posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 01:42 PM
Originally posted by arc If the subconscious is the part that contains the 'pyschic abilities' then maybe to increase the awareness of
those abilities it is necessary to temporarily subdue the conscious mind.
IMO, subduing the conscious mind is sort of defeating your own purpose...It can be useful if wanting to initially discover what your mind is capable
of, but if your goal is to use those abilities *consciously*, then you'll have more trouble achieving *conscious control* over those abilities.
Originally posted by arc When we sleep - in the REM period...
This seems to be the *safest* method of initially discovering your abilities, mainly because it doesn't rely on the long term harmful effects of
drug-use. However, Lucid Dreaming (AKA: Dreaming True) is a difficult discipline to master...If only because of the difficulty of achieving conscious
control while in a subconsious state of mind. However, the benefit of not having to rely on drugs (other than those the body creates itself) makes it
safer...But also requires longer, sustained practice to fulfill.
Once Lucid Dreaming is mastered, it's not such a big step to bring those new-found abilities out of the sleep-cycle & into the waking world.