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Was the 10-11-06 New York plane crash a bomb? Footage doesn't show a plane.

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 03:36 PM
I supose that if the Titanic sinking happened in the age of the internet, realanswers would know that the US government BOMBED the Titanic!

Iceberg be damned!!!

The Zepplin was hit by a missle!

The Japanese did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor! The US Government bombed its own island state to have an excuse to NUKE Japan!!!

If those things would have been said it would be just as pathetic as a small plane hitting a building in NY being called a conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 03:52 PM
The reason you don't see a plane is cause it was on the other side of the building and made a left steep turn at the last second and poor Corey Lidle and his crew were killed..RIP Corey!


posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 03:56 PM
I have already stated some motives that the shadow government may have had:

They could have made more money off the stock market as the stocks did drop after news from the explosion.
They have egoes and try and see how much they can fool the public.
They want the 9-11 conspiracy people to be redirected and loose some momentum for the 9-11 case against them.
And for a ridiculous reason, but maybe true, they're big Yankee fans and were fustrated at the recent(10-7-06) Yankee's loss in the playoffs so they killed that game's active pitcher with a 72 game loss career record and set up a fabricated public death at a 72nd Street location.
I know the last reason seems a little farfetched, but to be honest with you, at first I thought the pitcher commited suicide after just losing in the playoffs.

Then you have 10-11-06 upside down to get 90-11-01(9-11-01).

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Wow, I am willing to give a shot at any theory, but this is just a little too much for me. It was an accident. Period.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:20 PM
Like I said, at first I thought it was a suicide. I didn't have any intention to "make" a conspiracy out of it. That is not what I do. I was completely impartial to what the truth was before I reviewed the footage.

Don't people see that there was enough footage to catch the plane in the air before it so called "stayed behind the building before it crashed", but that part of the footage was not available. Of course, because the truth is that the plane is not around the building and the shadow government didn't want you to see more than 10 seconds of "the plane staying(hiding) behind the building and finally deciding to crash". The plane got lost from radar so where did it go? Guess what, it is seen flying just above the water on the left side of the screen.
First of all, there was only one plane on the radar in that area at the time. Second, planes don't fly that close to the surface of the water. That is suspecious in itself.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
I have already stated some motives that the shadow government may have had: ........... (snip)..........

So in other words .......... you have nothing outside of wasting my time waiting to see a conspiracy.

Could have does'nt count. Anyone could have done something, does'nt mean they did or that something ever was.

Damn three pages and ....................... nothing.


posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Like I said, at first I thought it was a suicide. I didn't have any intention to "make" a conspiracy out of it. That is not what I do. I was completely impartial to what the truth was before I reviewed the footage.

Don't people see that there was enough footage to catch the plane in the air before it so called "stayed behind the building before it crashed", but that part of the footage was not available. Of course, because the truth is that the plane is not around the building and the shadow government didn't want you to see more than 10 seconds of "the plane staying(hiding) behind the building and finally deciding to crash". The plane got lost from radar so where did it go? Guess what, it is seen flying just above the water on the left side of the screen.
First of all, there was only one plane on the radar in that area at the time. Second, planes don't fly that close to the surface of the water. That is suspecious in itself.

yeah i see it, idk what it is though. Im not sure what to think.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Megadeth
I supose that if the Titanic sinking happened in the age of the internet, realanswers would know that the US government BOMBED the Titanic!

Iceberg be damned!!!

The Zepplin was hit by a missle!

The Japanese did NOT bomb Pearl Harbor! The US Government bombed its own island state to have an excuse to NUKE Japan!!!

If those things would have been said it would be just as pathetic as a small plane hitting a building in NY being called a conspiracy.

I guess I must have pushed a few anti-conspiracy minded egoes.
I have not seen enough evidence or information to believe that any of those incidents were conspiracy related, but I have read about some ifies in connection with some.
The Titanic was the Federal Reserves main replacement for protecting massive amounts of money at the time. It was built to be one of the most secure structures on the planet.
As far as Pearl Harbor, we had just developed radar at the time and I have read that we did pick the Japanese planes up on our brand new technology of radar, but mistaked them for being a flock of birds.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:26 PM
My point is that it is stupid to look for a conspiracy in every thing that happens. Humans are only human and we make mistakes and cause accidents.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:58 PM
Here you see the explosion covering about an area of 100 feet by 50 feet. That is a VERY BIG EXPLOSION!

Here you see a person standing in one of the large windows after the explosion. That was an ENORMOUS EXPLOSION compared to the limited wall damage!

Here you see how small Cory Lidle's plane was.

Here you see how small the explosions are from small single engined/single propellered planes. Watch the part at 1 minute 30 seconds and 4 minutes of this video:

Cory Lidle's plane did not crash.

Here is the radar tracking data with Cory Lidle's plane being in red:

Here is the footage:

What happened was:
A government conspiracy AGAIN!
Cory Lidle's plane flew down to the lower left hand side of the screen just above the water. At the same time, a huge explosion(at least 10 times as big as a standard small one engine plane crash) rocked a building with no plane near it.
The only plane on radar was Cory Lidle's plane.
The only plane seen on the footage did not crash into the building. It flew back to the right(left side of the screen) and lowered its altitude until it flew just above the water

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:59 PM

As far as Pearl Harbor, we had just developed radar at the time and I have read that we did pick the Japanese planes up on our brand new technology of radar, but mistaked them for being a flock of birds.

