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Sending Prostitutes To War

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:49 AM
A Dutch Mayoress has suggested to send prostitutes to accompany troops on foreign missions. The idea is that soldiers can let off steam and it will also keep them from turning to local women.

Sydney Morning Herald: Dutch mayor raises prostitute plan

October 23, 2006

A Dutch mayoress has raised eyebrows by backing the idea of sending prostitutes to accompany Dutch troops on foreign missions.

"The army must consider ways its soldiers can let off steam," Annemarie Jorritsma, mayor of the town of Almere in central Netherlands and a member of the ruling VVD liberals, told Dutch television.

"There was once the suggestion that a few prostitutes should accompany troops on missions. I think that is something we should talk about," she said, adding that the prostitutes would keep soldiers from turning to local women.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Interesting. I think it sounds like a good idea.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:56 AM
I love dutch women....

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:58 AM
Yeeahahahahaha That is soooo Funny...

I wonder what the waiting wives would think to that???

I would say it would make more a sound investment to buy into the REALDOLL industry!!!

Note To Mods: - Hope this isn't too offensive material to point to... If it is I understand you taking the link off.

If the mods have taken the link go to Google and search... it's the funniest thing ever!!!

BTW - if they can get an Aibo to get up when it's down I wonder if they can do the same with realdoll and a gyroscope????


NeoN HaZe.

[edit on 23-10-2006 by asala]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:06 AM
they bring thier own, i can see that might happen. after all the U.S.A has troops in these areas ; PHILIPHINES, THAILAND, GWAM, CANADA where the military stops and the military goes and gets prostitutes. that is how some of the peoples over there get money from us military types. they wine and dine the prostitutes and then they leave and more come in .

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:20 AM
Ohhhhh, yea!

That will go over REAL WELL with the wives.

Cater to the mens innability to unzip!!!!

Go with the Salt Peder )Peter? and be happy like old times.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:42 AM
Good idea might stop those soldiers inclined to rape from commiting atrocities and maybe chill them out.

Very funny!

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:52 AM
yeah and they will have somewhere to spend their hard earned money and then the country can tax their butts !!!

you didnt think it was free did you

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 01:47 PM
It's not new, in South Korea and many others countries, the government give free prostitutes to the soldiers... This is bad, this contribute to the prostitute industry in those countries...

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 03:53 PM
Well the problem arises, when we have MARRIED men, who are serving their country:

"I don't think my wife would find it a good idea," Wim van den Burg, a spokesman for the military service trade union told Dutch newspaper Volkskrant.

I don't think any wife of a soldier finds this a Good Idea.

Actually if the Dutch Mayoress finds this such a great idea - why doesn't she volunteer?

Or if she has any daughters - I suggest we send them to Iraq and Afganistan.

But one thing is ture - it would sure calm the soldiers down a bit and maybe avoid one or two rape and molest incidents in conflict areas with Civilians and local Female soldiers (who also get molested if you remember).

Other then that - find Prostitutes who are willing to go to a warzone.

What will Man think of in order to keep this crazy thing called WAR in motion.

Really pathetic...

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:49 PM
Yeah, my thumbs are down to this one aswell.

Think of the animousity that it could create between families and troops. When I think of a solder, I think of Pat Tillman. I understand he was an American soldier, but he was a soldier first and American second. So his story serves a purpose here.

The man turned down a multi-million dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the army, after the events of September 11th. He was there to defend his nation, not defend his nation and snag alittle tail on the side. I personally believe this is extremely bad press on any soldier anywhere.

I understand were all humans, and we all have urges. But soldiers serve a bigger purpose. They put their lives on the line every single day for their country and having prostitutes tag along for the ride seems wrong in so many ways.

Why would the government support putting unnecessary lives at risk? Its bad enough when I read of the numbers of soldiers that have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, we certainly do not need to send innocent bystanders to risk their lives for a sexual purpose.

Who would sign their paychecks?

