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clocks and atlantis

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I read somewhere not long a go that when an akward silence happens in a normally flowing conversation, or relationship between two people who should know eachother well enough not to fall victim to an akward silence, that the time, no matter on what piece of equipment albeit a wrist watch or microwave, whatever is nearby will always read twenty past the hour or twenty too. I have tested this theory and it works. Its significance with Atlantis though is that this was the apparent time (twenty past until twenty too) Atlantis took to be destroyed, thats if it was destroyed, I don't know enough about the study of Atlantis but I am familiar with this myth of the time. It is also said that the spirits of Atlantis enter the bodies of the people in the akward silence and it is a moment of acknowledgment between this world and the next. If anyone else has heard the same theory I would like to know more.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Plato at no time says that the time atlantis was destroyed was 20 past the hour
and Plato is the only credible source
if you want to know all the facts there are to know about Atlantis then you can read
these are the only two dialogues written by anyone in the ancient world that mention Atlantis
should take you about 25 minutes to learn all there is to know on the subject

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Marduk

and Plato is the only credible source

That's not correct
Plato was one of the sources. Somebody else was as credible as him if not even more (and also way before him). And he was Dionysus of Miletus, also known as “Skytobrachion” for his prosthetic leather arm who wrote A Voyage to Atlantis around 550 BC, predating not only Plato but even Solon. A copy of Dionysus’s manuscript was found among the personal papers of historical writer Pierre Benoit. Tragically, it was lost between the borrowers and restorers who made use of this valuable piece of source material after Benoit’s death.

Then we have more. Neither Miletur, Solon or Plato were the only towering figures of Classical antiquity to embrace the reality of Atlantis. Statius Sebosus was a Greek geographer and contemporary of Plato mentioned by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder for his detailed description of Atlantis. Unfortunately all the works of Statius Sebosus were lost with the fall of Classical civilization.

As you see Plato is not the only source and event not the only credible one. Who referes to Plato as the only credible source for Atlantis is just a profane in ancient history...

[edit on 23-10-2006 by Telos]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:31 PM
whats your source on the Dionysus of Miletus
I'm hoping its not the one that I heard that piece of crap from because thats hardly credible

surely you can see that texts that can not be now read cannot be regarded as a credible source because they can't be read
as such Platos are the only ones that survive from the ancient world
if you want to include facts collected from ufo and atlantis crank sites then you yourself run the risk of not being credible

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:45 PM
I think you took my comment about beign as profane, personal. I'm sorry if it sounded as such but I was refering to all of them who are and not you. If I follow your logic then even Solon (who Plato got the story from) is not credible.
Condemnation without investigation is either sign of disinformation per se or sign of a closed mind.

As for me being credible, trust me I'm not here to convice anybody and I don't care. And I don't care also about ufo and atlantis crank sites. At this point I think I should care about these infos that most likely somebody took the time to find the name from ages ago and sit down and make up all just for the mere of doing it

[edit on 23-10-2006 by Telos]

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Marduk

and Plato is the only credible source

That's not correct
Plato was one of the sources.

The other one is a genaeology.

Somebody else was as credible as him if not even more (and also way before him). And he was Dionysus of Miletus, also known as “Skytobrachion” for his prosthetic leather arm who wrote A Voyage to Atlantis around 550 BC, predating not only Plato but even Solon. A copy of Dionysus’s manuscript was found among the personal papers of historical writer Pierre Benoit. Tragically, it was lost between the borrowers and restorers who made use of this valuable piece of source material after Benoit’s death.

You quote Kenyon there (without attributing him)... and in fact, he's in error. The tale of a book that mysteriously appears and then is "tragically lost" is a common theme in hoaxed books. The original is never actually there.

Then we have more. Neither Miletur, Solon or Plato were the only towering figures of Classical antiquity to embrace the reality of Atlantis. Statius Sebosus was a Greek geographer and contemporary of Plato mentioned by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder for his detailed description of Atlantis. Unfortunately all the works of Statius Sebosus were lost with the fall of Classical civilization.

They were writing some 400 years after Plato, and were repeating Plato's story.

The original source for the story is Plato. There's no other evidence for such a place.

