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5 years aftr 9/11 Body Parts found

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posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 03:39 PM
I cant believe this is happenin, after 5 Years they are still finding body parts:

Human remains - some reportedly as large as arm or leg bones - have been found at the site of the 11 September 2001 attacks in New York.

The remains were found in rubble excavated from a manhole near the site of the World Trade Center.

Relatives say the find proves the need for a thorough new search of the area around Ground Zero.

"We can no longer rely on accidental discoveries," said WTC Families for Proper Burial in a statement.

What a shock this will be, to the relatives, you would have thought they would have carried out a extensive search and recovery of the site. Kinda sickenen.


posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 03:44 PM
They've been finding body parts around that site off and on since the incident. I know on the roof of one big building nearby that never collapsed but was condemned and due for demolition they've found lots of little bones and stuff.


posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 04:23 PM
Yes terrible for the relatives, but it begs the question how do bones fly out of a collapsing buildings to land on roofs hundreds of feet away.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 04:54 PM
It would seem that this would support the explosives in the building theory.Its the only possible explination that comes to my have bone fragments scattered like that,would not just come from "collapse due to fire."just my opinion.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 06:34 PM
let me try & reconstruct a post i made to a thread made by Black_Fox
which was deleted because the thread got closed!!!!!!!!!!!

POINT: the remains (bones) were found in a manhole!....all the manholes i see
have one of those +100lb manhole covers....and it takes a special lifting tool
to gain access to the manhole well.

Just how did the body parts of 911 victims get down into that manhole???
also, show me some DNA evidence that links these bones to 911 victims

the more likely premise is that this ?story? is just sensationalism by a reporter!

the human remains in the NYC sewer system, could be the resultant handiwork of a Y2K+1 'Jack-the-Ripper', or a latter day Zodiac Killer or some such individual.

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 09:33 PM

let me try & reconstruct a post i made to a thread made by Black_Fox

Does that have anything to do with this thread I opened? Not my fault his closed down.

POINT: the remains (bones) were found in a manhole!....all the manholes i see
have one of those +100lb manhole covers....and it takes a special lifting tool
to gain access to the manhole well.

Just how did the body parts of 911 victims get down into that manhole???
also, show me some DNA evidence that links these bones to 911 victims

Well I dont know im not an expert, I just read tis article posted on the BBC website earlier. Im just posting what I read.

the more likely premise is that this ?story? is just sensationalism by a reporter!

Proof it. The Relatives, have stated:

for some of the relatives, the find is an indication that the site has never been fully searched for the remains of the 2,749 people who died there.

Also Steve Coleman from the Port Authority has said:

Some of the remains were as big as arm or leg bones, Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority, was quoted by AP as saying

Oh supposes that is the report oversensationalising the article ???

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
They've been finding body parts around that site off and on since the incident. I know on the roof of one big building nearby that never collapsed but was condemned and due for demolition they've found lots of little bones and stuff.


And what type of power does it take to "blow" body parts so far?....Not just body parts, but body parts as little as a chicken leg? Not gravity...I'll tell you that much... No offense to the people who died there.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:26 PM
Basically,why stop construction.The remains arent important,never were to this administration.So they continue to build there crowning achievement atop of the remains.Sad and disgusting display from the administration.The area in which this building is being built should be a memorial grave,period.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Construction at the World Trade Center site will continue despite discovery nearby of apparent remains of 9/11 victims, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday.

After the remains were found Thursday and Sunday, angry family members of victims demanded that officials halt construction on the Freedom Tower and begin intensive searches.

On Friday, members of World Trade Center Families for Proper Burial protested what they said was the government's mishandling of remains.

They have called for a halt to all construction in the area and a renewed, more exhaustive search for remains.

Another family member of a 9/11 victim told AP that the grim discovery sends a message. "Their actions say remains are not a priority, they're secondary to the rebuilding," said Charles Wolf, who told AP he lost his wife and has never received any of her identified remains. "This is bringing up all the gnawing, gut-wrenching stuff inside us again," he said to AP.

Sally Regenhard lost her firefighter son during the attacks. "My son gave his life for this city -- for the state of New York and for the city of New York," she said. "He went into the Port Authority property which was immune and exempt from all the building and fire codes. He went into a death trap and now these agencies, these governmental entities say that my son cannot be found. To this day, I have not found one single iota of my son."

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Griff
And what type of power does it take to "blow" body parts so far?....Not just body parts, but body parts as little as a chicken leg? Not gravity...I'll tell you that much... No offense to the people who died there.

