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superman is a pansy!

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posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I'm a huge batman fan, i also like nightwing but stopped reading his comic when he became a bad guy then became good again because that's just stupid. I hate superman, he sucks. Batman is in olympic, top physical condition, i mean he had to work for it. Whereas superman was just given his powers. Batman fights crime with his fists and he and the enemy are equal (i.e. human) and there is real danger. Superman, gets shot at then just walks up and takes the gun away, what a wuss! Batman has real weaknesses: guns, knives, explosives. What is supermans weakness? A rock!!! How dumb is that. Superman, you suck.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:56 PM
So how does all that stuff make Superman a pansy again?

Batman can't carry Superman's jock.

At least Clark Kent works for a living and isn't a trust fund baby.


posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 07:50 PM
Superman is the most powerful Hero of the DC world.. Thus the only way to take him down is by being extreamly rich, purchase some good ole Kryponite from the blackmarket and Im sure Batman has the funds to do this. Otherwise from what I know of Superman is that he is inpervious to physical damage

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:12 PM

Okay, okay, let's just ...

No ... no ... must ... remain ... calm ...

Superman is a hero. His greatness has nothing to do with his powers. He'd still be Superman without his unlimited strength or invulnerability. He's not Superman because he's really strong or can see through walls. He's Superman because he always does the right thing and defends those less powerful than himself - namely, everyone.

Now, I'm a huge Batman fan also. Huge.The Dark Knight is easily the coolest, most dedicated character ever to grace the pages of comics. You're right in saying that Batman has more believable weaknesses and that these often make for more gripping stories. But you're wrong to view them as polar opposites. Batman and Superman are like brothers. They both show enormous respect for each other. Yes, Batman lost his parents at an early age and had to work and struggle for everything he has (except his money). But Superman lost his birth parents, his entire home world and then his Earth father. Life hasn't exactly been a cakewalk for him, either.

This is the reason why I like Superman - Imagine if such a being really existed and made himself known to the world in general one day. Here's a being with inconceivable destructive potential. With virtually unlimited strength, a body which is impervious to our greatest weapons and a host of unfathomably powerful offensive weapons (heat vision, for example), this alien has the potential to destroy Humanity if he wants to. But what does he do? He spends every erg of energy in his body to safeguard the Earth and the fragile humans which dwell upon it. He could have been a destroyer without limit. Instead, as Christopher Reeve said, Superman is 'A friend.' That's why he's a hero.

Batman represents the pinnacle of human achievement. He is often cited as the most dangerous individual on Earth, even surpassing Superman. Batman has consistently been the only character ever capable of negating Superman. Check out their battle royale in the brilliant Dark Knight Returns to see what I mean. But Batman, with all his talents and skills, still privately acknowledges Superman's greatness. Not because of his powers - Bats can usually counter these - but because of his qualities. These are what make him a hero, the same way that Bats would be a hero if he suddenly lost all of his toys. It's who they are, not what powers they have which makes them great.

As an aside, you might like the Superman-Batman graphic novels. These provide some good insights into how the two heroes see each other.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Superman is the most powerful Hero of the DC world.. Thus the only way to take him down is by being extreamly rich, purchase some good ole Kryponite from the blackmarket and Im sure Batman has the funds to do this. Otherwise from what I know of Superman is that he is inpervious to physical damage

Unless you are Doomsday. In which case you just beat Superman to death. :bash:

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 12:26 PM
Your right , Superman is a pansy. No matter how good he is, he can't take a swift kick to the crutch. No-one can.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 01:05 PM
I think that Batmans sidekick Robin is a true pansy. What purpose does he serve? To throw out a quick quip every now and again like "Holy mutilated body Batman!" or "Holy you look great in those tights Batman!" or "Holy stinky flatulence Batman!". Yes indeed, Robin is a true pansy!

Now Spiderman - don't get me started. Take away his web, and he's nothing. Spidey Sense? Hah! He's got nothing on my wifes womans intuition!

The Hulk - he's pretty cool. I'd love to be Banner. I'd go to the DMV just so I'd get ticked off, and I'd change into the Hulk. I bet, they wouldn't make me stand in line for 2 hours just so when I got to the window, they tell me - "Sorry wrong line, go to the end of that line over there." Nope that would be cool.

I think the best super hero is Atom Ant.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:39 AM
Okay dudes, i take back my superman sucks comment. You are right he has the potential to destroy humantiy but he chooses to save it instead, which is pretty cool. All i meant was that batman is human and fighting human bad guys, where with superman it's humans verse a tank basically that doesn't exactly seem fair. Sure, you could say that it's not fair that batman has all that money, because he can afford new tech and weapons. My response to that is that you can make weapons easy, it's all on the internet.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Thus the only way to take him down is by being extreamly rich, purchase some good ole Kryponite from the blackmarket and Im sure Batman has the funds to do this.

