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Muslim leader: It's the woman's fault who is raped. She's "uncovered meat"

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posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:20 AM
This idiot mufti comes out with absolute B.S dissing australia every couple of months.I think the media just love stirring up # because we already know what this wanker thinks,why keep printing it?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:26 AM
I agree with you and yeah when they drag all this out in the media, it only manages to incense people like me.

But on the other hand, we have a right to know what kind of racist,sexist, warped stuff he is preaching to his followers in this country.

In Pace Always


posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:32 AM
2 christain pastors were jailed for quoting references from the Koran.
And also including historical references.
If they can be JAILED for talking about Islam in a general sense, then I see
NO REASON why this Muslim shouldnt be in jail for inciting towards western
women with his comments.

Excerpt from following site....

Judge Higgins found that vilification had taken place, that they had breached Section 8 of the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 which says a person cannot engage in conduct that "incites hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, that other person or class of persons". Then he proceeded to attack the integrity, honesty, scholarship, and reputation of Daniel Scot in particular. Almost incomprehensibly, the Judge listed a series of statements and allegations from Pastor Scot in his lecture at the seminar, which were basically quotations from the Qur’an, while other points could be abundantly documented from around the world (Islamic persecution of Christians), or from the Qur’an, the Hadiths, or from Islamic scholars.


BTW... It would appear that a precedent has already been sent.
This man should be arrested, charged and sent to jail under the above law.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:40 AM
And let's not forget what often happens in Muslim countries when an "exposed piece of meat" is consumed:

ANKARA -- A 15-year-old girl who gave birth to a child that she said resulted from a rape became the latest victim of so-called "honor killings" in Turkey, newspapers said Monday.

The young girl, from a mainly Kurdish town near Turkey's eastern border with Iran, was murdered by an elder brother Saturday, press reports said. The victim, named only as Naile, had apparently not been aware that she was pregnant until she started feeling unwell and was admitted to a hospital, where she gave birth to a boy, the reports added.

Of course; with a name like "Naile" what should anyone expect

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 12:08 PM
What is really sad is that there are many creepy men who will use his comments as justification for their own behavior.

Now another matter that concerns me. I am reading a lot of finger pointing at Christians for this type of behavior as well. Please don't be just as ignorant as this creep who made the comment by lumping people together. All Christians do not believe the same as this creep. As a matter of fact, if you are a true Christian (follower of Christ) you NEVER believe that someone, whether it be man or woman deserves in any way an act of violence in such a manner no matter how they dress, what they look like, etc. Please do not lump people together like that (those of you who have).

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 12:29 PM
While I'd agree this Mufti or Imam is obviously stupid, its not just a muslim thing. Here in the USA the court system is/was geared towards the woman usually having done something to bring rape upon themselves. Maybe not so much present day but definitly in the immediate past. Anyone remember Amy Fisher (The Long Island Lolita) and Joey Buttofuco? Perfect example. She was labeled as a slut and meanwhile Joey Buttofuco was having sex with a minor.
Another example the movie "The Accused" with Jodie Foster was based on a true story about a woman (Sarah Tobias) who was brutally raped and they tried to make it appear as though she had wanted it.


posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:16 PM
The USA does not compare in any way but I was waiting for you or someone else to blame Bush or America somehow. Rape is a awful thing but thinking that every woman tells the truth about it is also very bad. I know their is always a bad story about some idiot prosecuter but there are just as many that go the other way also.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by factfinder38
The USA does not compare in any way but I was waiting for you or someone else to blame Bush or America somehow. Rape is a awful thing but thinking that every woman tells the truth about it is also very bad. I know their is always a bad story about some idiot prosecuter but there are just as many that go the other way also.

Why the hell would I blame Bush for something like this? Does this have anything to do with governmental policy or war or anything that has to do with how this country is run? This is a social/religious issue and moreso for this immam a mental issue.

