posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 10:26 PM
I will add my point to this thread.
In my view, this war is being run exactly as planned. Iraq is in turmoil. The puppet Iraqi regime is as corrupt as the American regime. According to
Pentagon documents, the plan was not to "free the Iraqi people", but it actually was to split the country into 3 or 4 sectors and foment endless
sectarian violence. Why?
To ensure that the country remains in turmoil to ensure that defense contractors and arms dealers (who control and fund your presidential elections)
make as much profits as possible. Think about it. Do Arms and Defense and Oil companies make more money if the war lasts 1 year? Or the projected
decade? Or even "generation after generation" as put by VP Dick Cheney.
Ignorance is keeping this war going. Ignorance is supporting this war, this massacre. Ignorance is not speaking out against the blatant evil, which is
so painfully obvious now, it is a miracle if ones cant see it yet. Evil feeds off ignorance. Knowledge is power. It isnt very hard to understand.
Im open to any opposing or supporting views. Namaste. Love and Light to you all.