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who is really controlling the planet??

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posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:49 AM
I do believe that the greedy leaders want more. Take, take, take..... I know it exsists, I've had enough girlfriends. JOKE!

There are many examples large and small that back up what you're saying about cheaper alternatives that would ultimately be either free (I know nothing's free) or up to 90% less than what they cost to run at the moment. But....... Where's the profit in that?

Take a minute though, the way things have been run over the last 100 or so years there's no way we could just change to that kind of sytem over night. Even within a few years it would be hard. Imagine the drop in the worlds economy just because of money not spent. Billions and billions and billions.

People would have more money as wages and salaries wouldn't fall and you can then afford more luxery items. We get more greedy and end up just like that fat man at the top, wanting more. Not many people out there are happy with nothing because you cant survive with nothing.


posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:52 AM
Why don't we stick to the facts that we know?? The Rothschild's are one of the families that control the federal reserve, and the bank of England at the very least. David Rockefeller (who has been the engine behind the Bilderberg meetings) is a close partner of them, and also has stocks in the major banks, and central banks (again, at the very least). IMO they're also behind the world bank, the IMF (which cripples third world economies, and the Bank of International settlements)

No they don't control everything, but they control the western economy. They control the money from the wealthiest man in Russia (since he got thrown behind bars), and they have major investments in Chinese banks.

Forget the reptilian, alien etc etc... stuff for a minute, and just look for the data as accurate as possible.

Do a search on the 1976? publication of the owners of the federal reserve. Nathan Rotschild and Waterloo. Devil Island in 1910. Carrol Quigley's book. The Money Masters dvd.

Or take a look at Conspiracynut's comic right here..
(while I don't agree with some of the facts of his other comics, I find this one to be very accurate).

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:56 AM
yes its an experiment in manipulation of human population by scum that think they are above it all, and i for one want no part in it...and make no mistake about it, theyre good at what they do...well obviously (doh i amaze myself)...i have respect for these people, they are evil beyond beleif but genious plan nevertheless
I am all for one world government but not like this and not with a depopulation plan that wants to exterminate all but 500.000 of humans on earth...and specially not with these "you are with us or against us" people running the show...blow me

deathmatch would be nice btw, televised, prime time...but lets make it "barb wire cage of death" match with fans bring the weapons shall we...i have a chainsaw i dont use much

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Why don't we stick to the facts that we know?? The Rothschild's are one of the families that control the federal reserve, and the bank of England at the very least. David Rockefeller (who has been the engine behind the Bilderberg meetings) is a close partner of them, and also has stocks in the major banks, and central banks (again, at the very least). IMO they're also behind the world bank, the IMF (which cripples third world economies, and the Bank of International settlements)

thanks bandit for all the research references

the statements made in the above paragraph about David Rockafeller and Bilderberg etc... is that all fact or is it conspiricy has any of it been proven or admitted too?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:05 PM
It's the Annunaki, the reptilians. The other aliens, like the grays are not as powerfull as they are.
They have been in controll for as long as humans exsisted.

[edit on 26-10-2006 by InSaneTK]

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Thought I would post the following link re NWO and the Roosevelt connection. Actually the site is full of stuff relating to the Origin of NWO and the Illuminati.
Personally I'm still reading and trying to absorb info on this topic, but I found the apparent Roosevelt connection frightening, i.e.:


posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:06 PM
"who is really controlling the planet??"

Were all just along for the ride until this planet decides otherwise.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:03 PM
of course its the nazis

i mean.... who else ?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:52 PM
I would have to say nobody, but if your talking about the most powerful i would have to say the US industrial millitary complex which they get some of there money through a black budget and supress highly advanced technology from the public. These people are out of legal sight so they can do whatever they want, which is a threat, but its OK because people are like sheep and as long as we listen to the media and distract the majority of the people that are clueless through unimportant issues such as celebrity's for example everything will be fine.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 07:31 PM
" who is really controlling the planet ? " .....................

why me of course ....... who else could it possibly be

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 07:37 PM
Secrecy Rules, just like Jim Marrs book "rule by secrecy". I agree with the above statement that if all we know is what the media shows us, then that leaves us in a blind situation.

