posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 04:07 PM
Peady, here are some other environmental factors to be aware of:
1. When working on a computer, do you always get the headache? When I use CRT-screen monitors, it makes my eyes very tired after awhile. However I
have no such problem with LCD flat-screen monitors. So check that out.
2. I had a lifelong unsuspected problem of food intolerance to most wheat products (not pasta made from durum semolina, but just about everything
else). It manifested itself as a killer headache, starting 1-3 hours after eating wheat. I was able to control it by taking aspirin, but if I delayed
taking aspirin, the headache would get worse until it was almost migraine-like in intensity. Not good, plus I always had to carry a bottle of aspirin
with me everywhere. Remember that a food intolerance is not as severe as a true food allergy.
Physicians don't focus much on food intolerances because there's still very little training provided in medical schools on nutrition. So
self-diagnosis via an elimination diet (no wheat for one week, to see if headaches leave or are vastly decreased), is the way to find out if that is
what is causing your headaches.