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Vegemite banned in USA because of high levels of Folic Acid!

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:17 AM
Just eat Marmite, Vegemite's british sister:

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:20 AM
YUK I remember having pots of bovril forced down me whenever I tried to bunk off school with a cold

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:41 AM
Vegemite banned in the USA.

Sigh, I thought I've seen it all this tops the charts as to the most bizzare, outrageous and stupid thing I've ever, ever seen.

Peace out,
- Naz

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 10:24 AM
Now you've got me curious.

Is VegeMite found in supermarkets and other grocery stores?

Or would it be found in specialty shops?

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:37 AM
I really need my daily Vegemite and I thought I could buy it over there.
Oh well . There goes my extended to the States next year.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 11:37 AM
I really need my daily Vegemite and I thought I could buy it over there.
Oh well . There goes my extended holiday to the States next year.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 09:31 AM
Well according to a story on ninemsn yesterday, the US government has denied that it has banned Vegemite.

"There is no ban on Vegemite," US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesman Mike Herndon told AAP.

The FDA, charged with policing America's food supply, has not issued an "import alert" to border officials to halt the import of Vegemite.


Well, we can all rest easy now. Back to the "War of Terrorism".

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 12:29 PM
vegimite SHOULD be banned simply for its oh so nasty taste

Nuff said

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by FredT
vegimite SHOULD be banned simply for its oh so nasty taste

Nuff said

It is actually an acquired taste -- in the same vein as cavier and olives and strange smelling cheese. Philistine!

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:51 PM
It would seem that someone at the FDA got my email and decided to ban that nasty stuff.

Next order of business..

Banning Pez.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:55 PM
What's wrong with Folic Acid?

My wife's taking it daily, since it's supposed to help prevent birth defects.
Should she stop?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 10:37 PM
Hang on - now it's said it's NOT banned?

What gives is it actually banned or not? I heard it was on ROVE Live here in Australia. Some comedy show but hey it made it there much like ur Davd Letterman I guess.

Is it banned or not?

Take care and peace,
- Naz

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by nazgarn
Hang on - now it's said it's NOT banned?

What gives is it actually banned or not? I heard it was on ROVE Live here in Australia. Some comedy show but hey it made it there much like ur Davd Letterman I guess.

Is it banned or not?

Take care and peace,
- Naz

If you my post above (2573580), you will see that it hasn't been banned. We can breathe a sigh of relief.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
What's wrong with Folic Acid?

My wife's taking it daily, since it's supposed to help prevent birth defects.
Should she stop?

Nothing is wrong with Folic acid, except if you take too much. As we say moderation in everything. Folic acid is essential in preventing birth defects.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 01:50 AM
My god, we have some stupid# in this country in positions of authority. Maybe evil # is a better word. Folic Acid, as I have heard is good for helping to clean out arteries.

My god, what do I put the american flag on my vehicle for anymore? Just what does it stand for at this time we live in. I'm tempted to take it off, and flip off that piece of crap we have running our government. I feel the bars of slavery are being erected. Some people might say Bush isn't the cause, well he's doing an aweful good job of just watching it all happen, isn't he?

Some people might say, well, it's no big deal that Vegimite is banned here in the US. It is a sign of things to come, and it "is" a big deal. How many times are folks going to shrug off all these ridiculous things that are happening in the US, and other parts of the world? How long are we going to watch that worm Bush and his friends butcher our Constitution and our rights? We can't have Vegimite, but some slimy person in pharmacy world can create a drug that causes bad side effects, and they can freely market it? What the hell!!!!! What's worse, is that there are brainwashed folks who will trust pharmacy world with their lives despite this? They trust every word they say on their beautiful "billion dollar" commercials. It's ok that they feed us "sewage" pills as long as they let us know before hand in their commercials.

I want the real US back, the one that stands for real freedom for "all."


Mod edit: Vulgarity and The Automatic ATS Censors

[edit on 30-10-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 02:07 AM
As another user has stated, Vegemite should be used on toast.

Now, the secret is to use alot of butter and just a little vegemite.

As for banning it because it contains a substance that reduces birth defects, well, what does that say about the American Government?

Now, as an Australian, I'm going back to my beer, hot chips (fries) and Vegemite.

On another note, our government hasn't banned McDonalds; they have just changed it so that it doesn't have so much FAT, PRESERVATIVES and not to mention CARCINOGENICS.


Everybody else can hail a country that bans a spread made from a yeast extract.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:17 AM
Man, this subject really got me going last night. Got my post edited, oh well. Let's just say I was pissed. Anyone who cares about freedom and believes in right and wrong should be pissed. And that edited word with the # rhymes with "truckers."

Honestly, the line is being crossed. First it's Vegimite, next it's another vitamin or mineral, then comes more restrictions. I can't help feel like revolting. Guess that makes me a terrorist suspect. Come on over and cuff me for using my god given right to speak my mind. You know where I live. And cuff the millions of other dissatisfied folks while you're at it, you know where we all live. I'm tired of people taking up for that sack of crap we have in the White House. I'm tired of the excuses being made for him.

I helped my dad with things from the vitamin store and such, and I know others have benefitted. I feel like I gave dad his feet back, because he was seriously hopping around with sore heals, but you wouldn't know that now. He has improved greatly in that respect.

You are stepping into enemy territory when you start taking away the things that actually help us. More specifically you "are" an enemy if you do such a thing. You are an enemy of this country and this world.

Policing Vegimite like it's cocain, because it has a beneficial nutrient in it, that's just sick.

Before I step off my soap box I state the mathematical fact that the good people in this world outnumber the bad by a large number. Maybe everyone isn't perfect, but rest assured this is fact. We don't need to take crap from that smaller percentage who are bent on being "butt cracks." If we stood together, we could kill all this silly noise that is happening in the world today. And we don't necessarily need a gun to do it.


posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 02:55 AM

The variance in reports seems to stem from a confusion over the difference between importation for commercial use and importation for personal use. While Kraft has apparently stopped providing Vegemite to U.S. retailers while the issue over folate is resolved, the FDA says that travellers are still free to bring Vegemite into the U.S. for personal use:

Kraft will fight for the right to resume importing Vegemite to the US after the country reconsidered its restriction on the famous spread.

The US Food and Drug Administration said that travellers carrying Vegemite would not be stopped, in response to revelations in the Herald Sun that Australians had been searched for the sandwich spread at the US-Canadian border.

While travellers are in the clear to pack their traditional breakfast fare, Kraft has not yet been given a green light to export Vegemite to the US, Kraft spokeswoman Joanna Scott said.

However, the American-owned company is in talks to end the deadlock, which has resulted in many stores in the US being unable to source supplies.

According to Kraft, the crackdown on Vegemite was prompted because it contains folate, which the US allows to be added only to breads and cereals.


So it’s banned but it’s not banned. Does that help?

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 07:07 AM
Well it could be good advertising for the product. Please try Vegemite -- it's good for you. But remember spread it thinly on toast over the butter -- not margarine.


posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 12:06 AM
I still don't like the situation. Heaven forbid there were B vitamins added to food. Companys can add artificial this, artificial that, and all kinds of other crap, but a B vitamin is a problem? I don't understand?

I guess the question is, was Vegimite really being confiscated, contrary to what the official story is now?

Anyway, the FDA and government are allready in shady territory regarding messing with our food, vitamins, and health.


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