Pearl Harbor - At 7:02 a.m., two Army operators at Oahu's northern shore radar station detect the Japanese air attack approaching and contact a junior officer who disregards their reports, thinking they are American B-17 planes which are expected in from the U.S. west coast.

Source: Compares favorably with many other historic records.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Your link doesn't work? Your claim is that there was a "pilot" that witnessed the "plane" from the ground. Even if it is true, it sounds like a coverup since the witness was a "pilot". A "pilot", come on now, the witness might as well been George Bush.

Being a student pilot and studying to become a pilot, I resent you're statement.

A pilot for a witness is perhaps the best kind of witness you can have in this situation, because the pilot will know what kind of plane it is, how it was flying, will probably be able to guess what altitude and rate of decent it was going at and what direction it came from easily. He would possibly be able to draw many conclusions on what could have gone wrong because we pilots tend to study alot of accidents.

Please tell me you've heard the term "Human Factors".

Accidents happen, and this did not smell like a conspiracy from the get-go, where you got that I don't know, but none of the evidence you've put forward proves anything conclusively.

It was an accident, a coincidental accident, what did this bomb have to prove to anyone by destroying the face of an apartment building? Think, no priority target what so ever.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Here you see the explosion covering about an area of 100 feet by 50 feet. That is a VERY BIG EXPLOSION!

Here you see a person standing in one of the large windows after the explosion. That was an ENORMOUS EXPLOSION compared to the limited wall damage!

Here you see how small Cory Lidle's plane was.

Here you see how small the explosions are from small single engined/single propellered planes. Watch the part at 1 minute 30 seconds and 4 minutes of this video:

Cory Lidle's plane did not crash.

Here is the radar tracking data with Cory Lidle's plane being in red:

Here is the footage:

What happened was:
Cory Lidle's plane flew down to the lower left hand side of the screen just above the water. At the same time, a huge explosion(at least 10 times as big as a standard small one engine plane crash) rocked a building with no plane near it.
The only plane on radar was Cory Lidle's plane.
The only plane seen on the footage did not crash into the building. It flew back to the right(left side of the screen) and lowered its altitude until it flew just above the water. Planes don't fly that close to the surface of the water UNLESS they are planning to land. That plane flying there is suspicious in itself.

Now this shadow government's reasons for this conspiracy could have been:

They could have made more money off the stock market as the stocks did drop after news from the explosion.
They have egoes and try and see how much they can fool the public.
They want the 9-11 conspiracy people to be redirected and loose some momentum for the 9-11 case against them.
They're big Yankee fans and were fustrated at the recent(10-7-06) Yankee's loss in the playoffs so they killed that game's active pitcher with a 72 game loss career record and set up a fabricated public death at a 72nd Street location.
At first I thought the pitcher commited suicide after just losing in the playoffs.

Then you have 9-11-01 upside down to get 10-11-6(10-11-06).

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Thank you for a good laugh. Yes George Steinbrenner is part of the NWO and orchestrated this whole thing, I hate to see what Jerry Jones is going to do next.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Here you see the explosion covering about an area of 100 feet by 50 feet. That is a VERY BIG EXPLOSION!

You know, I may have just thought that explosion is mostly from the forward momentum of the aircraft and all the fuel that ignited so the actual point of impact should only be slightly bigger than the actual mass hitting the wall, dependent on the kind of structure it is of course which I believe it's concrete or brick. Plus it was a small aluminimum and fiber plane, so it's light and structurally weak. It's meant to fly through air not collide into other objects.

Cory Lidle's plane did not crash.

Yes, yes it did, it was an accident.

Here is the radar tracking data with Cory Lidle's plane being in red:

I'm not sure how these people made up this image, but I have never seen RADAR tracking in my life that closely resembles what they put on here, and I've seen live ATC feed, it looks nothing like this. No RADAR tracking I have EVER seen looks like this.

Here is the footage:

This is hardly evidence AT ALL. You can't see the side of the building that was hit.

What happened was:
A government conspiracy AGAIN!
Cory Lidle's plane flew down to the lower left hand side of the screen just above the water. At the same time, a huge explosion(at least 10 times as big as a standard small one engine plane crash) rocked a building with no plane near it.
The only plane on radar was Cory Lidle's plane.
The only plane seen on the footage did not crash into the building. It flew back to the right(left side of the screen) and lowered its altitude until it flew just above the water

Tell me, how exactly is the only plane on RADAR Cory Lidle's plane? That immediate area is about 20 miles from New York TRACON roughly, which acts as the ATC for LaGuardia, Newark, and JFK, so I doubt his plane was the only one on RADAR.

What's you're experience with demolitions/explosives that you know exactly what a small, single engine airplane crash explosion should look like?

