posted on Nov, 5 2002 @ 06:01 PM
Well, stop & look at evidence that exists; The bombing of the fed building in Oklahoma just a couple of years ago, for example; The government would
have you believe that Timothy Leigh was acting as a lone terrorist to bomb the building. The only explosive was in the truck & there was only that one
explosion from outside that literally gutted the building.
Yet, security cameras & eyewitnessess have shown that there *was* at least one other person in that truck that Leigh used. Federal agents confiscated
those tapes "as evidence for investigation" & the only indication we have left that Liegh was not alone are from those few locals who viewed the
tapes *before* they were confiscated. The government is still "looking for" the other man, even though eyewitnesses gave good descriptions & his
face was caught on the security cameras. They'd have a much better chance of catching him if they'd release his image to the national
public...Presuming, of course, that this really is what they've intended to do, instead of *protecting him*!
Witnessess on the scene when the truck fireballed have testified that there was at least two explosions, spaced roughly one second apart form each
other. Documented seismograph readings during that time, from *two* seperate universities that conduct seismic-monitoring, detected two seperate
explosions, spaced roughly one second apart. These universities have indicated that the last explosion could've been a tightly-spaced *series* of
explosions, but seismic readings are not sensitive enough to see any kind of seperation between such a series.
Federal agents decked out in full bomb-squad gear arrived within minutes, yet reliable sources indicate that it takes about a half-hour to don all of
that gear. Other witnesses who were in the building before it was blown have testified that those *same agents* were witnessed to have been warned out
of the building by their pagers (No one else was warned, not even the kids in the daycare center!)...Only to show up after the explosions, decked out
in bomb-squad gear.
Local authorities determined that there were at least *two* other non-exploded devices still within the building & those *same federal agents* who
showed up were witnessed removing *two* unexploded bombs from the building. Federal investigation has completely cut off any real investigation by
local authorities...Completely removing all real evidence from view.
Professional (civilian) engineers have indicated that the truck that Leigh used was parked too far away from the building to have caused the extent of
damage suffered by the building. Not only that, they've indicated that much of the internal damage of the building has shown evidence of
*professional demolition techniques*, using shaped explosives at key structural points, timed to explode in a well-timed sequence...Even though not
*all* of the explosives actually detonated; Remember the "second explosion" from the seismic readings that I mentioned earlier? All of this is
consistant with the pre-planning & engineering techniques of *professional demolitions* & planted *before* Liegh's truck pulled up outside.
So it seems that this evidence ties into the concept that our own federal government is ultimately responsible for the planning, execution &
subsequent coverup of that incident that they refer to as a "terrorist attack". So it seems that our own government is *perpetrating* terrorist
attacks against its own population! And these "attacks" have only grown in frequency over the years, despite Bush's "War on Terrorism".
Of course, the events of 9/11/2001 has revealed more evidence that our government not only *allowed* those attacks to take place, but had a heavy hand
in *perpetrating* those events.
What of the more recent reports indicating that the Florida voting fiasco is *not unique* in this country?; That states all over the country are
reporting evidence of fraudulent voting procedures? could this be the government's way of telling us that voting no longer counts & will no longer be
an acceptable means of choosing our leaders any more? If Bush declares martial law, then the higher elections will be suspended for the "duration of
the crisis" anyway & he'll *remain* in office by force instead of public mandate; I'm looking for him to declare martial law *before* the next
Presidential election that's scheduled.
So far, I have *not* made up any of this...Links to sources of this info are scattered throughout these very forums. I *am* going to point out that
the remainder of this post is not *confirmed* as truthful evidence, but written here only to point out that the *indications* of what I think is on
the agenda for American citizens.
IMO, events are coming to a head:
1) Even though we still have some permanently-stationed troops still on American soil & the Reserves are active, the vast majority of our troops are
now overseas. Instead of insuring our security by keeping them here, the government has sent our security forces halfway around the world.
2) The "chipmobile" is on the move, looking for volunteers to be chipped. All the government has to do is declare martial law & they can bybass the
Judicial Branch entirely to declare that the chip will be *required* by all citizens. Anyone who still refuses can be arrested & detained with *no
legal rights* as a terrorist, according to the Homeland Security Act (Which, BTW, was signed by legislators without even being fully read or
3) Whether this is true or not, I don't know...But there have been reports of FEMA constructing & equipping "refugee camps" in several locations
throughout the country...Some reports indicate that these are actually "death camps", to be used to dispose of "unwanted elements" of society.
