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Watch this video - 9/11 holographic planes not so far fetched now....

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posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:49 PM
OK so it may of sounded so far fetched it waslaughed right out of the park by us all...

Then I came across this real time holographic projector / simulator and now i'm torn -

What my eyes tell me is that this is not possible - what the video tells me it is. This tech could be 20 years more advanced from the black world, and then we would hear and see things that were not there at all....

UFO's and 9-11 spring to mind. Holographic planes striking buildings any one??????

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:58 PM
Very interesting stuff, thanks. It also reminds me of 'Beyond the Pale Horse', where he said that the government would project images of an alien invasion -- to bring about one world government.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:00 PM
The video was actually pretty cool.
I still say 2 planes hit the Trade Center,but with this technology future events could be held in question.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:08 PM
I am gobsmacked by that video

That is absolutely awesome and if genuine then that technology is so cool

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:22 PM


If you pay attention to that video, you'll note that the technology only works to super-impose things onto a screen. There's some very fancy surface detection and flying mouse tracking (the presenter has a flying mouse in his hand... check out the cord running down his arm), but it still can only bee seen if you are looking at the screen.

This technology DOES NOT put objects into the real world!

What the video shows it the presentation screen, not the actual table. If you were to look at the table, you would not see the computer generated objects that he's playing with.


Considering how many people saw planes hit the towers with their own eyes and the number of independent video recordings of the event, your theory holds about as much water as a hola-hoop.

Still a neat vid, tho. If they use that tech in the next Nintendo, I might have to pick one up.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:37 PM
I dont think the people in those planes that hit the towers were holograms because i know someone who lost a loved one in the plane that hit the second tower.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:57 PM
Ignoring the political parts here:

I am not an easy person to suprise, but that hologram system was downright awsome.

Good post!

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght

OK so it may of sounded so far fetched it waslaughed right out of the park by us all...

Then I came across this real time holographic projector / simulator and now i'm torn -

What my eyes tell me is that this is not possible - what the video tells me it is. This tech could be 20 years more advanced from the black world, and then we would hear and see things that were not there at all....

UFO's and 9-11 spring to mind. Holographic planes striking buildings any one??????

great find dude
here is another way to make more fake reality shows, but i'll certainly be watching closer next time i'm looking at any serious event on the news

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:11 PM

If you pay attention to that video, you'll note that the technology only works to super-impose things onto a screen.

Could you please elaborate, I don't see what you are talking about. I see the table with the holograms and I see a project screen to the rear of the table. How do you know that table, and the person we are looking at in the video are on a screen.

Are you suggesting the video was pointed at a screen and recorded?



posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
Ignoring the political parts here:

I am not an easy person to suprise, but that hologram system was downright awsome.

Good post!

It's NOT a hologram!!

It's realtime video insertion combined with surface detection.

A hologram would be visible in the real world with the naked eye.
You can only see those computer generated objects on the videoscreen. Infact, if you watch carefully there are some obvious flaws in the system. It has no ability to do distance clipping. It can't tell what real world objects should be infront or behind the computer generated ones. Watch when he has the lightsaber in his hand. Several times his other hand passes between the camera and his hand with the flying mouse in it. The lightsaber is drawn overlapping that other hand.

Same deal with the Hummer. Obviously they have specificly mapped out the large central objects on the table, but when it collides with the small box in the lower right hand corner, it passes through it much like objects in a bad videogame.

This technology is:
Not able to project objects into the real world
Not Alien
Not quite done
Not connected to 9/11 in any way.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:28 PM
The idea and concept are easy to understand. I can see where advanced tech could be used in the real world, but the 9/11 attacks were very real. This seems like a scaled down version of how the sats could project holograms over the world.

Very good thread though.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:29 PM
Bitraiser - you miss the point by a country mile....

I'm not saying it IS connected to 9-11 in any way, im just saying about all those with theories about hologram / projected aircraft - Alot of theories go around the premise that a smaller craft was camouflaged by a system to project images around it...

I raised this vid just because it got me that if this what we are playing with now, what the fricks hid in the black world??

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
Bitraiser - you miss the point by a country mile....

