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A conspiracy that big is bound to be leaked

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posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:22 PM
i believe bill o'Wiley of Faux news said it first, a conspiracy that size would have required hundreds of people to know about it and someone was bound to leak something.

to dispell this belief that the government and military is not capable of keeping secrets I'd like to point out a few operations in which they did in fact keep things secret until they wanted us to know.

The Manhattan Project, from 1942-1996, in which three governments involved, Canada, the UK and US, kept the secret from our other Allies (mainly russia) so we could reap the spoils of Japan ourselves without their assistance. (for those that dont know, Russia was supposed to invade and co-occupy Japan with us. We booted them the moment the first Bomb test was sucessful).

The Tuskegee Experiments, from 1932-1972 managed to sucessfully keep secret for 4 decades, in which REAL doctors told african american patients that they were testing new drugs, though no new drugs were ever given....surely in 40 years, one doctor would feel bad and come forth right?

And last but not least, Area 51, to this day there are hundreds if not thousands of military personal who have worked there, and still what goes on there is fuzzy at best to the general public. They kept the stealth bomber secret until it was available for little boys to oooggle over it in calanders and posters.

Unfortunately, in this time, the only way secrets are to be exposed is for one to do the research themselves. It doesnt become universally accepted until it has been broadcasted on the 5 interlaced media conglomerates. Fox, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC.

We've all seen anomolies where we asked ourselves, "HOW COULD THE NEWS HAVE MISSED THAT ONE". Because they dont want the public to be thinking about it thats why. Ever notice, no news network will ever show the collapse of building 7, why, cause they know that is the smoking gun, and they dont want the masses to be pondering the peculiarities.

I remember an O'reilly episode in which Prof. Steven Jones sent a video of the WTC collapse to Bill, on TV he asked, Did you watch the video i sent you? and Can you run the tape of Building 7 collapsing. Bull O' Reilly refused.

So to end the spoodfed Jargon of, It wouldhave leaked...actually no it wouldn't.
And the fact that is the public has started to catch wind (36% according to Zogby), shows the government just how much a threat the internet actually is to them.

[edit on 28-10-2006 by Pedro Sanchez]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:34 PM
Pedro, why would the doctors doubt anything , if you go to your doc now for a jab would not both of you assume it to be what it is.

As for Area 51, people do talk but there made out to be liars etc. and you only have to look at some of the members on ATS for their patriotic zeal, would they snitch.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 04:13 PM
Magic Mushroom, The Doctors and Scientests composed to do the tuskegee experiments, new they were testing the long term effects of syphillus, not administering cures, they were never testing the effects of cures nor administering anything that didnt help with the goal of seeing the long term affects of syphillus. The scientists new they needed human guinea pigs for the study, they knew exactly what they were studying and on whom, they knew the only way they could get human subjects, was to give them hope that they were testing cures. The study was to determine the effects of UNTREATED syphillis. The point is, the argument that it would have leaked is false.

Not only that:

"n order to ensure that they would not be treated, which became increasingly difficult with the discovery and widespread use of penicillin after 1943, local physicians, draft boards and PHS venereal disease eradication programs were given a list of the "subjects." " (source)

This means that not only those doing the experiments knew, but local physicians as well. It was advertised to the public that they would be treated, while the whole towns doctors not involved, knew that they weren't allowed to receive any penicillan.

The abhorrant experiments didnt surface to the public because the information was leaked however it was exposed by the media, after the discovery of penicillan which is used to treat the disease, and those involved in tuskegee were still dying, it became obvious. It took 40 years for the public to catch on.

As far as your 51 comment, i agree as i have seen some fakers come onboard and give bull. However, like i stated, if anyone who really was there came out, the whole world is not going to accept it as truth. If they said, "the government is working on alien spacecraft at area 51", the media would dispell this as hoax, even if in fact it was truth.

My point, the government has its methods of keeping things secret. Which is why the Internet is a threat. A lot of people now turn to independant sources for their information right here online before the internet all our truth was broadcast on government regulated media.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 04:52 PM
opps wrong thread, wierd...sry

[edit on 28/10/2006 by ANOK]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:09 PM
The risk of leaks is why any operation would have involved as few people as humanly possible, with the least risk of ever ratting each other out. Everything compartmentalized, no one knowing the "full story" except those that planned it. Anyone else would just be told whatever they needed to hear to accomplish whatever needed to be accomplished. It would be very unprofessional and very stupid to be chatty about something like this when there would be no need for it.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:40 PM

Don't you then think someone would think "Hmmm... I was hired to plant bombs and thermite in the WTC's, that's a bit odd". Or don't you think someone would say "Hmmm I saw a missile slam into the Pentagon... might tell someone about that".

