posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 09:53 PM
Our first committee is organized and ready to roll. The Deny Ignorance Steering Committee (DISC for short) is formed and ready to roll.
The members of the committee include:
MaskedAvatar (member team leader) with Banshee, FULCRUM, Gazrok, goregrinder, ilovepizza, jagdflieger, ktprktpr, magestica, Seekerof, and Tassadar
rounding out the list of DISC participants from ATS membership.
Alien (staff team leader) with Toltec, Gryffen, and TheBandit795 rounding out the list of DISC staff participants.
As more than half of members thought some kind of committee might be the best solution to helping define how ATS responds to the growth we've had,
and prepares for the growth to come. The DISC will discuss the various concerns of our members (and staff), work out solution ideas, and come up with
final recommendations and a timeline for implementation (assuming all is feasible from a cost and technology perspective). Our ultimate goal is to
continue building a community everyone can be proud of, from new members who just joined, to old-timers who've seen it all.
If you're not part of the DISC committee, don't feel left out. We're most likely going to maintain the concept and rotate new members and
moderators in over-time.
Also, everyone will be able to contribute. We'll create a suggestion box that functions just like the complaint tool, and members of DISC will see
all of your suggestions.
(NOTE OF CLARIFICATION: The "member leader" title was important primarily in helping to select the first 10 members to serve on the committee.
During the actual functioning of the group, all members are equal.)
[Edited on 11-11-2003 by William]