Not really.
I'm just seeing some folks going off on tangents without understanding the actual content of the video you posted. You have to be careful when you present information lest it be misunderstood.

I'm not saying it IS connected to 9-11 in any way, im just saying about all those with theories about hologram / projected aircraft - Alot of theories go around the premise that a smaller craft was camouflaged by a system to project images around it...

To be blunt, I most often connect those theories and the word "loonies".
Some very odd things happened on 9/11. However, to suggest that holographic technology that not only doesn't exist, but is impossible to create, was imployed to fake airplane crashes is outright silly.

I raised this vid just because it got me that if this what we are playing with now, what the fricks hid in the black world??

Umm... What do you mean by "black world"?

I'm going to go with the assumption that you mean secret research projects.
Yes, there is no doubt some very interesting technology that none of us have seen, but unless you believe in magic there are still real live physics principles that cannot be overcome.

To create an image, you have to reflect light. This can be done in many ways. The simplest is to project light onto a surface... but that restricts you to 2D images. to make 3D you need to either fool the eye (optical illusions) or to reflect light in 3D space. One of the most promising technologies to create freefloating 3D images is to use crossed lasers that scatter eachothers beams where they intersect. The current problem with this tech is that it requires large bulky projectors, lots of power, and prisene atmosphearic conditions. Anything that interfears with the beams (smog, fog, dust, or even air turbulance) disrupts the image, making it impractical to use. The other problem is that we cannot create realistic colors with the types of beams we have.

As you can prolly tell by now, I've had some interest in the topic for awhile.

No, holographic planes still exist purely within the realm of science fiction.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:29 PM
And I suppose there are now holographic passengers too.

as mention, it can't just create objects out of nothing. This isn't holographic!

as I've said before..

bombs? No proof
implosion? no proof
Israelis? No proof
catch all term 'jews'? No proof
Israeli remote controlled drones? no proof?
aliens? no proof
military planes? no proof

what is next on the list? How about the Queen, she hasn't been mentioned for a while

I still don't get how holographic planes leave huge physical planed shap holes in buildings? with fire and smoke bellowing from it and people jumping from windows. Maybe I'm missing something

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:42 PM
Those were actual passenger planes with REAL citizens in them that hit the towers! As i said, i know people who had loved ones on those planes. I just dont understand why folks wont believe what happened?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 07:54 PM
a hologram is something you can see in the air

this is stuff superimposed into a video in real time

therefore, this has nothing to do with any 9/11 conspiracies

so, why isn't this thread closed?

[edit on 10/26/06 by madnessinmysoul]

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:11 PM
The threads not closed because it is A) a thought process in action, and B) has some posts in it that are informative, and C) I will complain if it is closed. To do so would be unfair.

I had a thought, that was all, after i was fooled into thinking some thing was there when it was not in the video.

I never linked it as proof of any thing - I linked it as an interesting video with real possibilites of being used against us... Some added and ran with the 9-11 part in my post - Read what I posted, and you will see that I am a non - believer in holographic planes, BUT if this can be done, i could be watching TV and see a tank attack and plane attack on telly and it not be real...

SO.............. Why should this thread be closed? What? because YOU do't like it? thats hardly fair is it?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Those were actual passenger planes with REAL citizens in them that hit the towers! As i said, i know people who had loved ones on those planes. I just dont understand why folks wont believe what happened?


Why? Because people can't accept it, it has to be something more sinister. Is is really so hard to believe that some religious fanatics did it? It was shocking yes, and it was a huge blow against the most heavily defended place on earth. But mistakes happen, and its usually the simple plans that are most effective.

Afterall most of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are anti US foreign policy, and often warn that it is the underlying reason why people seek to attack American. Why not on that day?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 04:06 PM
Based on a video game !!!!!!!!!!! What a sad state we are in.Maybe it was Pres.Bush disguised as a plane,ya that it.And he was carrying an H bomb.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 04:14 PM
Well rdang,
what a great contribution, a piercing effort to provide an extra insight into some thing others do not understand...

Gee where do you people crawl out from under? Isn't it nearly empty yet? and when will you go home? You really do make ATS a chore rather than a pleasure, which i'm sure is your purpose.

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