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Sci-Fi investigates: Bigfoot

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posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by optimus primal
honestly i don't put much stock into any tv shows' jaunts into the "wild" to find any cryptozoological animal. one hour is not enough time to discuss any subject at the length it deserves. and the "expeditions" themselves are far too short. if researchers want to get serious about the subject they need to spend a lot more time out looking and gathering whatever evidence may present itself. and armchair skeptics like micheal shermer need to get out there too and for protracted periods of time as well. anyone can sit in an office and tell you that something doesn't exist. a true skeptic goes out with the believer and does the research as well. even if they dismiss whatever the believer finds, at least they know what they're talking about instead of spouting " it's impossible. no one's ever shot one or found a body" those are the proofs of an inferior mind.

i personally believe bigfoot exists. i don't know if it's a gigantipithecus or some other creature, but something is leaving traces and frightening people in the deep woods all over the world.


I agree with Optimus here, I know the show is edited and themed, but it always
annoys me when 'they' say that the group should remain here longer, but they have to
get back, jeez, it's almost as if Networks have a quota of non-descipt crap docu's to knock
out and have a policy of 'when it comes to crypto stuff, we have to leave the door open'.

I am sceptic about the whole Bigfoot thing, but in my heart I'd like to exist, it would open
up a whole new can of worms about humanity.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Bigfoot is brought down and picked up by the UFOs. The aliens have full control over their Bigfoot agendas and make sure you won't capture one.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Bigfoot is brought down and picked up by the UFOs. The aliens have full control over their Bigfoot agendas and make sure you won't capture one.

Yeah, ok.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by outofstep

Are you referring to the Patterson footage? Your description sounds just like it. I'm sorry, but if somebody was CONVICTED of fraud in the patterson film controvery, there would be absolutely NO debate about it's authenticity today. It would be a matter of public record that the film was fabricated. I'm not arguing for it's authenticity, but I call BS on this one. Maybe you are referring to another film?

I don't know the name of the film. I do recall they played Elk bugles in the film and said it was Bigfoot sounds. I'm repeating what was printed in the paper in Eureka, California to the best of my memory. I have no reason to doubt its veracity. What would the newspaper have to gain by making up a story like that. I know nothing about it other than that. I have no interest in whether there is a Bigfoot or not. I thought it was relevant. I clearly remember taking my 25 cents and paying to see the live narrated film at our local theatre. I also remember the publicity it generated that was used to promote a fictional Bigfoot movie. I'm not old enough to have dementia yet and I don't have a memory problem. If you choose to slander me with your insinuations it is your right. Defamation is clearly a popular pastime by many on ATS. Much to your shame not mine. Unless you have paid for an archive search of the paper and actually done one, you are calling what I said BS for no reason other than it does not agree with your belief. Deny Ignorance? I think not.

If you want another direction to go with Bigfoot? The natives had never seen tall dark haired people with full beards prior to the French trappers. This would be a wise thing to consider when searching for the roots of the Bigfoot legend. Could they have taken a story in their beliefs and applied it to these French trappers? Which is more likely? This or a very large primate that lives in an area that is crawling with tourists, hunters, fishermen and loggers who for some reason can't come up with a carcass or even a bone? I also don't understand why all mysteries on Earth are somehow linked to Aliens?

As far as the film on the Easter Islands. That is a fact. Next time you see a show about the weird and they don't tell you how these statues were moved or imply it is a mystery or connected to Aliens think about it. Don't be suckers. The world is full of modern day P.T. Barnum's just waiting to relieve you of a few bucks.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
If you choose to slander me with your insinuations it is your right. Defamation is clearly a popular pastime by many on ATS. Much to your shame not mine. Unless you have paid for an archive search of the paper and actually done one, you are calling what I said BS for no reason other than it does not agree with your belief. Deny Ignorance? I think not.


I meant no disrespect and had no intention of slandering you. My original response was poorly worded. In your original description, the film you described sounded a lot like the patterson footage. The reason I called BS was that I THOUGHT you were talking about the patterson footage. Clearly, if the Patterson footage was a PROVEN hoax, it would be a huge story. After reading your reply, it is clear you are referring to a different film. I jumped to assumptions and for that I apologize.

I have no reason to doubt your claim about what you saw. It sounds like a fascinating film, and even though it's a proven fake, I'd like to see it.

Anyway, no hard feelings I hope.

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by outofstep

I meant no disrespect and had no intention of slandering you.

We both overreacted. No bad feelings on this end. I've said so much stupid stuff on this board I have no right to judge.

I am facinated by these topics and I do believe there is a basis in fact for most legends.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 01:34 PM
I've watched this show for two weeks. First show on bigfoot and the second on mothman. I would have to say that this show is about the biggest waste of time. There probably nothing on television that captions my interest more than show on the paranormal, ufo, and mythical creatures, but this show is almost unwatchable!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 04:55 PM
This show SUCKS!

Did someone from Nickelodeon put this show together? Is there going to be a green goo contest or squirt gun fight to spice things up?

I think someone from the 70's produced this show; do they not realize that we have the "Internet" now and that most people already have a better knowledge on the subjects presented than what this show skims across in an hour. What's with the lame investigations and common man Rob, whose only contribution is macho Budwiser talk.

I see a future for this at 4am on G4 TV right after some video game review or infomercial for Dean Martin's Roasts.

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