However now that you brought the subject up..I guess in some ways it is Bush's fault for making this a religious war or else we'd never be seeing ridiculous news items printed like this just because some Muslim in bumstead,zamibia is making idiotic claims that anyone could possibly make from any religion.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:15 PM
If your beliefs have a rule or law of what you wear and you what to live that way-fine! But dressing a certain way to induce a rape is the same as the sick'o's that think a child is there for their own private sick sex..What we should be talking about is stoping the madness on this way of behavior. You can't convince me that 100% of all sex offenders or gay people or child molesters where BORN that way..But what we do know is that abuse is so dramatic that the mind sometimes can't know other wise..Some middle easterners think kidnapping children to ride in camel racing is ok ,but a unveiled women is making a sin if uncovered.. Give me a break. Every person in the world should clamp down on child abuse, this is hitting them where it hurts. They need to get small children screwed up to continue their controling ways. Now everyone of us should go their representatives web site and fight fou the children of the world to stop sex abuse.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by doctorfungi
Lol where's half_minded with his pro-muslim BS?

This is downright deplorable. This guy should be arrested or at worst deported. Pig.

The board does not permit me or I would have loaded a lot of curses on you at this moment. Why you calling me out for? Pro-muslim?

That makes you anti-muslim, and since I am a muslim I should definitely consider you a threat and probably get you jailed or deported.

So one stupid guy made a stupid comment and since he is muslim, all of you come bashing at the muslims. What about all the religious leaders across that condemned his words and apologized for it. Why ignore them and listen to this one jerk.

Seems to me like, Doctorfungi and other anti-muslim rednecks just wait for a chance to bash on muslims. Every faith has some stupid religious leaders who dunno when to shutup. And this guy isn't even a government official. What he says is his own dumb opinion which no one even cares about. So you gonna come bashing at me for that????

I dont agree with him, and I dont have to listen to your BS and name calling. I can start that too. And if you got the ba**s then we can go at it too.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:59 PM
I am getting sick and tired of this dumb media that loves to focus on nutcases like these and fuel hatred. And this gives everyone an excuse to bash on the muslims.
There are more or less equal amount of rape cases all around the world. So rape is not a 'muslim thing', its a 'desperate jerk' thing.

Personally, if this mufti had said this in front of me I would have beat the crap out of him. People like him cause the world to hate muslims. And the media and the government never miss an opportunity to highlight these 'leaders' which apparantly all muslims listen to. Ya right.

If Islam was so bad, then all women of Islam would have left it by now. Millions are still following it willingly. Millions still wear viel willingly.

Everyone conveniently ignores the other muslim leaders who constatntly keep condemning such acts and terrorism. They keep telling the muslim community to condemn this. And they do it too or they ignore it as some dumb religious nut rambling. But when the media highlights it and people come bashing at every muslim. Every muslim has to explain himself, like he personally spoke those words.

Stop the muslim bashing. This guy is in australia and I know for sure that muslims in australia dont follow his stupid teachings otherwise every muslim would be raping every female without a veil and then justifying themlselves with such comments. Stop making stupid assumptions about muslims. I am sick and tired of everyone treating me like a goddamn terrorist. Let these dumb religious leaders rant on, no one listens to them. And for those who do, they will be punished. Stop bothering the innocents because of these jerks!

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by resistancia

I am disgusted and I expect there will be many Australian Muslims who would agree that comments like this only serve to setback any progress in genuine attempts to effect understanding of religious and cultural differences. (Islam is more than a is also has a culture). I have worked with many Muslim men ( I am a 50 year old caucasion 3rd generation Australian) and I have always been treated with respect and have managed to build solid, friendly relationships with them, with many of the women too.

Part of my first reply to this thread....I did not Muslim bash. I justifiably singled out the Sheik. You may wish to accuse others of this but I will not be labelled as such.

In Pace

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by resistancia
Part of my first reply to this thread....I did not Muslim bash. I justifiably singled out the Sheik. You may wish to accuse others of this but I will not be labelled as such.

