posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 11:13 AM
WW3 is already on, its taking the force of an economic and resource based war, all the superpowers in the world are trying to guzzel up whatever
resources are left so they will not be in the power vaccume after they (the resources) are gone from the market. China realized it needed to snach up
vast amounts of resources a short time ago (at the end of the cold war) and has been pushing to get its nation online ever since. China is imense and
this offers problems, by using the greedy corporations to further their goal they are becoming more powerful every second we sit here and talk.
Corporations like Wal-Mart are not the ones pulling the strings in govt. but are simply put: patsys to whoever will give them money. China has come
forth as a growing consumer and should they become #1 they will outweigh the USA in consumption we will have little to no business left here. China
outnumbers the world in population by (in the 1990's) 1/3 of the world population is in China and growing so fast they have to put restrictions on
how many children you can have (2) and this has allowed them to stem part of the problem temporarily. China doesnt give two hoots about USA policies
and should anyone question them all they have to do is give the finger. Why? Because the USA is so indelved in China that if they even TRY to do
anything to them they KNOW they will die economicaly since China makes all our goods. THIS is why the USA should be a self sustaining nation and rely
little if at all on other nations.
Let me sum up things:
Think about what will happen if China becomes #1 for consumption, what purpose will the USA serve? Almost NONE! At that point China will be able
to consume Southern Asia and grow its food there instead where they have no winters, rebels? HAH! China is known for not giving a DARN about rights,
they just line you up and shoot if they want your land. About a month ago or so some US citizens were traveling to Tibet and came to a pass to witness
a group of about 30 or so Tibet refugees trying to get OUT of Tibet. Well the Chinese army showed up and formed a firing line so to speak and shot all
but 2 people: 1 monk and a little girl he grabbed and ran with. As for the citizens? They didnt touch them but just kept on going and didnt care, back
in the USA the media quietly "blipped" this out of existance.
WW3 might take on ground warfare but mostly its going to be: LAST MAN STANDING OVER THE WORLD RESOURCES WINS!
China is a grave threat to the world just like the bu#es, 2 groups who want total control and are willing to murder millions if not billions to
get it. As Dick Cheyney said: This is a war that shall not end in our lifetime. Yeah well my goal is to make at least 1 of the wars (here in the USA)
end before he dies so he can watch it all burn down in front of him.
I met a Tibetan Llama once (kind of a higher ranking priest for those non-buddists here) and he had this to say about Tibet and their defeat:
"Do not worry about Tibet, it is lost, worry more about the United States, you are next."
China isnt stupid, they wont charge into battle unless they have too, and when they do its overwhelming and winds up with total slaughter of the
enemy since they take no prisoners unless you have some of theirs. China NEEDS to control the USA since we USED to be manufacturers and also offer the
only real resistance to them. EU? HAHAAHHAHAAHAHA! THEY DISBANNED MOST OF THEIR ARMY AFTER THE END OF THE COLD WAR! 2 super powers left: USA and
China, China WILL WIN if bu#es keep giving them power, if we cut them off by rebuilding our economy and getting our factories back HERE not over in
China we stand a chance. They are just going to suck us up by dependance, so unless you want your great grandchildren to speak Chinese and find
English as the "forbidden language" which gets you shot I suggest you try and stop China, first stop buying stuff from them, next is to change govt.