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Democrats have been agonizing since Election Day 2004 over how to repackage their message to deceive values voters into believing they truly represent their interests. Never mind their promotion of same-sex marriage, abortion on demand and partial birth abortion. Never mind their ridiculing of Christian conservatives, their comparisons of Christian "fundamentalists" to Islamic fundamentalists or their institutional sneering at Boy Scouts.
Conservative Christians, I might add, didn't start this fight. They didn't issue the unconstitutional federal judicial edict severely restricting state regulation of abortions. They didn't try to change the thousands-year-old institution of traditional marriage. They aren't leading the assault on religious freedoms.
edited by HimWho
by donwhite
so they have found a man willing to trade off with them. Bush43 don’t care about much other than money and oil, so to get power he made his bargain
Where are their idea's on Security and Economy.
Day One: Put new rules in place to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation."
Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Time remaining until 100 hours: Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.
I personally don't think that just getting out of Iraq overnight is good for our security.
And as far as the economy goes........hard to argue with the wall street and unemployment #'s.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was bouncing around 11,000 in the year 2000. Last week's close was 12,002. So, based on those numbers, after swiping trillions of taxpayer dollars -- borrowed from you and your children--and tossing it into the gaping bottomless maw of Wall Street's elite like so much papery green chum, the return on the DJIA during CEO Mastermind George Bush's reign weighs in at a whopping ~ 1.5% a year or so. In between it took a steep dip resembling a certain mountain pass in Tora Bora and has regained just barely enough to rival the interest my credit union pays on a checking account. Goodness gracious, where will we spend it all?
And for you tech investors, the NASDAQ Composite Index hit a high of about 5000 in March of 2000. It ended the week at 2342. Good grief, you'd have done considerably better if you had sealed the cash in a tin can and buried it in your yard for the last six years. Were the NASDAQ COMP a conscious entity in need of immediate medical attention, it might just give up at this point and opt for a mercy killing, lest the poor thing suffer another agonizing botched operation under the inept knife wielding hands of Doc Bush and Nurse Cheney.
posted by zoopnfunk
There are very few people, even on the left, advocating an immediate, unconditional, complete withdrawal.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was bouncing around 11,000 in the year 2000. Last week's close was 12,002.
So no difference there.
But it seems to me I remember hearing that the recession had already started before the current administration had taken office?
Originally posted by dawnstar
and I know one thing that isn't gonna help my kid's wallets....
a bunch of tax breaks along side a bunch of spending increases!!
But since the GOP majority in Congress has engaged in an unprecedented spending spree, conservatives know that Democrats cannot be any worse and that divided government may lead to less spending," Viguerie said.
When measured properly, the federal government’s debt burden is actually below the post–World War II average. It is lower than it was at any time during the 1990s.
Tax revenues were up nearly 13 percent, about $176 billion more than last year's total, according to the Treasury Department. The Congressional Budget Office, using slightly different measures, reported tax receipts in the first eight months of the year were up 12.8 percent, the second-fastest growth in nearly 25 years. Only last year's 15.5 percent growth was greater.
Economic growth slowed to a crawl in the third quarter, advancing at a pace of just 1.6 percent, the worst in more than three years.
The latest snapshot of the economy, released by the Commerce Department on Friday, showed that the slumping housing market figured prominently in the economy's dramatic loss of momentum. Investment in homebuilding was cut by the biggest amount since early 1991.
Checks and balances my friend... you have to be really blindly partisian not to understand the dynamics of this election and what's at stake.
posted by zoopnfunk
The republicans having total control over both branches has us in a real mess.
Economy's good, Security's good, and yes, that's what life is all about.
Democrats try to Deceive Christian Conservatives
posted by vitchilo
... No. Economy not good, security is not good, freedom is not good, constitution has disappear... we are merging into a North American Union, they want to go after Iran, ect... You're blind if you vote for republicans after all the bad things the Bush administration did!
You have voted BASSPLYR for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.
posted by vitchilo
crap have their heads in their asses.