I would think that maybe the initial explosion when the planes crashed into the buildings could have blown parts maybe a couple of blocks away. After that, all the chaos could have pushed stuff into the gutters where they could be swept around by heavy rains over the last few years.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 09:44 AM
Something may have occurred that we did not know about at the time of the tower's collapse, and it goes a little something like this. I believe that this may have occurred due to the bones literally being turned into dust when the buildings fell. Two buildings that tall with that many people trapped inside, something is bound to have happened to their bodies. Plus, those buildings were falling at nearly 100 miles per hour when they hit the ground.

Over the years, these bones could have been washed down storm gutters by heavy rainfall.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Workers who spent months searching for human remains in the World Trade Center rubble were often at odds with the agency overseeing the cleanup and frequently asked to halt the operation as they recovered body parts.

As the work was wrapping up in 2002, several officials handling the recovery warned that things were moving too fast. They believed more pieces of the lost 2,749 victims could be found, but they were overruled, two of those officials told The Associated Press this week.

The officials gave the account after a utility crew accidentally discovered body parts last week in an abandoned manhole along the western edge of the site, and forensic experts have since dug down and found more than 100 bones and fragments from skulls, ribs, arms, legs, feet and hands.

[edit on 10/24/2006 by gimmefootball400]

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by gimmefootball400
Over the years, these bones could have been washed down storm gutters by heavy rainfall.

I hate to mention this. They could have also been taken down into the sewers by rats.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by gimmefootball400
Over the years, these bones could have been washed down storm gutters by heavy rainfall.

I hate to mention this. They could have also been taken down into the sewers by rats.

You beat me to it, but thats part of what I was thinking too Griff.

I remember someone saying not too long after 9-11-01 that they would be finding body parts for years. The shear magnitude of the destruction that day makes it about impossible to recover EVERY fragment in a timely fashion. You'd have to wonder how much human remains went out with the debris barges/trucks that hauled it away.

As far as I'm concerned, a genuine effort was made to recover as many human remains as possible and practical. One has to remember that just under 3000 people died that day. If jet fuel can contribute to melting metal, how much of a bone fragment do you think would be left? And the shear weight of material coming down would have obliterated anything underneath it.

I'd almost bet this. The body parts recently found are from someone on one of the impacted floors, aircraft crew or passengers.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 12:50 PM
I think the both of you are unfortunately correct on that question. It's been five years since the attacks, so why have the bone fragments started showing up now? Why wasn't all of the bone fragments recovered during the search?? I don't know about you guys, but something about this sounds fishy.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by gimmefootball400
I think the both of you are unfortunately correct on that question. It's been five years since the attacks, so why have the bone fragments started showing up now? Why wasn't all of the bone fragments recovered during the search??

They've been found on top of roofs of other buildings months afterward and I'm sure in many other nooks and crannies that no one has come across yet. Considering 22-ton sections of steel were ejected 600 feet onto other buildings, I don't think all of the remains and debris can reasonably be expected to be gone from the area in just a few years.

Btw, remember that the subways were hit too. I'm not clear on the kind of damage, but over a mile of it had/has to be replaced. Water was pooling up everywhere as well, even before they had collapsed.

[edit on 24-10-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:15 PM
anybody know the duetcha (sp.) bank. It's clear across the WTC complex and five years later they are just discovering bone fragments on the roof. need we say anymore?

9/11 = controlled demo and inside job. No longer a theory it is a fact.

[edit on 25-10-2006 by soundaddicted]

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:26 PM
Wait a minute... So suddenly the unnoticeable cutting charges on core columns were powerful enough to do that? Or was it that thermite?

Even in case of CD the energy it takes to eject the body remains so far would have its origin in mass of the building falling down.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 03:31 PM
can you clarify that last part tuccy?

when you take down a building it should be noted that you use both thermite and explosive charges. thermite takes out the inner core while the charges placed at strategic floors does the rest.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 03:46 PM
So how do the charges (btw invisible in the suspected WTC demo
) blowing on the OUTER shell of the building eject debris from INSIDE the building? This is even less logical
At best these charges would be able to displace the outer Aluminium plating or pieces of perimeter columns, but definitely not debris from inside the building.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by tuccy
So how do the charges (btw invisible in the suspected WTC demo
) blowing on the OUTER shell of the building eject debris from INSIDE the building?

Who says that they have to be on the outer shell? It would be more logical to have them on the inner core, if they were there at all.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 04:41 PM
Suffered a strange forum error, so maybe this time it will pass through

Sorry, got the post I was responding at possibly wrong. But then, if you have explosives in the core that blast so violently they are able not only to sever the core, but also to push the contains of the floors outside of the building, you'd have to see many windows around the building poping simultaneosly with the explosion and moreover you'd have to hear the explosions.

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