The news is mostly wack tangled politics, wouldn't you agree? It's only on here whereI find leads to amazing stories I wish I could confirm reality wise.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:56 PM
The only way to stop this would require various methods such as making a petion of some sort or getting the media's attention to spread the truth and the problems we face because of the corruption. We must all band as a people to stop this secrecy, we all need to let the government know as the people of the counrty to stop this unfairness and tell the truth. Other methods would require using hostile force if that would come of it. But the people who are on top are addicted too that power and wont let go. If we had some sort of state government that didnt have controlled ties to the main government and would have all this some how prevented by using some type of negoitating method.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 09:37 PM
OK. If Orion has no head and no legs...........
The Templars worshipped such an object, Maybe
Skull and bones could represent the missing skull and leg bones of Orion.

Nimrod was called a mighty hunter before the Lord, Orion was also a great hunter.

The sun represented as Leo is also a Lion, known to be a great hunter.

Biblically it is said that satan will wander around like a lion looking to devour. Or to hunt? Satan is also said biblically to be the Lord of the air, or this realm of manifestation. Earth.

Hmm, I don't quite understand the constellation refrences unless there are schools that exist of this planet where the hunter doesn't rule and we can be taught some truth. I can't find any truth here.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by g60kg
thanks bandit for all the research references

the statements made in the above paragraph about David Rockafeller and Bilderberg etc... is that all fact or is it conspiricy has any of it been proven or admitted too?

Which do you mean? That David Rockefeller is behind the Bilderberg meetings??

The Bilderberg group takes it name from the hotel in Holland where the group met in 1954, during the earliest period of its inception. Bilderbergers meet regularly, presumably on a once-a-year basis, at various locations around the world, always in extreme secrecy, often at resorts controlled by either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg Group, sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller empire.

Btw... David Rockefeller used the husband of our queen at the time to be a frontman for the first meeting and further meetings.

Here's some more info of the Bilderberg meeting:

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 11:23 PM
Well right now Islam is doing a good job of dictating how a lot of people live their lifes.

another good side note would be...

The Ayatollah met and highly influenced Hitler...

Regardless a lot of work behind the scenes goes on... but really its quite out in the open... its just not talked about... I personally understand the mentality of Muhammad, although I disagree with violence.... especially as the previous 'messenger' spoke of love... it makes sense that the only way to God is through Jesus,.. or rather Christ... because without love, we will all end in bloodshed.

although, it is a message he came with. The focus should be on the meaning of all of this... not the words .... words don't go far enough to explain this 'phenomenon' .. when someone speaks and says something... people usually (friends anyhow) listen to the meaning behind your words... not the words yourself..
a good example would be kids these days, "Man thats SICK", or "This forum is DOPE".... or an older one... "As Easy As Pie" ... "The Best thing since Sliced Bread" ..

You have to admit that perhaps ... Every word or sentence is essentially the same... They hold something with more meaning... Words and sentences contain only a superficial cover for experience and meaning...

Think of it as split instructions..

.The words themselves are for the flesh...
.and the meaning behind words is for something deeper something ... we haven't quite identified fully.

obviously its all one and the same... but the two 'recievers' have conflicting ideas.. one is ultimately negative and the other is positive.

a very interesting movie a definate MUST SEE

Must See

More Info

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 11:52 PM
I would would say all of the above and one other: us!

We let them do it to us. So sad but don't get mad, it's time to fight for what is right: free choice and the freedom to do what you need to do.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:56 AM
Where is Satan on this list? With all the stuff going on in the world how can it be run by anyone other than the Devil himself?

Or maybe it's the people in the Middle East? They have the oil, so theoretically they have the power!

Maybe you could turn this thread into a poll, would be great to see the results

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 04:59 AM
We Are,.


posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 05:33 AM
The one in control of the world is the person who started this war in Iraq, the one who created the Bush Doctrine, the one who is Deputy Secretary of Defense in the Bush administration, the one who controls the most powerful financial entity in the world. He's President Paul Wolfowitz, pro-Zionism, president of the World Bank.

Quoting Paul Wolfowitz, from the Wolfowitz Doctrine:

"Like the coalition that opposed Iraqi aggression, we should expect future coalitions to be ad hoc assemblies, often not lasting beyond the crisis being confronted, and in many cases carrying only general agreement over the objectives to be accomplished. Nevertheless, the sense that the world order is ultimately backed by the U.S. will be an important stabilizing factor."

[edit on 27-10-2006 by DJMessiah]

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:41 AM
Check out this thread people!!!

The notorious movie "Freedom to Fascism" is on google video's. Check it out for more answers on this threads' question.

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