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Underground Base - Dawsonville GA

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posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:38 PM
I believe this base is still active, I live 3 minutes away from it and something is definitely still going on there. Why else would they have high voltage power lines running through the middle of the area and electricity running to the buildings? As crazy as this sounds it I do believe that the base was not fully decommissioned and they still use it for very top secret research. I think that the main entrances were cemented shut and I know the only way in to the base it though the tunnels the trains took, leading me to believe the trains are acting as a JANTA system to allow researchers in and out of the base very quietly. Because what would be a better way of hiding your upper most top secret research than decommissioning the external features, cementing visible doors, and telling every one its not in use because of an "accident." Considering that most of the bridges running in and out of the area have been demolished it would lead you to believe that the government is telling the truth when they are 30+ feet below you in a reinforced concrete bunker, but the real reason for this post is to say that "something" happened this weekend, a breach in the facility, because all of the animals in a 2 mile radius of the area were acting very strange, like something was around that shouldn't have been, escaped test subjects maby? because it looked like a quarantine force was sent in on Friday, there were Apache gunships, UH-60 Black hawks with full combat ready soldiers, and armored vehicles going in and out of the area. Then to top it off a whole fleet of cement trucks were sent in to the base area Saturday morning between 5am and 9am along with countless black tinted windowed SUVs.

What I believe they are researching is a zombie virus, true or not, but it would explain the need for secrecy and a large quarantining force along with the strange behavior of the animals on the day/night of the "breach" and before any one asks I'm not high or insane although i havn't slept all weekend because I have been trying to monitor this situation.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:59 PM
This thread went from just run of the mill interesting, to downright strange real quick.

Ok, I'll bite. How do you know these things? do you have pictures? do you have vehicle unit numbers? Do you have witnesses? How long has this been going on?

As Johnny 5 says, more input! Need more input!

[edit on 30-9-2007 by NGC2736]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:07 AM

What I believe they are researching is a zombie virus, true or not, but it would explain the need for secrecy and a large quarantining force along with the strange behavior of the animals on the day/night of the "breach" and before any one asks I'm not high or insane although i havn't slept all weekend because I have been trying to monitor this situation.

Hate to debunk this, but this is gonna require a lot more proof. At least with the idea that a fleet of Black Hawks and Apaches and black-tinted SUVs carrying heavily armed troops needs to be supported by facts.

Otherwise, this sounds like an imaginative 15-year-old just saw Resident Evil 3 this weekend....

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 11:33 PM
Ive seen pictures of the woods there, the place is about as active as the sex life of a 95 year old. If you did see combat troops and choppers in the area, it was more than likely military training exercises, Ive run across training exercises while hiking in national forests before.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by strike6
Should you go in?


My father died of a radical form of renal cell cancer at the age of 55. He never smoked and was in top physical shape.

My mother died of a radical form of breast cancer one year later at age 55. She never smoked and was in top physical shape.

Me. I have a 7 year old daughter that has serious genetic deformities. She cannot walk or talk and has the mind of a six month old.

Did my or my parents trip into the Hot Cell building in '77 or my trips in the late 80s cause these problems? I don't know.

I do know that it's not worth taking the chance. Trust me when I say this. Georgia may check for radiation. But only on the outside of the building.

I'm truly sorry about the sickness in your family and I agree with you that untrained people should stay away from such a place (my fears would be more along the lines of drowning, cave-ins or getting bit by a snake, two-headed or otherwise), but I think I'd blame leftover asbestos before I blamed leftover radiation. Heck, a lifetime of Georgia sunlight and standing in front of microwave oven could probably give you more rads than a few hours playing Tomb Raider in a disused military facility.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Dale Gribble
As Amicalola would probably agree, that area was rife with moonshine and white supremacists back in the day, and cops would hardly go into southwestern Dawson county.

They still won't.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 11:23 PM
I disagree with the whole zombie thing because 1) zombie's aren't real and 2) Dawsonville isn't that interesting. I've been to DF MANY times and each time I go I see something different and more strange. But I don't think that it is being used for something at this time. I think something bad happened there, the government attempted to cover up as much of the evidence, and buildings, as possible, and everyone tried to move on.

I've lived in Dawsonville for many years and I have NEVER experienced anything as outrageous as the things RRTS05962 mentioned. There are too many people living entirely too close to DF that would have witnessed it. So why would the government barge in with such an entourage?

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 01:16 AM
i live in dawsonville and i have heard many MANY stories of cemented doors and no way of getting into the Lockheed building from friends. i myself have tried to go there many times and cops have always prevented us from getting to the area we pleased, its incredibly watched now-a-days. i dont know if anyone else knows that also people have been taken there and dropped into the lake where a bridge ends to be murdered.
alot of people who hunt around here say that they see deers with incredibly too much antler things, two headed snakes among other many headed animals, and animals with more than just two eyes. i personally feel like i shouldnt live so close to anywhere that holds such horrible tales, but it wasnt my choice to live here in the first place. in town its a very hush hush topic, and you cant get any of the older townspeople to chat about it.
many of my friends have talked about how there is one way in, through the roof, but the question then isnt getting, in, but getting out. any questions, just let me know, ill give as much info as i can

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by RRTS05962

I lived in Ellijay. Something definitely going on. See Area 51 Gathering of underground infrastructures. Read posts.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by LaureloftheWood

It is not outrageous. You need to wake up and smell the roses and leave the laurel alone.

