posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Madman, I've been trying to work out what type of target would be picked in the US to do just what you suggest in generating a massive outcryfrom the
public and one that would gel people together.
its going to have to be something big to top 9/11 and something that causes a greater loss of life.
The possibilities of an attack are an attack on a nuke power plant, the core is well prtotected but if the cooling systems were damaged causing the
core to go critical thats a remote possibility. Chemical/ biological attack either directly into the air, or contamination of water and food supplies.
The general public are are at the greatest risk, planes could be hit but with security allegedly better and air marshalls on planes may prevent this.
It could be something symbolic like the White House being hit. I'd be more inclined to think it would be chemical/biological, such weapons spread the
greatest fear and have the potential to kill many people very quickly, you only need small amount of the material making their use more likely.
As to who would do it, well you can say it would be Muslim Terrorists but thats what we would all expect is it not but that does not mean that forces
within the Goverment/Secret Services would not have a hand in it. Again plenty of smoke will be generated to keep everybody guessing just like 9/11
and 7/7. But I hope I'm wrong I dont want to see more innocent people dying no matter who they are or where they are.