Contrast that with Troy, where there were legends in Greece, innumerable plays, artwork relating to it... AND mention of it in other civilizations long after it had been destroyed. If Atlantis had been real, we'd have seen the same kind of stuff about it as there was about Troy.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 02:15 AM

And I don't care also about ufo and atlantis crank sites. At this point I think I should care about these infos that most likely somebody took the time to find the name from ages ago and sit down and make up all just for the mere of doing it

like I said

if you want to include facts collected from ufo and atlantis crank sites then you yourself run the risk of not being credible

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

You quote Kenyon there (without attributing him)... and in fact, he's in error. The tale of a book that mysteriously appears and then is "tragically lost" is a common theme in hoaxed books. The original is never actually there.


They were writing some 400 years after Plato, and were repeating Plato's story.
The original source for the story is Plato. There's no other evidence for such a place.

No byrd I'm not quoting Kenyon but Velikofski (and why should I attribute to somebody?) and in fact he is right. Everything that doesn't fit to orthodox archaeology is a hoax for you guys and being around for awhile in this board I've seen this mentality and I'm not surprised.

There were writings before Plato and contemporary with him. Sebosus was at the same time with Plato. Has been mentioned by Pliny centuries back...
As for the big question whether Atlantis did exist or not Byrd you have your opinion I have mine.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 01:16 PM
Volcanologists and geologists posed the rationale many years ago that any such continent as one in the mid-Atlantic would have broken up over a very long period of time and the overnight submersion was only likely regarding the final segment of terrain.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 03:25 PM
Statius Sebosus I am not familiar with
perhaps you could link to his actual writings or post in full any few that remain where he mentions atlantis ?

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
Statius Sebosus I am not familiar with
perhaps you could link to his actual writings or post in full any few that remain where he mentions atlantis ?

Statius Sebosus doesn't sound Greek, it sounds like a Roman name.

PS: If, like many other Latin words, Sebosus can be translated directly to Portuguese, then it means something like "Greasy".

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 04:55 PM
well why not
Plato means fathead
his real name was Aristocles

well to be fair, Telos claims that statius sebosus is greek and a contemprary of Plato. I expect he thinks that because to most uninitiated people Greece happened before Rome. Of course the rest of us know that Greece was still around during Romes heyday as indeed it is still around today as is Rome.
I happen to know that he was actually around about 400 years after Plato snuffed it but I'm happy to let Telos prove to everyone here that he knows more than anyone else because he gets ALL his info from one book written by a pseudo historian about things that never actually happened
the Author of this book is the editor of Atlantis Rising
he's a well known crank

so anytime youre ready to dazzle us with your brilliance Telos you go for it

[edit on 24-10-2006 by Marduk]

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 07:58 PM
Marduk, you do a good job of debunking the many silly claims on this board. Why you bother, I don't know. I have question for you. In your opinion, are there any examples of credible cases that really do throw a major spanner in the conventional reading of ancient history? Off the top of my head, I can think of the water erosion on the sphinx, the Piri Reis map and the crystal skulls. What do you think of those?

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 08:13 PM
there is only one mystery that hasn't been solved yet that throws a huge spanner in the works so orthodoxy avoid it like the plague
the three you mentioned aren't mysteries
the water erosion on the sphinx just proves it rained a lot at some point in its history
this doesnt mean neccesarily mean that its evidence of any super advanced civilisation because the recarving destroyed any real conclusions that would have been left
i.e. the rock that the sphinx is carved from has always been where it is
so proving ithe back of it has been there for millenia isn't a real mystery

the piri reis map doesnt really show antartica ice free
only pseudo historians claim that it does. and considering that it was made by a turkish admiral who never really sailed much beyond turkey why would he need a map of that region anyway

and the crystal skulls if you read back in this thread have a very obvious explanation
there are some genuine ones used by the mesoamericans but the most perfect ones were made in germany
they are still being made there to this day

the real mystery that I have never seen presented on any forum is this one

why was everyone in every ancient culture around the world using a winged disc to represent their chief solar deity
apparently none of these cultures on different continents were in contact with each other
yet they all take a disc shape put two legs on it and give it wings

[edit on 24-10-2006 by Marduk]

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
Statius Sebosus I am not familiar with
perhaps you could link to his actual writings or post in full any few that remain where he mentions atlantis ?

