a veternarian or a scientist. Just one....


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