posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:32 PM
Well, being somewhat familiar with ghosts and such things, I realized at the time of 911 that that spot would be haunted for a very long time. So
often it is innocent victims of murder/violence that come back to haunt. I'm sure the 911 victims would have much to tell us about 911. To clear out
the ghosts would be a major undertaking, we're talking 3,000 of them.
I agree with Rachel, there should never be anything built there again except a memorial. Practically speaking, who the hell would rent an office in a
new WTC built right on that site? I know I wouldn't. But then there would be the hauntings, so that's 2 good reasons never to build. But also I
think these victims and their families deserve a memorial so that they are never forgotten.