I'm not sure of the function or operation but I do believe in an underground infrastructure in Ellijay and Dawsonville is just down the road. I've experienced and witnessed the outcry of the animals.

I do not believe many people of aware of anything other than themselves and have closed their eyes to what is going on the the rest of the world not to mention right under their noses.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 04:29 PM
Holy cow...take a look at this. I was looking around the area that you were referring to and noticed a gigantic, circle feature like maybe supercollider size.

Here is a link to my map on VirtualEarth. It doesnt take much imagination to see the circle. I put a pinpoint on the circle and the four cardinal points of the circle for reference. What the hell is that?!?!?

"Dawsonville Circle"

Once the page loads, switch it to Aerial view then zoom on in to the center mark.


posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:23 AM
This is really interesting and I want to know more about it :/
To the person above, someone else suggested the circle was from a fence.'

& I didnt realise this was so dead xD Its the best thing ive read here yet

[edit on 17-11-2007 by tuesday]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by hexed1911< br />

Do NOT go breaking into known nuclear waste.

Note the readings were taken from OUTSIDE the structures.

1. Why aren't greater measures taken to keep kids out of nuclear waste?

2. Isn't it nice to know they did OPEN experiments irradiating pine trees, rats, parts and everything else within the "Dawsonville circle"? Living things that reproduce. It is known that of the few things it didn't kill, it made some pine needles grow LONGER and some pines become susceptible to Pine beetles. It also (for a fact) made one weed grow more. That's just what we need!

3. The stated radiated area (out to 4000ft) is exactly the circle area as seen on aerial maps. 0.7 miles across.

4.. Radiation just outside the structures was worse in the past.

5. The hot cell still is. Even outside.

6. You can bet in in not healthy inside!

7. I am unclear but I think the reactor IS STILL THERE!

The world is a whole lot smaller to me now, if you know what I mean.

Please do NOT go inside. Unless all the above sources are bogus, I do not think there's anything spectacular they are trying to hide. I don't think it's a conspiracy. I think we can chock this one up to a cold war mistake. I'm surprised that much is admitted. I do wonder WHAT they are not telling us.

What interesting is every reference lets out ALL the things they were doing there. At least all the three, aircraft (or space craft) parts test, simulated hit (rad not heat), and then the rats. (How do we know we haven't created mutant rats and other life there?)

I suppose we will never be able to gauge how much cancer and such was caused by the "experiments". Was any fallout spread into the atmosphere and back to the people?

For the record, I had heard of this before. I could NOT find reference a few years ago. Now it seems known. I'm shocked.

I would think it to be a danger (at a distance!) now. I don't want to promote false assumptions. I just will not be poking around. It's the kind of adventure I might have done too. Now I think wiser.


I can only guess it would be more dangerous to move it. SO LETS BETTER WARN KIDS BEFORE THERE NUTS FALL OFF, OR SOMETHING WORSE!

IF everything is on the up and up, you can go see it but I wouldn't break ANYTHING open. I sure would NOT advise a pregnant women to up there.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by neoats]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:45 AM
the reason it is becoming so well known, is that the history channel or discovery (cant remember which ) have covered it in a series called "planes that never flew"

it is in an episode called "atomic bomber"

hope this adds to the cause,


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Hmmm. I could not see an edit button again even though I am logged in.

I'm sorry, there are many (writing) errors in my above text. Many times where a "not" is missing, if you know what I mean.

I hope you got my points correctly.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Mainly, I would think it is NOT dangerous IF at a DISTANCE!

Also, it occurs to me now that someone might say I part of a conspiracy to keep people away.

1. People have not been completely keep away.

2. Unless mayor new outlets are playing with the FACTS, there be radiation! I would think that any (independent) scientist type could quickly assess the above background radiation quickly. So one way or another, you don't want to be exposed.

I would imagine that the sensationalist news agencies would get many viewers for (safely) seeding in cameras into the (supposed) underground and flooded facilities? possibly robotic explorers. That would be a hit on the Discover channel!

Of course this assumes what the news shows is unbiased (as it is supposed to be) and true. If the locals are allows to monitor the process., then we could all sleep a little better and put this to rest. Perhaps also, the younger folks would learn from past mistakes. Both on how we react to war and how to safely explore.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by neoats]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:19 PM
Hmm. After I edit and preview there seems to be now way to post the changes.

Here is my corrected post from above:

Mainly, I would think it is NOT dangerous IF at a DISTANCE! That's what I was saying.

Also, it occurs to me now, someone might say I'm part of a conspiracy; to keep people away.

1. People have not been completely keep away.

2. Unless major news outlets are playing with the FACTS, there be radiation! I would think, any (independent) scientist type could quickly assess the above background radiation; quickly. So one way or another, you don't want to be exposed.

I would imagine that the sensationalist news agencies would get many viewers for (safely) sending in cameras; into the (supposed) underground and flooded facilities? Possibly even robotic explorers. That would be a hit on the Discover channel! Would it not?

Of course this assumes what the news is unbiased (as it is supposed to be) and true. If the locals are allows to monitor the process, then we could all sleep a little better and put this thing to rest. Perhaps also, the younger folks would learn from past mistakes. Both on how we react to war and how to safely explore.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:28 PM
can anyone post pics of the place ? I am dying to see this former base.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Pics links of old concrete at the place are in early posts in this thread. There not much let to see (I think).

Who would like to see the PLANE!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Translated from french

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