In Pace

Here we go again! Where the hell did I ay that YOU did the muslim bashing.

I said DoctorFungi and the other muslim bashers. Obviously if you didnt bash the muslims then that does not include you. So stop taking offense mr. sensitive.

My thread was against doctorfungi. He called me out and used name calling, so I gave it back to him and to all the others like him.

You may wish to accuse me of stuff u assumed because of your over sensitive self but I will not be labelled as such either. There you go. Similar comment right back at ya. See now, we culd have avoided this exchange of comments if you had read my post in its entirety and not taken stuff personally.

Muslim bashers come at every muslim personally and directly attack Islam, their faith, beliefs, culture, pernoality, appearance, etc.

Btw, I dont have a beard, I am not arab, I am indian, I am muslim, I dont agree with the fanatics just like hundreds of muslims I have met. And frankly we all are getting tired of being accused and ridiculed everyday. I joined this board to spread an awareness among people which does not seem to be working. As soon as some dumb muslim guy talks some #, he makes headlines and every muslim is criticized by the majority of people and in the end who suffers? we do.

As I said, I would luv to meet that Sheikh and beat the # out of him and ask him how would he feel if his daughter is raped? I am sure he wont be passing comments like these in that case. Infact, he will probably pull out some other fatwa out of his ass and turn the blame on the rapist while changing his statements.

Quran asks woman to cover themselves. Just like the west asks the woman to cover their breasts and genitalia, Islam asks to cover much more. In the Quran, no where does it say that if a woman wears less clohtes then she is allowed to be raped. Nor does it consider the rapist an innocent man in any case. If any person or country practices this, then they are still living in the dark ages and misinterpreting Quran to fit their needs. Any rapist who is muslim can claim this out of quran to try and save his ass if caught. Its worth a try because he has nothing to lose. So hy not try and escape punishment using this as an excuse which sadly works somtimes in some cases (Not only muslims, but rapists from other religions have used some religious reasoning for it).

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:19 PM
at the rate relations with the muslim community is degrading we reallly are on course for a religious war, its just a matter of time before this power queg blows

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:31 PM
I am not mr sensitive. Rather, I am mrs sensitive. Maybe I did over react but can you understand why ?

You did mention doctorfungi and others...I assumed that you had included me due to my being so outspoken about this issue.

I am not some redneck western religious fanatic. I have no religion, I am a free spirit but I respect the right of all individuals to practice whatever faith they choose, I just will not accept preaching of sexual violence.

I am currently trying to organise a national day of protest in Australia due to the fact that this morning we have woken to the news that the Sheik is able to continue with his hatred towards 'uncovered meat'. It appears that Australia will soon be under the control of Islam. My sisters and I (all women in this country)
are OFFICIAL potential rape victims.

This is not a religious issue - it is sex and violence. I think the Mufti needs a long hard....he is obviously sexually frustrated.

In Pace Always


BTW - Jihadists talk about the afterlife and the 70(?) virgins who will fulfill their fantasies. Aren't these virgins temptations of Satan? Why would devout muslims want to be tempted by the tools of Satan ????? I do not understand, I have no brain...I am meat.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:33 PM
I think the term "honor killing" sheds a lot of light on what the mufti meant when he said he only intended to protect women's honor.

I have a great deal of sympathy for the average muslim coming from the oft-referenced "arab street". In many ways I see them as being in the same boat that people in the west were in just a few short centuries ago. The intellectual system is off the track. When philosophical education and discourse are limited to the level of indoctrination and maintaining the status quo, this is what you get. So I am slow to demonize the average practicioner.

That however is precisely what makes the men in power so appalling. Those who have been exposed to the most education and discussion, who have the gift of intellect to become teachers and leaders have an obligation to use their role for the advancement and betterment of the society, and that means asking questions, not drilling the conventional answers into people. For the mufti to stand up there blaming the victim in such simplistic terms rather than leading an exploration of why it happens and how to stop it is a grevious failure.