It was an accident, that's all, about the strangest thing with it is how the passport fell out of the plane and remained intact. Other than that, it was just an accident that will add another chapter of Human Error.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by crw2006
Thank you for a good laugh. Yes George Steinbrenner is part of the NWO and orchestrated this whole thing, I hate to see what Jerry Jones is going to do next.

The real witnesses only heard a HUGE BOOM and then saw flames shoot straight out of the windows. Listen to it here:
You laugh it up non-investigative sports worshipers still did not come up with a realistic explaination that is believable for a professional major league player that gets paid millions of dollars for his superior hand and eye coronation to not guide a simple plane even close to being away from the center of a huge building or at least eject in time before the so called "crash".

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
You laugh it up non-investigative sports worshipers still did not come up with a realistic explaination that is believable for a professional major league player that gets paid millions of dollars for his superior hand and eye coronation to not guide a simple plane even close to being away from the center of a huge building or at least eject in time before the so called "crash".

Have you ever piloted an aircraft?
Have you ever recovered an aircraft in flight distress?
-- I doubt it considering your ideology that an aircraft with no power immediately goes straight down.
Did you have privy to incockpit voice transmissions?

My point being - you are making calls about that which you know nothing about - other than a damn crappy video.


[edit on 23/10/06 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies

Originally posted by realanswers
Here you see the explosion covering about an area of 100 feet by 50 feet. That is a VERY BIG EXPLOSION!

You know, I may have just thought that explosion is mostly from the forward momentum of the aircraft and all the fuel that ignited so the actual point of impact should only be slightly bigger than the actual mass hitting the wall, dependent on the kind of structure it is of course which I believe it's concrete or brick. Plus it was a small aluminimum and fiber plane, so it's light and structurally weak. It's meant to fly through air not collide into other objects.

Cory Lidle's plane did not crash.

Yes, yes it did, it was an accident.

Here is the radar tracking data with Cory Lidle's plane being in red:

I'm not sure how these people made up this image, but I have never seen RADAR tracking in my life that closely resembles what they put on here, and I've seen live ATC feed, it looks nothing like this. No RADAR tracking I have EVER seen looks like this.

Here is the footage:

This is hardly evidence AT ALL. You can't see the side of the building that was hit.

What happened was:
A government conspiracy AGAIN!
Cory Lidle's plane flew down to the lower left hand side of the screen just above the water. At the same time, a huge explosion(at least 10 times as big as a standard small one engine plane crash) rocked a building with no plane near it.
The only plane on radar was Cory Lidle's plane.
The only plane seen on the footage did not crash into the building. It flew back to the right(left side of the screen) and lowered its altitude until it flew just above the water

Tell me, how exactly is the only plane on RADAR Cory Lidle's plane? That immediate area is about 20 miles from New York TRACON roughly, which acts as the ATC for LaGuardia, Newark, and JFK, so I doubt his plane was the only one on RADAR.

What's you're experience with demolitions/explosives that you know exactly what a small, single engine airplane crash explosion should look like?

It was an accident, that's all, about the strangest thing with it is how the passport fell out of the plane and remained intact. Other than that, it was just an accident that will add another chapter of Human Error.

Shattered OUT...

The radar is from the local airtraffic control data tower which can be seen on this website live right now:
The radar had clearly shown that there was only one plane under radar in that area at that specific time.
The actual footage shows a plane just above the water that you seemed to avoid in explaining.
But, then again, if you try and explain that, then you might have to actually explain why the Coast Guard purposely did not show enough of the footage to at least show A PLANE heading toward the building.
And, of course, the passport was intact, because the shadow government is known for being a bit sloppy with dropping the so called "evidence" down as they so called "investigate" their own mess.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by realanswers

The radar had clearly shown that there was only one plane under radar in that area at that specific time.

So, if you are saying there IS one aircraft in that area, how does that attribute to the explosion being a bomb and not the aircraft in question?

Originally posted by realanswers

The actual footage shows a plane just above the water that you seemed to avoid in explaining.

Scratch this 2nd part of the reply, thought it was referring to the radar ani.


[edit on 23/10/06 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Misfit

Originally posted by realanswers
You laugh it up non-investigative sports worshipers still did not come up with a realistic explaination that is believable for a professional major league player that gets paid millions of dollars for his superior hand and eye coronation to not guide a simple plane even close to being away from the center of a huge building or at least eject in time before the so called "crash".

Have you ever piloted an aircraft?
Have you ever recovered an aircraft in flight distress?
-- I doubt it considering your ideology that an aircraft with no power immediately goes straight down.
Did you have privy to incockpit voice transmissions?

My point being - you are making calls about that which you know nothing about - other than a damn crappy video.


[edit on 23/10/06 by Misfit]

There you go again. Thinking like a robot where you need to have a job or degree to be "qualified to know things" despite how distant it is away from being logical. And, no I did not mean that a plane ALWAYS goes straight down after loosing power. I have already corrected the wording in the post that it came from so you all would definitely know what I was trying to convey and you know that.
I find myself repeating again and again:
You still have not explained what the **** a plane is doing flying just above the water coming from the direction of the buildings. Or, why the coast guard purposely did not show enough of the footage to at least show the so called "plane" that hit the building.

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