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:18 PM
If I remember correct didnt alexander the great bring them with his army also? Did wonders for them boys haha

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Actually if the Dutch Mayoress finds this such a great idea - why doesn't she volunteer?

Come on, ask me a hard one.

What will Man think of in order to keep this crazy thing called WAR in motion.

I have a few ideas I'd like to pass along to the US DOD.

#1: Free bigmac for every confirmed kill, limit 10.
#2: Army College Fund Tutoring Program, run by Debra Lafave, Mary Kay Letourneau, and Beth Geisel.
#3. Car insurance discounts for humvee drivers who never hit an IED.
#4. Real women for CPR training in boot.
#5. Playing cards that feature something better than Arab men... or for female soldiers, pictures of Arab men taken by Lindie England.
#6. Pull out of Iraq, invade Sweden.

Edit to add:
This idea is unlikely to result in fewer rapes, it will just make those rapes more likely to be carried out on prostitutes. You can rape a prostitute after all, it's not like they'll necessarily do anything, or like they'll do it for free. Then of course there is rape as a violent crime as opposed to a sexual one- if you've got sick men in your unit who have a problem with strong women, they're probably going to victimize female sodliers- period. It's not as if there isn't consentual sex to be had in the army, but some choose rape anyway. Ditto for rape as a hate crime against the indigenous population.

I suppose I could see the argument for sending prostitutes as a morale booster, or an encouragement to earn your CO's favor, but you've got to weigh that against the morale problems caused when wives and girlfriends start getting suspicious, herpes outbreaks, and as I'm sure fans of snuff porn everywhere are anticipating, what happens when the enemy gets their hands on your girls... just by the odds and the gods, female soldiers who get captured have a 50/50 chance of being fairly butch, but i'm pretty sure the survival rate for captured prostitutes will be zero.

[edit on 23-10-2006 by The Vagabond]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:41 PM
As I recall there was a commander by the name of "Hooker" that provided consolation to his troops. His name pretty much sums it up.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:41 PM
OMG - the Dutch Mayoress is a... is a... is... a HIM! yeeeeesh!

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Outrageo
OMG - the Dutch Mayoress is a... is a... is... a HIM! yeeeeesh!

Yes, there is something not so vaguely Mike Meyers about her, isn't there.
Realize that her first name is one "e" away from an anagram for "An Eerie Man"

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:55 PM
What were those things they were supposed to teach in the forces again???
Discipline?Self control?? hmmm

Don,t forget what the Vietmanese did to US troops with their tactical use of prostitutes...Anyone remember Vietnamese Rose?? ouch.!!

I can imagine role call in the mornings too..Brings new meaning to being up at the front.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by reaper2
Good idea might stop those soldiers inclined to rape from commiting atrocities and maybe chill them out.

Not to pontificate or anything but rape isn't actually about sex. It's about power and control. Personally, I don't think prostitutes would be a good idea. They would be an additional expense, an additional potential liability (in terms of a "noncombatant" in/near a combat zone, plus do you require them to have security clearance of the same level as the servicemen (and women, presumably) that are being serviced?

Besides, if you need that kind of release, that is why we have hands... ;-)

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond

Come on, ask me a hard one.

A classic post if there ever was one.

Posted by AGENT_T

What were those things they were supposed to teach in the forces again???
Discipline?Self control??

Exactly. How can anyone support this? Innocent lives are going to be put at risk, while the army itself is made a mockery of.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:05 PM
Well I think it's a good idea, as long as the 'Ladies of the Night'
are compensated, and guaranteeed as much safety as any other
civillian working for the cause.

And umm does it matter if they have wives or not?
Ok, well to alot I guess it does, but if I was the significant other
of one of them, as long as he did'nt bring home any diseases,
I would'nt mind.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond

herpes outbreaks

Actually there are less chances of getting herpes, HIV, etc. by keeping the soldiers from going to the local hookers. The army prostitutes can be checked regularly for diseases. = Less chance of your wife finding out when you get home
And not all soldiers have wifes...

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