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Symbology of *3*

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posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 10:22 AM
This is difficult to tell you's been a long time coming though. I cannot divulge everything it's WAY too personal even for me.

I started dreaming of and about anything associated with the number 3 when I first began to dream or remember/pay attention to them. I've dreamt of many unusual symbols *I made a thread relating somewhat to my own deep rooted symbology* and it did help me to understand some things. All or most of the symbols I've seen in dreams or even been spoken to relate to 3. A pyramid, three thorns on a crown, 3 doors, 3 paths, 3 people(making a choice) The word three, and lastly and most importantly, the word Triad (which means 3 also) these are just a few vague symbols and words but nonetheless, I think you get the point. What the hell does *three* mean and why is it everywhere in my dreams? Also, I might add..the threes manifest into my waking life as well and the word Triad. I do not understand this at all. I never even heard of the word Triad when I dreamt it. It can mean so many different things too, that I'm at a total loss.

Can anyone make some sense of this for me? I honestly have no obssession with the number 3, it seems to be more obssessed with me LOL!

It's jumbled, I know, but I can't really explain the way I'd like to..
thanks again

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 10:36 AM
Perhaps in previous incarnations (maybe even this one, I don't know), you were very involved with magick (as in Wiccan/Shamanistic, etc.) The Rule of 3 is pretty much a central belief, and is recognized in various religions and cultures... Perhaps it is also an underlying part of the fabric of the Universe, and in all of your incarnations, you are getting closer and closer to your understanding of the way things are....and that 3 in an integral part of it....???

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 12:05 PM
I had a dream last night where I was in a hospital and I had to pee in a cup. When she handed me the cup I noticed that there were 3 cups stacked together. I remember thinking why are there 3 cups.

I even thought that when I woke up this morning.

This is honestly not a joke, it really happened.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 02:51 PM
This involves more then just one dream and involves more then just dreams themselves. There are only 2 people that know the stories behind my 3 *symbolism* in which case they really aren't stories just concerns.

What you've stated is interesting. Infact to be honest, fits. Although, I will not confess to practicing magik. I really don't, I don't cast spells or anything.

Maybe another day I'll tell a little more about this. This is my way of putting my foot in the door for now. Thanks again Gaz. Excellent interpretations! And straight from the heart too..

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 03:33 PM
Np...actually, as I mentioned, 3 is an integral part of many things...

You of course have the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost), you have Mind/Body/Spirit, etc. It isn't just magick. However, the idea of what energy you put out into the Universe, returning to you threefold, is an underlying principle of it (magick). Just because you didn't call it by the name of "magick", doesn't mean it wasn't.

If I were to describe a ritual, in which you took a wafer, and through various incantations, transubstantiated it into flesh, whilst likewise transubstantiating wine into blood, would you call that a magick ritual? I'll bet the Church wouldn't....

Something I just saw on an Alien thread...

A: Sort of. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks.

This is actually pretty interesting, though the rest of the dialogue is pretty much Icke Reptoid fare.... However, I would agree with the basic idea...but instead use the following...

Energy and Mass and Density = Perception of Reality

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 09:13 AM
In my most recent experiences, triad has represented to me to mean "the power of 3". There is the initiator, the experiencer, & the guide. The purpose of this triad is to bring about the "vision" and "power" required to realize the complete picture and bring forth the necessary actions to accomplish an outcome or goal. So "one" is not enough. "Two" is not enough. You need "three".

This is a very personal interpretation so it may or may not make sense to someone else.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Questor
In my most recent experiences, triad has represented to me to mean "the power of 3". There is the initiator, the experiencer, & the guide. The purpose of this triad is to bring about the "vision" and "power" required to realize the complete picture and bring forth the necessary actions to accomplish an outcome or goal. So "one" is not enough. "Two" is not enough. You need "three".

This is a very personal interpretation so it may or may not make sense to someone else.

All I can say is 'you made sense' whether this was something from your own book of life..perhaps our books are alot more similar then I thought..this made the most sense I've ever heard of pertaining to my personal 3's/triad..Cannot say anymore

THANK you!!!

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 01:41 AM
Majestica....There is always a good and a bad......
There is always an opposite and a conclusion to everything we do and say........maybe not visible to us......but to our soul ....

Though you may see in 3's.......being a good thing
It could also be a bad thing!

We choose our own lives .....we look at ways to improve our existence on earth by living the life we think is right for us......but not always does this make it the right path to follow......and as we go further into our future we realise that some of the things we had done was careless and with not much thinking.......we can satisfy our bodies and all its senses.......but have we realy satisfied our SOUL???
.....just my thought's on the matter.....


posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 07:16 AM

i just wanted to give you a personal thank you for bringing this up. what you have said has unfortunately become very true in my case.

everything can turn out well in the end but sometimes there is a great cost endured to achieving enlightenment if you seek it in the wrong way. but the most important thing is to learn from it, gain wisdom from it, & endeavour to never have to go thru the same difficult process again.

i just sent you a U2U in case you're wondering what i mean by this reply.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Questor

i just wanted to give you a personal thank you for bringing this up. what you have said has unfortunately become very true in my case.

everything can turn out well in the end but sometimes there is a great cost endured to achieving enlightenment if you seek it in the wrong way. but the most important thing is to learn from it, gain wisdom from it, & endeavour to never have to go thru the same difficult process again.

i just sent you a U2U in case you're wondering what i mean by this reply.

Hi Questor

Happy to know that you understand!
Take care....

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 07:28 PM
I have also had a similar dream corresponding to yours, i was in an airport and everyones flights were delayed, all the passengers including me were posted up on the windows facing the planes while we waited for our flights to be finally boarded. Some random person, a strange man, was resting on my shoulder. I thought it was just because of the mass amount of people that he was there and he was extremely tired so i felt no urgency to push him away. But then he grabbed my fingers, started biting them and his face started to morph into a gargoyle like face and said to me, "Three of nine, the end of time, is nigh." Then those words turned into a heavy metal rock song that resonated in my head while he proceeded to attack my face in the dream. This caused me to awaken in a alarmed state. I have been looking for clarification from this dream for a while. The reason i posted in your forum is because it was the closest thing i could find to my experience.

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