posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:50 AM
Ok, Rarely do I post in this forum but after last night I feel obligated to share my experience and thoughts.
I've shared my personal story in this board a few times, but to sum it up quickly I'll say that my step-father passed away three years ago very
tragically before my eyes. It is something I have come to grips with in my day to day life, but I find it overcomes me in my dreams from time to
The movie, The Butterfly Effect, is something that quickly comes to mind after last night. The movie was based on the ability of changing your
future, by changing your past. Well in my dream I was transformed back to the day when he passed away. Nobody around me was aware of anything, but I
knew where I was and what was about to happen. As the events of the day played out, that were with precise detail, I was growing scared. When things
began to happen, I found myself at his side again and struggling to pull through it. As much as it was an effort to save him, it was another
opportunity to have a conversation with him. I was aware of my surroundings, and I was aware I was in a dream, but I truly felt if I saved him in my
dream that I would wake up and my reality would of been changed.
I woke up before he passed away, and was unclear of whether or not he had survived. And in those first minutes after waking up, I really was confused
whether or not things had changed. Obviously they have not, but the power this dream had over me this morning has had me thinking. It was so strong,
and the vagueness that is normally incorperated with my dreams is nowhere to be found. The way his skin felt, the clothes he wore, the words he said,
and even the pain he was enduring throughout the dream was so clear to me while I was in the dream and as I type this.
I would love to hear our members opinions on whether or not our dreams are capable of changing our realities. Are they capable of changing our
future? I do not think they are myself, but I can not deny the feelings I had this morning. The more time I have had to think about it, the more
absurd it sounds even to myself. But that feeling is still inside me where I feel something could of been done.
I talked with my girlfriend when I first woke up and said how much pain the dream had caused me and that I wouldn't go back to sleep in fear that I
would go back into the dream. But looking back now I am very satisfied with my dream, as it felt like I had the opportunity to share another
conversation with the man I lost three years ago.
So, do you believe our dreams have power over our realities? Are they capable of doing anything to our future? Directly, probably not. But our
perception is our reality, so if we choose to perceive things in a certain way I don't see how they can not affect our reality.
I would love to hear some thoughts on this. It has really affected me.