posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 02:00 PM
Also known as the bug-out bag, this is an ESSENTIAL piece of kit. It's something that most people should have. For those who don't know what they
are, bug-out bags are a sack filled with the essentials for a fews days, that you can just pick up and go with in case something happens, like your
haus catching fire. You grab it as you go, maybe keep it in the trunk of your car.
Because, in case of emergency, you'll probably have time to grab maybe three things, and the essentials are comprised of more than three things.
You limit yourself to three things (or less as the case may be) and you start chipping away at your ability to survive independently, especially if
things like stores are no longer available. All you folks in hurricane regions know what I'm talking about. The basics:
1. Change of clothing: very important. If you get wet, and have no shelter, hypothermia all up in. plus, hygenic reasons. two pairs of socks, trust me
on this.
2. Wet Weather Gear: again, wet is not something you want to be.
3. Food: Well, depends. How much chow do you need? I'd day two days worth of MREs or so. If you don't know where you next meal is coming from, those
beans n' franks will seem like mana.
4. Water purifcation tablets: carrying and storing water is a pain in the ass. bonus: water is heavy. Heavy is bad.
5. Lighter, folding knife, multitool: these three things are ESSENTIALS which should be on your belt or in your pocket from dawn to dusk all day,
every day, 365 days a year. these are items that cannot be comprimised on. DO NOT CHEAP OUT ON THESE ITEMS.
6. Fixed blade knife: If you think that trying to hack through a branch with a combat knife instead of a hatchet is bad, imagine trying to do same
with your folding knife. You life might depend on that, so a fixed blade knife is a must. Again, never cheap on a blade.
7. Blanket: preferably a Ranger Blanket. Cold is not your friend.
8. Change of footwear: If your current footwear gets wet, you don't want the Jungle Rot. I have gotten it; I didn't change my socks for a day,
sweated on my feet a lot, ended up pulling of strips of skin over the course of the day and having to dig that crap out of my socks. Foot care is
paramount. A change of footwear, even if it's sandals, is for the better.
9. First Aid Kit: Not a trauma kit, just enough to get through any minor injuries you may come across. You're not a surgeon.
10: Hygenics: Staying clean is important. Without it, morale degrades and siease becomes more probable. Take the essentials (toothbrush, etc), but
bonus points for bringing foot powder.
11. Pen and Paper: weighs nothing, but essential. Store in a waterproof manner.
Those are the very essentials. It's a fairly light ruck- that's how you want it to be. the heavier it gets, the worse a long hike
gets...exponentially. You might have room in your bag (make sure it's a good, milspec one) for more food, more items. Well, if you can handle it, go
for it. Make sure you can walk five or ten miles with the ruck on your back.
Bonus points:
1. Handgun: If you can use it, and it's legal to carry, go for the gusto. Handgun, box of ammo, three magazines.
2. Hatchet: Tomahawk if at all possible. It's got mad versatility, and it's pretty light. It's just...super awkward.
3. Tent: If you have the room and strength, HUGE bonus points for portable shelter.
4. Rope: Gotta have rope. Man would be nothing without rope.
5. Bungee cords: just one of those unusually practical items.
Any suggestions or advice on making your AWOL bag?
mod edit: removed survivalist from title due to creation of new forum
[edit on 12-12-2006 by UK Wizard]