Marduk I don't bring here links. And I repeat I don't have to prove nothing to nobody. The difference betwen us is that I don't come in this board to convince people and neither to try to "debunk" them. I read, wright and make my comments as I feel and for what I know. If you want to read about Sebosus try not to use google (which I guess might be proud of you) but go sometime in any library or book store. You'll find something for sure.

As for the link you've posted, YES I did use few words of the page just to ilustrate my comment. Of course is not in my intention and I don't have the time to bring here pages of the books only for the mere of convincing you or other people. That's little to say silly. As for Atlantis Rising I don't know who this editor guy is and I'm sorry to say but your opinion is little than a dime to me. You turn everything personal and even though I don't like arguing with people I'm responding just for the sake of being gentle. In other words don't consider my self neither brilliant neither debunker
and especially I don't promote hoaxes or suport cranks.
I don't find it right that people have to be categorized in two groups, hoaxers and debunkers. Paranoia is dangerous even virtually. Trust me, this come from somebody who has a MA in phsychology and human behavior.

Enjoy your debunking jurney and the legacy of the truthseaker. A little sugestion though (friendly if you accepted as such), don't leave to many "traces" online... one day there is going to be a big laugh
, and trust me illyrian people had a excellent esspresion: Laughs better who laughs last

p.s. I'm done with the thread. Feel free for more debunking...

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 11:31 PM

Marduk I don't bring here links. And I repeat I don't have to prove nothing to nobody

your original claim was

Statius Sebosus was a Greek geographer and contemporary of Plato mentioned by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder

because you claimed it meant that there was another credible source but for Plato
now that as it turns out the information you gave was wrong because Statius Sebosus was writing around 50bce.
about 73 years before the birth of pliny when you claimed was

mentioned by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder for his detailed description of Atlantis.

and now you say

If you want to read about Sebosus try not to use google

when the source that you are using is this one
a book written by a known atlantis nut job
well pardon me for not being surprised that you can't back up what you say from any other source because quite clearly as I have proved to you and anyone else reading this you were misled by the one book on the subject you read and then tried to claim to be an authority on the subject

this thread was started by super85unknown witha legitimate question which you have completely failed to answer
in fact you have added to the rubbish on this subject in some weird attempt to push what you think of as Truth on someone who by his very asking for help didn't know any better
hope you feel proud of yourself Telos I really do

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 07:42 AM
ok seems that my original thing about the clocks and atlantis was completely lost, and has become a debate on who is right and who is wrong. At the end of the day, I am still extremely interested in this subject though I think we should all keep an open mind. I only READ somewhere that the clocks had something to do with atlantis. I don't believe it 100% myself, I was just asking if any of you had heard the same theory or mystery! back to the point please...

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:08 AM
I have studied the only credible sources on Atlantis extenisively
and I have never heard anything about clocks
when you consider that it apparently sunk around 10,000 bce and clocks capable of measuring the hour in integers weren't invented until the greek period it seems rather unlikely

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:47 PM
That was my thought as well orginally, but then I began to think about how people used to rely heavily on religion and miracles, and how they all lived to about 900 years of age all those years ago. It could actually be likely. Its just because something like that would not be fathomable with the way science and technology has come about in this day and age. Just a suggestion...

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 03:05 PM
Telos- some come here not so much to prove themselves right but revel in attempting to prove you wrong. It's not a matter of saying "I respectfully cannot agree with you," it's a matter of perpetrating an ongoing, relentless agenda of derogatory dogma.

Instead of feeling comfortable to freely exchange ideas and theories people such as yourself end up abandoning a thread because of web trolls' harangues. The fact about Atlantis is that NOBODY knows and your opinion is as good as anyone's even if I don't personally agree with it!

If there is a myth about clocks and Atlantis' sinking I'm not familiar with it super85unknown. As I mentioned a continent-sized land mass would not likely be destroyed all at once by any cataclysmic event. Geographically it would take place over a substantial amount of time.

The time thing is a curious piece of lore to the legend at any rate.

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