The amount of people needed to pull off 9/11 is either one of the following:

1) Hundreds if not thousands of US officials, citizens, contractors etc.

2) Around 50 Al Quaeda operatives who have already admitted to it.

I'd go with option 2.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Pedro Sanchez
i believe bill o'Wiley of Faux news said it first, a conspiracy that size would have required hundreds of people to know about it and someone was bound to leak something.

Pedro... here's a piece of an email that I sent to Bill O-so-whiney...

"O'REILLY: OK, you don't have to buy anything. You're American. You want to be a nut? You can be a nut. And you are a nut, because in order for any conspiracy of this magnitude to take place, thousands of Americans would have to buy into it, would have to know about it, and would have to keep their mouth shut about it. That's never going to happen. You're like the guys who think that the space aliens kidnapped Elvis or something like that; that's where you are, in my opinion."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the quote of you above, the conspiracy that you are referring to is the "story being sold by the Government"?

Your belief here, is just that... your opinion.

I believe you are wrong to state, "because in order for any conspiracy of this magnitude to take place, thousands of Americans would have to buy into it", because it would only take one person to believe the story that the Government wants us to buy, and that would be the guy at the top, you know the one with the utmost influence. "...would have to know about it..." Again, wrong. If no one knew the truth (as we are today), the conspiracy would be much easier to pass off as the truth. "...and would have to keep their mouth shut about it." Absolutely right. If everyone kept their mouths shut and did not question those trying to sell the untruths, yes, the Government's conspiracy would in fact happen..."

I wrote my email to Bill O'Reilly in regards to his 10/12 Talking Points entitled "O'Reilly Takes on 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist!" and of the 10/13 Talking Points entitled "When Freedom of Speech Goes Too Far".

You can read the transcripts of the show in question here:

I'm thinking this is where you got your topic from, right?

What everyone needs to understand, these things will continue to happen over and over and... if no one stands up and does anything about it. I know, I know... it's just Bill O'Reilly... wonderboy himself... but how far will we, the people, allow it to go. At the rate that things of our great nation are turning for the worse, there's not much more time for everyone to say, "Hey, enough is enough."

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by PunchFrog

Don't you then think someone would think "Hmmm... I was hired to plant bombs and thermite in the WTC's, that's a bit odd".

No. I don't think they would risk putting anyone in such a position that would potentially be wondering anything like that. I wouldn't be surprised if they used foreign special agents or even Islamic fundamentalist patsies to do it.

And I don't think a missile hit the Pentagon, so that part of your post is void for me automatically.

2) Around 50 Al Quaeda operatives who have already admitted to it.

Not sure what you're referencing here. The only evidence for the suspected hijackers was a list of them conveniently left behind in a suitcase of one of the alleged hijackers (Atta, was it?). Obviously, confession after death would not be possible. Otherwise, you have to revert to the OBL tapes, which are highly controversial for several reasons, not least of which is that OBL was saying for months to Middle-Eastern media that he was not in the least involved, and that the tapes in which he appeared to admit this or that were "found" by US military in a basement in a bombed out city in Afghanistan.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
I wouldn't be surprised if they used foreign special agents or even Islamic fundamentalist patsies to do it.

In my opinion, this is a very plausable theory. Remember the guys who got caught with WTC passes? Valhall has come across a many "wierd" situations. As far as I know, these "known" terrorists were let go. I believe the story is that they were caught with fake Tennessee? licenses. One of them had a pass to the WTC to do "sprinkler" work right before 9/11. BTW, the Port Authority did their own sprinkler work. So, who gave this man a pass to the WTC and what was he actually doing there?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:15 AM
When people are dedicated to an idea or belief , their dedication may know no bounds. I firmly believe that with the right people it can be contained. Something of this magnitude even if someone felt guilty about it, would probably think twice about coming forward. Even if they confessed they would still be one of the most hated and sought after people in the world.

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