Could it honestly have never occured to him that the honor of women might be better served if they put as much energy into killing predators as they put into killing teenage girls? I find it virtually impossible that it never occurred to him. The man lead the manipulation of a congregation of 500 in a way designed not to prevent rape but to scare women. The Islamic vision of a woman essentially that she be in the home, unless of course her duties as a servant to men absolutely make that impossible.

It is very telling that a prominent militant wahabist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir, allows women equal participation in their online activities (one object of which is to facilitate a world-wide Islamic state where those same women will be murdered if they should so much as show their face in public). Why would Hizb ut-Tahrir be willing to hear women as long as they can't see them? Obviously it's not a matter of inferiority per se, but of preserving a servile role for women. It's all well and good for women to be part of society, as long as there's no danger of them having sex with anyone other than their owner, and no danger of them not being around the house to make sure everything's just so for him.

I don't see a lot of honor in a role that acknowledges that there's nothing wrong with you, but in the same breath says that you still have to be available to cook, clean, or screw on command. The "honor" to the extent that there is any at all, is that bestowed on the man by the power he claims.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:37 PM
I agree

In Pace Always

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by resistancia
But on the other hand, we have a right to know what kind of racist,sexist, warped stuff he is preaching to his followers in this country.

Now, before I get to my point (and I *hate* that I have to put a preface to my opinion...) -- I agree that his words were, we shall neutrally say, promoting an unacceptable ideal. And I am aware that this could open up a huge can of misinterpreted worms... so hear me out.
More importantly, look at my words with objective logic.

I do not agree with the quoted words here. Understanding that we're talking about/from different countries... However -- is there not still a general freedom of speech? A right to privacy?

I may not agree or like anything any particular person/people/culture says; it is my right to dislike/disagree, as it is their right to say what they will. Judging people by their words is happening enough in the US... and it is not only short-sighted, but also immoral.

I also argue that a person's actions (do they actually _follow through_ with their words?) is worth such outrage.

I disagree that we 'have the right' to know every syllable uttered in every single sermon. I consider that action spying... as well as a severe violation of privacy and freedom of speech.

In short: While speech leads to action, language does not equal action. How many times have I said that I'd love to punch so-and-so in the nose, maybe even shaken my fist angrily... Have I *ever* actually physically enacted those words? No.

I do not equate words (be they in good sense or bad) with action.

(However, one could argue that the verbal pronunciation of actions makes one more likely to enact them -- this I would agree with. However, likelihood does not equal a definite action.)

[edit on 26-10-2006 by Diseria]

[edit on 26-10-2006 by Diseria]

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:56 PM
And I have a right to my opinion.

In Pace
uncovered meat

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:14 PM
There is a fine line between words as ideas and words as actions. Take John Stuart Mill's On Liberty, a huge defense of free thought and expression (and infact labelled one of the most dangerous books in history by one conservative organization). Even there a distinction is drawn between expression and incitement.
It is one thing to express your displeasure with the price of a given commodity, but quite another to rail about it to a mob outside the merchant's home.

In most western countries, the laws and constitutions allow for the prohibition of "disturbing the peace" (by various names). If a reasonable person would expect a violent reaction to something, he is expected to seek a more appropriate venue or manner of expression.

A reasonable person, given the context provided by such phenomenon as honor killings, could reasonably expect that the Mufti's message would provoke an immediate increase in the risk of such misguided zeal resulting in violence. More immediately, if there'd been a real man anywhere in the congregation, a reasonable person could have expected a much more immediate outbreak of violence, in the form of the mufti getting his clock cleaned by someone who valued his wife as more than property.

Odd religion, Islam. Quote somebody whod didn't like Islam in any context whatsoever and it's time to start murdering nuns. Say it's OK to rape their daughters and they nod politely.

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