posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 11:52 AM
Persons who hold dual citizenship with other countries are ineligible for a security clearance, as a rule. Some people may be "eligible" for dual
citizenship status, and if that is the case they must make an sworn statement and attestation that formally rejects that citizenship, and swear
allegiance to the US prior to being granted a security clearance.
Persons who are US citizens who have close family and freinds who are non-US citizens are ineligible for intelligence clearances, as a rule, and
cannot have access to derived intelligence or its sources.
Most counter-intelligence (CI) activities have lists of countries considered to be threats. Some are placed on the list for geopolitical reasons, and
some are on the list because of actual metrics of known espionage. In most cases, Israel figures prominently on these lists. No one in the
government or intelligence community takes the Israeli CI threat very lightly. In fact, it could be said that many people in the intel community are
holding on to a number of "grudges" against the Israelis, and they warrant special attention. So don't believe for a moment that the government
goes soft on them.
I would gues that our support of Israel is 10% philosophical, 10% personal, and 80% geopolitical. Were the Arabs to suddenly become enlightened,
peaceful, and self-sufficient overnight, we would probably place no more emphasis on Israel then as we do now with any given western European country.