Actually Batman keeps some kryptonite in a lead pouch in his utility belt. Its one of his 'contingency plans'.

In fact Batman has the potential to wipe out the entire Justice League.
One time Ra's Al Ghul accessed his computer and downloaded all of Batman's plans for defending against the League if they went rogue and he managed to stop all of them...except Bats!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:13 PM
If any of you are interested in a really good Batman/Superman story, get your hands on a copy of the Elseworlds story Speeding Bullets. It is the story where the Waynes find Kal-el instead of the Clarks and he grows up being Bruce Wayne instead of Clark Kent.

Fantastic story.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:07 PM
That sounds like a really cool story HankMcCoy

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:52 AM
Batman is not a real superhero he has no superpowers only super whealth

spiderman got a bite from a spider it gave him super powers

superman came form another planet he has super powers on earth
the list goes on.

I do think batman is the coolest of all the comic heros he has the best gadgets,and always gets the chick but he has no super powers so technically he is not a superhero

but in a fight he would kick supermans arse kryptonite anyone

i agree superman is a bit of a pansy but not as much as spiderman he still lives with his aunty lol

And dont even think of saying "Batman is a pansy just look at the 60s Tv show"

Because ill just ignore you lol

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 05:35 PM
Ok, that last post was wrong on just about everything. Lets start with the first line and work our way down.

"Batman is not a superhero..."

Well, as a matter of fact, he is. Even though he doesn't have any powers to speak of, he has a superior intellect, is trained in nearly any form of physical combat, has a wealth of gadgets to help him in his nightly fights against crime, is a master detective, and yes, has the wealth.

"Spiderman got a bite from a radioactive spider..."

That was correct.

"Superman came from another planet. He has powers on earth..."

The reason for this is because of our sun. Not only does it give him his near invulnerability, heat vision, strength as so forth, but it also charges him. Kinda like a battery.

"In a fight he would kick Superman's arse..."

In a phsycial battle, no way. Batman would be taken out of the fight with a simple flick of the finger from Superman. It's just not possible for Batman to beat him. IF he used Kryptonite (which I think he actually did in an issue) he could beat him, but the chances of them actually fighting, I think, are very slim. What reason would they have to duke it out?

"Spiderman still lives with his aunty..."

This is not the case. Spiderman (Peter Parker) is married and lives on his own. Recently, after the Civil War, Peter, Mary Jane, and Aunt May were on the run from the Federal Government until Aunt May was shot by a bullet meant for Parker. Currently, she resides in a hospital bed.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 05:49 PM

[edit on 15-10-2007 by dbates]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 07:52 AM
It's simple. Tell Batman to create sorry buy a device that allows him to hear all the people in the world at once. Then see if he can take on Superman with no special powers. That and the weight of the world on his shoulders 90% of the time. Anyways Superman can be hurt with out the help of kryptonite. It just takes more force.

No matter what Superman is my Hero as is Cristopher Reeves FOREVER!

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Calling Superman a pansy would be wrong, as he clearly isn't. In fact, he is one of the most powerful superheroes there is. What I don't like about Superman, is the fact the he is such a goody goody.

Batman on the other hand, is a total badass. Even with his limitations in being a human, Batman gets out there and gives crime a good old kicking.
I believe Batman could conquer Superman simply for the fact that he does not play by the rules, and realises even, that real combat has no rules. Superman is too caught up in being a 'good guy' and this would lead to his downfall.

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
This is the reason why I like Superman - Imagine if such a being really existed and made himself known to the world in general one day. Here's a being with inconceivable destructive potential. With virtually unlimited strength, a body which is impervious to our greatest weapons and a host of unfathomably powerful offensive weapons (heat vision, for example), this alien has the potential to destroy Humanity if he wants to.

Actually, if you think about it, if such a being existed and was on Earth, he would destroy civilization.

All of his body fluids would be immortal and indestructible and if released would harm any Earthly organisms they came into contact with, and any Kryptonian bacteria would also be super and infect and kill any Earthly organisms.


posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Superman may well be a pansy but Bruce is just neurotic bodering on psychotic.

Tower of babel and the Omac's brother eye anyone???

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Darth Vader could kill Superman. Yeah, the force!

Anyhow, Superman get's out of line, all Batman has to do is show him his kryptonite yo-yo. As seen here:

Batmans Kryptonite Yo-Yo

Yeah, there's a whole small series of why Batman is better than Superman here.


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