Once martial law is declared, the government can make use of these freely, without any kind of legal hassles that "human rights & citizens rights"
can involve. As support of these reports, look at how much money has paid to Amtrack, to purchase trains & traincars. Other reports indicate that
these traincars have been modified with concerns for increased ventilation capabilities. Just suppose that the "warehouses" in these "death
camps" are designed to allow access to trains, decoupled & sealed up inside...Then the modified ventilation on the cars allows the "warehouse" to
be pumped with lethal gas, killing anyone inside the traincar. Granted, more investigation is required to *confirm* this, but the indications aren't
looking good at this point.
4) About martial law: If most of our troops are overseas, who's going to *enforce* martial law? I've seen other reports (Still not *confirmed* yet)
that the government has set up training camps to train foriegn troops on our soil. Why? Good question. If martial law is declared, how many of our
*own* soldiers would be apprehensive of pulling the trigger on American citizens, on American soil? How many others would go AWOL & join the citizens?
Much of this problem is solved if most of our own troops are halfway around the world & martial law is enforced by foreign troops. Granted, our troops
overseas may actually revolt & return to help out the citizens, but by the time they arrive, it would involve a long, drawn-out battle against the
foriegn troops, who would already be dug in & supported by the government. Either way you look at it, the citizens will lose a *lot* before anything
like "normalcy" can be restored. Some estimates include up to 80% of American citizens being wiped out, no matter which way this new "civil war"
would go; Granted, I have no idea how this estimate was calculated or what parameters were used to come up with that figure. No matter how you look at
it, it's very distressing.
I don't have to be psychic to make these predictions &, unlike Ed Cayce, I had to "wake up" to see this, rather than "being asleep":
Bush will declare martial law before the next scheduled Presidental election; Either that or he'll delcare that the voting-procedures are "too
suspect" to be trusted & will demand to retain office until a different, "suitable" system replaces it.
Once martial law is declared (Or Bush finds some other way to suspend elections & come up with the appropriate "Executive Orders"), the ID Chip will
be *enforced* upon all US Citizens. Anyone who refuses will be labeled as a terrorist & arrested. Martial law will be enforced by US-trained foriegn
troops, who will have no qualms about killing American citizens...While American troops will be trapped halfway around the world. Since our prison
facilities will not be up to handling such a massive influx of new inmates, the government will reveal the new "detainment camps" & begin to
secretly eliminate (Ie: kill) prisoners in massive numbers that Hitler would've envied.
The UN will be powerless to stop the new "American Regime" because NATO (which mostly consists of American troops & equipment anyway) & the UN
itself would be restricted by jusrisdiction concerns. Remember that the UN has nothing in their Charter that allows them to interfere with events that
are *contained within national boundaries*!
Some of the American troops will try to break away from overseas to join the new "revolution", but will be restricted mostly by the geography &
logistics of the return journey. Some Commanders will be likely to disobey current orders & go AWOL, returning whole units back to American soil. They
will return to find foriegn troops already entrenched.
Some Americans will "escape to the hills" to fight a partisan-style resistance, but I can't see whether this will be enough to make a major
difference in the war as American troops begin to arrive from overseas. To all current indications, may *guess* is that too many citizens will have
been brainwashed by too many decades & generations of governmental lies & deceitful mass media to do anything more than give in without a fight. To
the citizens' credit though, I *have* seen indications that more people are actually "waking up" & starting to care about their country being
corrupted to such an extent...But it's more a matter of *timing* than anything else, that will tell whether or not enough people will resist to win
against the new "American Regime".
The pieces of the puzzle *are* out there for us to see...The picture that this puzzle paints is extremely unsettling. IMO, it's time to put up a
massive resistance to the government (preferably a peaceful resistance that would clean out the corruption, rather than a violent one that would cost
many American lives) & restore this nation to it's former position...As outlined by our Founding Fathers & the documentation that they bequeathed to
However, the time to act is now...*before* the events I foresee can come to fruitation. If American Citizens can group together as a *whole* &
confront the govermental corruption, then none of what I've forseen will come to pass. It'll take no less than many *millions* of true patriots,
striving to secure our stolen liberties, to accomplish this...IMO, we have no more time to lose. As I've already indicated, events are apparently
coming to a head...
...And all I continue to hear is the same bipartisan bickering the *keeps* this nation divided & too weak to resist these atrocities.
[Edited on 6-11-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]