posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:49 PM
Okay, it's a bit crap, and it's less than 2 minutes, and the video compression made some parts a bit wierd and jerky, and frankly I have no idea if
this is even a valid entry. Have I sold you on it yet?
If you will allow it, I would like to submit my CGI animation as an entry. It was originally going to be a short story for this contest, and then it
just sorta spiraled upward from there. The stream is available here
Prelude To World War Z
I have it set up on Acid Planet, and it allows for downloads, if you'd rather download it. If someone wants to set up mirror sites, by all means feel
free to, and I might see if I can't make a better compression of it sometime if people really want it, but don't want the 500+ meg original .wmv
Credit where credit is due, this entire project was inspired by, but not plagerized from, Max Brook's "The Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War
Z". The soundtrack is directly from Eric Serra's "The Fifth Element" soundtrack "Timecrash", which is, I felt, one of his most powerful pieces
which went largely unappreciated. Everything else is mine, but mad props to Activision/Lionhead for "The Movies - Stunts & Effects" (cheap nifty CGI
machinema tools!!!)
(edited to clarify title and site direction)
[edit on 10/23/2006 by thelibra]
edited title - sorry thelibra, worldwatcher and I both agree that the contest is for the written word only
[edit on 23-10-2006 by masqua]